
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · Fantasy
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25 Chs

You got me Tripping (Bad pun)

Alya's alarm goes off. They both wake up.

" It's time to wake you have a trip today, " Alya's phone says.

Alya turns it off before it wakes up her family. They get up and brush their hair and teeth.

" I'm so excited, "Marinette says, " a whole week away from my parents and a whole week with my friends and boyfriend, "

" Since when are you this energized in the morning?" Alya asks.

" Don't get me wrong I'm exhausted, " Marinette clarifies, "I'm just happy, "

They finish getting ready and head out. Alya texts her parents they just left. They walk to school. They sit at the front of the school until the teacher comes. Adrian and Nino walk up to the school together.

" Good morning girls, " Adrian says.

" Good morning, " Marinette hugs Adrian.

" I didn't know you two had a sleepover, " Alya says.

" Well, it was last minute, " Nino says.

Mrs. Bustier walks up to the students.

" Good morning!" She says happily, " You four are early but it's better early than late, "

" Good morning, " the four of them say.

The teacher lets them in the school. They sit in the lunchroom waiting for other students. after a while, the other students come to the school. The teacher checks to make sure everybody is there.

" Since the star train station is a couple of minutes away we will be walking to the station, " The teacher says.

They walk to the station in four minutes. They get on the train and sit next to their partner.

" This train cart is only our class, but that doesn't mean you don't behave accordingly," the teacher states, " this train ride will be about two and a half hours, "

The teacher sits down.

"Can I get the aisle?" Marinette asks.

" Yes, I love the window seat, " Alya says.

Everyone sits down in their assigned rows. The train starts moving. after a while, Marinette falls asleep. Alya sneaks past Marinette. She walks up to the boys.

" Hey, Adrian do you mind switching seats with me?" Alya asks," I need to talk to Nino, "

" Yeah okay, " Adrian says.

He lets Alya sit-in his seat. He sits next to sleeping Marinette.

"She still must be tired from the Akuma last night, " Adrian thinks.

" Adrian, " Marinette mumbles in her sleep, " I love you will all my heart, "

" I love you too, " Adrian giver her a kiss on the forehead.

Adrian puts on his headphones. He realizes that she is going to lean to his side to he scoots to her. While Marinette's asleep she puts her head on Adrian's shoulder. Adrian puts his head on Marinette's head. He falls asleep there.

Alya sees them and shows Rose who is sitting behind her. Then all of the class sees but Mrs. Bustier ( that's what you get Mrs. Bustier 🤣). Lila, Kagami, and Luka see them and get low key ( not that low key) jealous. Kagami and Luka look at Lila.

" Phase two, " Kagami whispers.

Lila nods her head then gets up. She walks up to Marinette and almost taps her shoulder. Alya moves her away before she can do it.

" What do you need?" Alya asks.

" I'm getting nauseous and I know Marinette always has things for it, " Lila says.

" Well, as you can see she's asleep, " Alya says.

" I have something for that," Sabrina says, " It's just in my bag."

" Great, " Lila says.

She sits down and waits for her nausea medicine. Sabria gives it to her. She puts it in a tissue then her pocket. Alya takes a photo or two or three photos of them (It was definitely three). They stay like that for the whole rest of the trip. They get to their stop.

"Okay, class, time for us to get off the train, " Mrs. Bustier says, " The bus is already waiting for us, "

Adrian and Marinette wake up. Marinette is confused about why Adrian is next to her since she fell asleep next to Alya. She looks at where Adrian was sitting before and sees Alya.

"How was your cat nap, " Adrian asks.

" If this trip is gonna be full of puns I wanna leave, " Marinette says while getting up.

" I promise it's not, " Adrian says getting up.

The class gets off the train and gets on the bus that takes them to the hotel. When they arrive at the hotel they're already checked in so the head upstairs.

" This side is the girls, and this side is the boys," Mrs. Bustier explains, " and I'm in the middle, I don't want to see anyone on the wrong side at night, "

" Do we have assigned rooms too?" Kagami asks.

" No assigned rooms just assigned partners and sides of the floor, " Mrs. Bustier says, " since

The class goes to their side of the floor to unpack. Alya and Marinette go into their room they chose.

"I wanna go back to bed!" Marinette whines putting her clothes in the dresser.

" We can probably go to bed soon, " Alya says, "Since we had to be to school so early, "

" I hope so, " Marinette says.

They finish so they flip through channels.

" Oh my God!" Marinette says, "it's Sid the science kid, I haven't seen that since-"

"Since when?" Alya asks.

" Nevermind, " Marinette says, " What do you want to watch?"

" Oh okay, what about The Hustle, " Alya says, "I heard it's funny, "

Mrs. Bustier knocks on everyone's doors, " Meeting in my room, make sure you bring the notebook I said to bring, "

Everyone gets their notebook and goes to Mrs. Busier's room.

" We will go to The British Museum today, " Mrs. Bustier says," you will also be having to take note throughout the tour around the museum,"

" We will leave today at 11:30 so you guys can get time to rest," Mrs. Bustier says," it's still early since London is a whole hour ahead of Paris,"

Marinette writes down that they will leave at 11:30.

"I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say for right now," Mrs. Bustier says.

 Everyone leaves her room. Nino and Adrian follow Alya and Marinette back to their room.

" Didn't Mrs. Bustier say boys can't be on the girls' side and vice versa?" Alya asks.

" No, she said boys can't be on the girls side and vice versa at night," Nino says, " and its daytime,"

" We were just about to watch The Hustle, Alya heard that it's good," Marinette says.

" Cool, I haven't seen it either," Adrian says.

Marinette puts an alarm on her phone. The four of them watch the movie. Adrien and Marinette on Marinette's bed. Nino and Alya on hers. Marinette ends up falling asleep halfway through the movie. Marinette lays in front of Adrian. After a while, the movie ends.

" Why is she so tired?" Nino asks.

" I don't know," Alya says.

Adrian shrugs.

" I'm not asleep, I'm just resting my eyes," Marinette says.

" Does this place have Paris news?" Alya says flipping through channels.

"I'm pretty sure the news is the same everywhere," Nino says.

They turn to the news. Marinette gets up to get some water. She starts to drink her water.

"Don't be bemused, it's just the news. I'm Nadja Chamack," the news reporter says, " breaking news! A video posted last night states that Cat Noir and Ladybug are dating and have been for months,"

Marinette chokes on her water. Marinette and Adrian look at each other.

" Here is the video," the reporter says.

The video plays.

" Wait are you two dating?" Rena asks not showing her face in the video.

" Yes, we are," Cat Noir says, " me and bugaboo have been together for what? About 9 months,"

The video stops.

" This video was published last night on the website known as The LadyBlog," the reporter says, " Run by a teenage girl named Alya Cesaire,"

" My video is on TV!" Alya says.

"Ironically that was a whole month before the teenage fashion model Adrian Agrest announced his girlfriend and fellow classmate Marinette Dupan-Chang."

Adrian and Marinette talk in Mandarin.

"Rena Rouge asked us that question," Adrian says.

"Yes, I know," Marinette says.

" And she recorded it, how did she have her phone," Adrian says.

"When we transform we have phones just not our phones," Marinette says, "they're connected though,"

" How am I just learning about this," Adrian thinks.

They talk in English again. Marinette lays in front of Adrian.

Marinette's alarm goes off and says, " Get up! It's 11:00!"

Marinette sits up and hits Adrian's lip.

" Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Marinette says.

" It's okay but I have a cut on my lip. Can you kiss it better?" Adrian asks.

Marinette gives him a kiss, "Does that help?"

" I don't know, can you try again?" Adrian asks.

" We're still here ya know," Alya says, " We're leaving for The British Museum soon,"

" Right," Marinette says getting up.

She goes into her bag looking for a camera. After a couple of minutes, she finds it. They leave the room and wait for everyone else to come. 

" This is gonna be the best week ever, " Marinette says.

" I'm surprised you're not tired, " Adrian says.

" I had a good cat nap as you would call it, " Marinette says.

People start coming out of their rooms.

" Alright class I have one more thing before we leave," Mrs. Bustier says, " Everyone must join another pair for when you walk around the museum,"

" There will be one extra group who will be joining me and the rest of you are free to explore the museum on your own," Mrs. Bustier says, " There can be two boys and two girls, four boys or four girls in one group,"

Everyone finds a pair to join them and their partner. Adrian, Marinette, Alya, and Nino are in one group. The pair that ended up with Mrs. Bustier is Marc and Nathaniel. They go on the bus and go to the museum.

" We will meet back here at 2:30," Mrs. Bustier says, " today I'll keep it light so each group only has to focus on one thing,"

The class splits up. Marinette grabs a map from the front desk.

"Where should we go?" Marinette asks, "There's The Rosetta Stone, Parthenon Sculptures and things like that,"

" Parthenon Sculptures sounds kinda fun," Alya says.

" Oh! They also have a movie on the life of Queen Elizabeth ll," Marinette says.

" Well, when does it start?" Adrian asks.

"More importantly when does it end?" Nino asks.

"It starts at 12:30 and ends at 2:00," Marinette says.

" Do you guys want to do that?" Alya asks.

" Yeah," Adrian says.

"I agree with my dude," Nino says.

" Why not,'' Marinette says.

" Great!" Alya says, "where is it?"

"It's passed the Parthenon Sculptures then to the right,' Marinette says.

Marinette guides them to the showing. They get there and find the best spots to sit. After a minute or so an announcer speaks.

" Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Life Of Queen Elizabeth ll movie," the announcer says, " Please turn off all phones to not disrupt the movie."

They take notes while they watch the movie. The movie ends so they leave and head to the door.

" This day is going so fast!" Marinette whines, " It's already almost 2:30,"

" It's only the first day," Nino says.

" Yeah, we have six more days girl," Alya says.

When they get to the door they see Marc, Nathaniel, and Mrs.Bustier waiting for other groups.

" So, what did you kids learn about?" Mrs. Bustier asks.

" We learned about the life of Queen Elizabeth ll," Adrian says.

"We learned about Parthenon Sculptures," Mrs. Bustier says.

" That's cool," Marinette says.

The rest of the class comes so they leave. When they get to the hotel the teacher makes an announcement.

"Every other day there will be a free day when there is no work," Mrs. Bustier says," That means tomorrow is a free day,"

The class claps. They go into their rooms.

" Yes! A free day!" Marinette says.

"A whole day with our boyfriends," Alya says.

Marinette texts Adrian, " Hey, so, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Anything with you," Adrian texts back.

" What are you doing with Nino tomorrow?" Marinette asks Alya.

" We have to be at a restaurant at 6," Alya says.

"Meet me in my room at 6 tomorrow," Marinette texts.

" See you tomorrow 😘," Adrian texts.

Marinette and Alya watch movies. Marinette falls asleep leaving Alya awake hearing her sleep talk.

" Adrian," Marinette says in her sleep.

Alya pulls out her phone," I love it when she does this."

Alya records Marinette.  After a while, she stops and then falls asleep.