
Miraculous Mistake

Marinette loses Tikki? ShadowMoth knows Ladybug's secret? Adrien Falls sick?? Is Paris in mortal danger as we know it?

Duncan_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Pt 2: Catnoir's Crime fighting Stretch


Catnoir held his staff and jumped over one building to another like an athlete, chasing after him, he called Ladybug but to no avail.

"Huh!?" He ducked the pigeons that swooped after him. "Hey, we're friends here!" He said cleverly.

Pigeon-man laughed "Friends you say? Very well then!"

Catnoir sighed trying to catch up with him, even trying to capture the Pigeon-man was a tiring. A beep on his ring attracted his attention. "Only one bar left,"

Plagg gulped a generous amount of cheese in the alley and Adrien looked concerned.

"Sorry Adrien, if I have to keep up with 'birdman' over there, I'm gonna need more," He waved a flipper and Adrien sighed releasing another piece.

"Where are you?" He whined looking skywards inbetween the buildings as if she would swing by.

"Come out Come out kitty cat!" He laughed.

Pigeon-man urged looking around as he stood over a floating swarm of pigeons crooning. He looked around and continued to terrorize the city.

"Well when the cats are away, the rats_oops pigeons will play! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Turning people into birds.

Ahh! Ladybug, help us!

They screamed panicking.

Plagg touched his chin "You know, if Ladybug were here, she'd probably tell you NOT to use your "Cat-aclysm" " He made air quotes and smirked.

Adrien's eyes widened and went pale "NO! It's probably not the right thing to do, gah, we're wasting time," He said in despair then tempered. "We'll just have to keep him busy, until then,"

Plagg's flippers dropped shaking his head "Oh boy,"

He put out his hand "Plagg! Claws out!"

He transformed brushing his ears and his stave elongated leaping over to Pigeon-man.