
Adrien x Akumatized for Entire Life! Reader

(A/n)- This was requested by . Go check them out! Thanks for reading!

"Aww, she's so adorab- wait... I-is that a butterfly symbol?"

You always had been strange. Magical powers thst would act on instinct and often times, they would get you in trouble. You were bullied, as every "freak" was, even though you saved countless of those people from harm's way.

You knew tou were born eith sonewhat of a gift. Though sometimes a raspy voice would appear and take over your entire body through your brain. It was scary.

"(Y-Y/n), p-please don't hurt me, but y-you have-" You cut the student off harshly. "What? An ugly face? Well, guess what. Yours isn't the most pleasant thing to look at either!" Your eyes raged and the usual purple mask came over your eyes.

"Show him how he made you feel."

That's when it went black. And you knew that when you "woke up", there would be chaos. And that's exactly what happened.

Cat was patrolling Paris and his eyes were alert. He was aware that there was an akuma in the city and he intended to get rid of it. "Oh, Kitty~"

He looked down to see the familar smile of his favorite person, (Y/n). He smiled a sweet smile and made his eay over to her. She was holding something in her hand and was smirking.

"Why, hello, Pur-"

He was cut off by the spritz of a sprayer. The water flew all over him and he hissed. "No! My one weakness! How did you know?"

"Ahaha! You're hilarious!"

After Cat had left you were tired and ready for bed. You expected him to be boastful and show off all his muscles again. But instead he waa very sweet ans you could even say...shy.

Your mom came into youe room a few minutes ago and woke up up. You, not feeling very energetic, put the first thing you saw on and walked out the door. And guess who was standing right there waiting for you.

I'll give gou a hint: His name rhymes with Bat. "Hello, M'lady~ I shall be-" You cut him off.

"Shut it, Cat . I have school."

You walked past him and smirked. If you loved messing with people Cat was your main victim. The expression on his face was priceless.

"What has gotten into you lately, (Y/n)? You used to actually enjoy my presence." You rolled your eyes and kept walking. You let him go on.

"I'm just trying to protect you. There's been an akuma for eho knows how long, you know?" He was shifting from worried to frustrated. You didn't want that but what could you do?

He's the superhero. Not you. At least, that's how you felt.

"That's sad. You can't even stop an akuma from wreaking havoc in the city?" That was the last straw. You were turned around suddenly and were facing Cat.

"Yrs, (Y/n). We can't even catch an akums. You wanna know why? Huh?"

You winced and shifted in his grip. You didn't respond which made Cat mad. "Because, (Y/n). I can't bear to have her possibly thrown in jail for what she's done. Because, (Y/n). I know...it's you."

His eyes were glossy with tears and he sniffed. You could only stare. "M-me?"

How could you possibly be the akums everyone was afraid of? You were practically a good two shoes! Almost...

"S-so you're telling me you didn't sven know?" You didn't know how to answer him. A simple, "Hey, you're wrong," would do but you knew that he was right.

I mean, he's crying.

But as you were about to speak a giant piece of rock came flying at y'all. Cat blicked it from hitting you. "(Y/n), what did you do?!"

Your eyes were wide. This wasn't your doing. This was another akuma.

More and more boulders came hurdling towards y'all and Cat fended them off. You knew he couldn't keep this up. But you didn't know what to do.

"(Y-" Cat was cut off by a boulder passing his staff and knocking him down. He groaned and struggled from underneath it.

"Cat! No!"

You ran to him and tried to pry the large object off of him. Your attempts were futile. "Give up now, Cat Noir! And give me your miraculous!"

You glared at the other akuma. You might be evil but you knew when to fight for the good guys. And this was that time.

You grabbed Cat's staff and threw it at the male. He dodged it and laughed. "Pathetic, little girl. You cannot defeat me!"

You growled and your face glowed with anger. He had hurt Cat. You charged at him with the staff and started beating on his armor.

"This is for hurting my man!" You whacked him with such force it dented the metal suit. "And this," you shouted as you beat repeatedly against his defense mechanism, "is for calling me a pathetic, little girl!"

With one final swing he was down and groaning in pain. You heaved large and heavy breaths. You rushed over to Cat and tried to move the boulder from over him.

"I-I'm so sorry, Cat. I-it's all my fault." He cupped your cheeks and gave you a small smile. "How could this paw-sibly be your fault, Purrincess? You saved the day. You're not a villain."

You started crying at his words. Was he really saying that or just trying to make you feel better? Then you felt it.

The bright, warm sensation of freedom. The world was so bright. It was beautiful.

You saw two akumas fly away with each other. You gasped and looked doen. The giant rock thst had been crushing Cat was gone. You smiled and huggrd him.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" He chuckled snd wrapped his arms around you. "All thanks to you, Princess."

"And I also heard you call me your man?"

"Shut it, Cat ."