
Miraculous Trio 益

Ever wondered what happens if Alya were to join the team permanently as Rena rouge? "Alya Césaire, you have been chosen to be in possession of the fox miraculous, I trust you would make use of this opportunity wisely. Be cautious, the possession of this miraculous could cause harm to your friends and loved one if Hawkmoth ever finds out your identity, do not for any reason reveal your identity to anyone, not even your friends and most importantly not your family, It's for the best. I'm very aware you film for your ladyblog therefore you'll be given an added feature in your flute during battle, which will enable audiovisual recording which could be altered in terms of height and scenes in other to edit our personal discussions out, while not giving away your identity. I believe this will be of help to you. You must guard your miraculous and your kwami at all cost, while not in use I'm sure you are aware of the camouflage mode which will make it easier to blend in. You must wear your miraculous at all times except in a dire situation that calls for removing or hiding it momentarily. As long as your miraculous is worn, your kwami will be with you at all times and remember your kwami needs to recharge her energy afterward as soon as you revert from your alter ego or want to transform within short periods of time". Stay safe and be discreet, Your friend & partner ? As soon as I finished reading it, the paper disintegrated instantly "so much for taking a lasting memory of Ladybug's writing- which seem to look like a familiar handwriting ~where have I seen that writing? It looks more like-". ~PS I don't own miraculous ladybug ? ✌ I would love if you could add this story to your reading list

Bloom759 · TV
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17 Chs

Changed Plans


"What came over me?" My voice muffled through the pillow I used hiding my embarrassment. I could only imagine Plagg ready for one of his sarcastic remarks.

"Adrien?!" Plagg called softly.

"I know you won, and I made a big fool out of myself" I grimaced as I had touched my cheek which still hurt, "or you want to say I told you so?"

"Well, yes and no" Plagg replied, "I didn't know it'll end this way, I'm sorry" at that moment I looked up at his sober face.

"Plagg it's not your fault but mine, I had thought if she couldn't get closer to me as Adrien, a part of me wished she would get closer to me as Catnoir, but I just blew my chance of that ever happening" I slumped back to my bleak mood.

"Adrien, what if I could change that, giving you another chance to speak with her?" he asked.

"That's impossible, unless-" I pulled his floating figure closer, " you know the identity of ladybug!!" my eyes wide in realisation.

"Uh, no I don't!!" He instantly replied, looking anywhere but me, whistling.

"For a black cat, you're not good at hiding your emotions well, spill!" I was getting impatient.

"What I mean to say is, I know her kwami and I know how to contact her" his eyes pleading I buy his excuse.

"Hmm, for an unlucky cat; you are getting some luck this night, I'll let this one slide for now" I gave him the benefit of doubt, "so how soon can you contact her kwami?" I asked playing along.

"Well, I could do so tomorrow, while you're at school, I'll contact her" he replied.

"Are you sure that'll be safe?" I wasn't liking the idea, but I needed to iron out my mess before it escalates.

"I know my way around" he said with a smirk, "so about the cheese you owe me" he rubbed his stomach, licking his lips.

"And here I thought, we were getting somewhere in our conversations, and then you brought in your stinking cheese" I held my nose, sticking out my tongue for effect.

"Hey that's my love you're talking about" Plagg protested, "so where is it?, you owe me my cheese remember, I want my cheese now!!" He yelled.

"Alright! Sheesh" I headed straight to my vault where I keep the Camembert.

*Knock* *knock*

"Who could that be at this hour?" Plagg whispered. "Maybe Nathalie" he suggested.

"Shh!, Hide" I pointed in the direction of my bookshelf as I tossed a slice of Camembert in his direction.

I opened my door slowly, "Father?!" being surprised was an understatement.

"Can I come in?" He looked at me with his usual stoic demeanor.

My eyes scanned my room fo affirm if Plagg was out of sight, "sure" I stirred from the door letting him in.

He seemed to be transfixed on a particular place in my room, I followed his line of sight which fell on my bookshelf.

That's not good

"Father, any news from aunt Amélie and my cousin Felix? I tried distracting him which seemed not to work as he advanced towards the shelf.

He stood in front of the shelf, looking intently at it, worry washing over me.

Had he seen Plagg? Oh no!

Before I could intervene, he reached out pulling out a book, one which brought memories, a green classic novel with a name written in gold bold letters EMILY.

His features seemed to soften as he studied the book, "You still kept this book, why?" For the first time he spoke, as his hands traced the letters.

"It's a memento of mom I don't want to let go" I shrugged. "Father? Is anything bothering you?"

"No, why do you ask?" He asked switching to his usual aloof manner, all traces of warmth gone as he placed the book where it had laid earlier.

"Nothing" I was a little disappointed, I really wished for once he would say he was thinking my welfare, how he had felt bad for the loneliness he's caused me.

"You'll have to skip school tomorrow as your next photoshoot will be done in England" he stated.

"But- father, I don't want to skip school, the classes I take are as important as my photoshoot" I protested. My friends are important to me than the photoshoot, but I couldn't say this out loud.

"I know your classes are important, that's why I have put Nathalie up for the task, she would be your private tutor as she had always been during the course of your trip" he countered.

"Yes Father" I reluctantly agreed as I drooped my head wistfully.

"Alright then, now that's settled, I'll be taking my leave; make sure to rest well, you'll need it" he walked out in slow strides.

How am I supposed to meet with Marinette?

"Phew! For a second there, I thought he had discovered where I was hiding" Plagg zoomed out of the his hiding spot.

"And now I'm off to England tomorrow, just great!" I replied flatly.

"Oh" was his only answer at first, "don't worry about it, I'll figure something out, it's getting pretty late, my cheese and I need some lucky sleep" he continued playing with the leftover cheese he had no time to finish until now *gulp*.

"Gross, since when do you ever get lucky?" I asked as my mood seemed to lighten up a little.

"Since I came up with a plan to resolve you and Marinette's issues sort of" he replied.

"If you say so smarty pants, I really need to sleep though, Goodnight Plagg" I said as I gradually drifted into sleep.

"Goodnight Adrien" he replied taking his place on my pillow.

Another weird chapter, I'm really battling with author's block here and it's quite hard to put in all emotions.

Please bear with me on this chapter

I made an edit on how the book for the description of the classic novel Adrien has in his possession would look like on my Wattpad account, if you would like to see it, that is

Please you could leave a review on my book or just a vote, thanks in advance


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