
Miraculous (M)

Miraculous_Writter · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Dare To End All Dares

the four of them sit in a circle. they have a bottle in the middle of them. Alya spins and it lands on Nino.

"Truth or dare, " Alya asks.

"Uh... Truth!" Nino says.

"Ok um, " Alya thinks, " Do you have a girlfriend?"

They look at him interested.

"No, I don't, " he says awkwardly.

Nino spins the bottle. It lands on Adrien.

" Truth or dare?" Nino asks.

"Dare!, " He replies instantly.

"Here we go!" Marinette thinks.

" Go do 7 minutes in heaven with Marinette, " Nino says.

Both Marinette and Adrian blush. Alya and Nino rush them up to Marinette's room and closes the door behind them. They sit on Marinette's couch.

Adrian asks, "What do you want to do?"

Marinette replies, " Me no care... I mean I don't care, "

Marinette thinks, "Kiss me!"

Adrian and Marinette scoot right next to each other. Adrian rubs her chin and turns her face to him. She can hear her heart beating again.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks her.

She thinks, " Yes, yes, yes, of course, you can!"

she actually says, "Oh... um sure."

He makes eye contact with her. They lean closer to each other. Then tiki pokes her head our of Marinette's purse and Plagg sticks his head out or Adrien's pocket. Marinette and Adrian didn't see since their eyes were closed since they were about to kiss. Plagg and Tiki see each other and realize who Ladybug or Cat Noir's real identities are. Since Ladybug and Cat Noir are not allowed to date Plagg tugs on Adrian's pocket from the inside. Tiki tries to make herself heavy so Marinette can stop.

Marinette and Adrian almost kiss until Plaggs hardest pull and Adrian leans away. Marinette does the same thing because of Tiki. They both are annoyed by their kwami but can't say anything to them.

Nino and Alya peek open the door and say, "Your time is up you two!"

Nino says, " It's your turn to spin Adrien, "

Adrian spins the bottle and it lands on Marinette.

"Truth or dare?" Adrian asks.

"Truth, " she replied.

"Give each of us three words to describe each of us, " he says.

"Okay... Nino is considerate, loyal, and persistent, " she says, "Alya is persistent and well organized, she is also easy-going. "

she says, " and Adrien is delightful to be around, full of life, and adorable, "

Truth or dare for a long time. when they check the time it's 11:39. They all start falling asleep with Nino and Alya first. Marinette goes into her room to talk to Tiki while Adrien is in the bathroom talking to Plagg.

Marinette rants to Tiki, " What was that about I was about to kiss Adrien and YOU pull me away, "

Tiki stands up for herself and says, "I'm sorry Marinette but you can't have a relationship right now since you just started being Ladybug!"

"You didn't tell me I would have to give up things!" She says.

"I know I know I'm sorry, but you can't change that now since you're already ladybug, " Tiki says.

In the bathroom where Adrian was, he was talking to plagg about the same thing. Adrien was irritated by plagg while he was giving him the same mini-lecture Tiki gave Marinette.

They both come out of the room they were in and go back into the living room. Where Nino and Ayla were sleeping.

Marinette goes to sit on the couch in her room. Adrian comes up and sits next to her. There is silence between them. Adrian struggles to say something

" I'm sorry about earlier, " Adrian eventually says, " I was being stupid like we almost kissed and I-I just-"

Marinette hesitates at first but she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

" I know, I was too, just between us I hope we can do that again without any interruptions, " she winks at him.

Adrian blushes and looks at Marinette. He puts her hair behind her ear, then he brushes her cheek. He kisses her. She was shocked at first but kisses him back. She wraps her arms around his neck. He wraps one of his arms around her waist.

They stop kissing and put a little space between them. Marinette can't believe that just happened. They smile at each other. Adrian kisses her on the head.

Neither of them are sleepy so they watch movies. Marinette grabs an extra cover for them to use. Marinette leans her head on Adrien's shoulder. Marinette remembers what Tiki said earlier but still wants to get Adrien to be her boyfriend. they fall asleep while watching their third movie.

In the morning Alya and Nino wake up. Once they realize that Adrien and Marinette aren't there they start looking for them. they go into Marinette's room and sees them on the couch.

Alya Immediately pulls out her phone and takes a picture before they wake them up.

After Alya wakes them up.

"It's time to get up love bugs!" Alya says.

Marinette hesitates, "We're not love bugs!"

Ayla laughs, " So Adrien is Marinette your girlfriend yet?"

Adrien replies instantly, "Of course she is, she is a girl and she is my friend, "

Marinette whispers under her breath, "Well, last night wasn't just friends, "

Alya hears her, "Oh what happened last night? You need to tell me while we get ready, "

Marinette is confused, "For what?"

"For school!" Ayla says.

"Oh yeah, " Marinette says

the girls stay in Marinette's to change and get ready for school while the boys do the same in the bathroom.

"So shat happened with you and Adrien.. so you guys ya know?" Ayla asks.

" No, no nothing like that, well something like that but not that!" Marinette says.

"Okay then, what happened?" Alya asks.

"We kissed!" Marinette says with excitement.

"No way! Alya says.

While the girls are getting ready the boys are too. The boys get ready rather quickly since they don't have to do their hair or their make up. The boys decide to listen to the girl's conversation. They hear Marinette tell Alya they kissed. Nino looks at Adrien.

" Just a friend huh?" Nino asks sarcastically.

The girls finally finish getting ready. The four of them head off to school together. When they get to school the teacher tells the students that they have to make a movie.

The teacher says, " The movie will have to have the whole class each person will have a part, "

The teacher says, " the parts are, Producer, Director, Scriptwriter, Actors, Makeup, and costume design."

The teacher explains, " I have a list of all of your names I will call at random and you say what part you want. "

The teacher calls out, " Adrien."

" Actor, " Adrien says.

The teacher calls, "Alya."

Ayla replies, "Scriptwriter."

After the teacher calls everyone's names she repeats to make sure she got everyone.

" Let me make sure I got everyone and that everyone has the right roles," the teacher says, "Marinette is the producer, Ayla is the scriptwriter, Adrien, Mylene, Ivan, Chloe, and Sabrina are actors/actresses, Nino is the director, Juleka, Rose and Alix are Makeup, lastly Max and Kim are costume design."

" Raise your hand if a didn't say your name, " she says after.

No one raises there hands. so the teacher explains that the movie will be a horror movie.

"We will start shooting the movie Thursday, it will go on for 3 whole weeks, " she says, " Alya you should start writing the script it should be about done by tomorrow but done by Thursday."

Alya pulls out her laptop and starts typing, " Already on it!"

"Marinette should make the roles and give them character aspects, Make sure to send it to Alya so she can write the script, " The teacher continues, " Max and Kim, make sure the costumes are done by Thursday!"

Max and Kim make a schedule to use for the rest of the week. The bell rings. Everyone leaves the classroom. Marinette waits for Nino and Alya.

They walk to Marinette's house. Marinette starts talking about her Ideas for the movie characters, but Nino and Alya aren't paying any interest. They are just talking to each other. Marinette gets interested on what is more important than a project that is 3/4 of their grade.

" What happened, why at you guys so... um... couply if that's even a word, " Marinette asks.

"we'll tell you when Adrien gets here, " Alya says.

"Well, I can't wait to see his faces when you tell us, " Marinette says.

"But also just Adrien's face," she thinks looking into the distance.

They finally make it to Marinette's house. They go into the bakery for some extra croissants. they go up to Marinette's house to put chocolate chips in them. Marinette brings them onto the porch above her room to look out at the Paris sky.

While Marinette is looking around. She sees Adrien at his photoshoot in the park. Marinette taps Alya rapidly to show her. It doesn't really matter to Alya. Marinette watches Adrien finish his photoshoot.

When Adrien finishes his photoshoot he looks up and sees Marinette. Marinette falls off her chair. when she gets back up she waves back. Adrian starts walking to her house. Marinette runs to the door already knowing he is not there yet.

She can hear him coming to the door so she stands by it. He knocks on the door but she doesn't open it right away so it doesn't seem like she was waiting for him at the door.

After a minute she opens the door. They smile at each other while she invites him in.

Marinette starts rambling, " Alya! Nino! come tell Adrien what you were about to tell me earlier. I hope we're gonna be so surprised when they tell us. you're probably gonna be surprised to find out what is going on with these two. Well, I am too... so. yeah"

Adrian giggles when be realized she is rambling.

"Okay, you two tell us what's going on that will make me so surprised? " Adrien asks.

" We are dating! We aren't bf and gf yet but we're testing the waters, " Alya says.

" Wait, but didn't you guys meet like yesterday?" Marinette and Adrien question.

"yeah but no at the same time but you kissed each other after only knowing each other for 10 hours, " Nino says.

" That's different you dared us, " Marinette defends herself.

"Nino told me that Adrien said you guys kissed after we went to sleep," Alya says.

Marinette looks, Adrien.

"Okay, okay I get it but how did you guys meet since you said you guys didn't really meet yesterday?" Adrien questions.

"You know the game mega strike three and how you can have friends and play online?" Nino asks.

They nod her heads.

"Well, that's where we met, we were talking and I told Nino I was moving to France and going to our school," Alya says.

Nino takes over, "And I told her how I live where she is moving to our school and we would see each other. but we didn't tell each other our real names just in case either of us was lying just to be safe."

Ayla continues, " so when you introduced us we didn't know until last night when I got a notification on my phone about mega strike three. "

Nino adds, " And I asked if she played and she said yes and I asked her username. "

Alya says eagerly, "And that's when we realized that we have been playing together for a whole year!"

"Wow!" Adrian says.

Marinette rambles again, " See I knew you were going to be surprised. Don't get me wrong, I was too. Don't you think this a story to remember?"

Adrian struggles to keep a straight face but does and nods his head slowly.

" I saw yall eating something from the park, what is it? It smells so good?" Adrian asks.

"Some croissants we got... Um, I mean, " Marinette stumbles on words.

"I think what she is trying to say is we got croissants, Marinette actually made these here, "Ayla winks at Marinette.

Alya hands him a croissant.

" Sorry guys but I'm pretty sure we have a lot to work on something for the project. I mean I have to make characters and give them to Ayla Which I will do by 8. Nino is probably going to work on his camera skills for shooting and Ayla has the script, " Marinette says.

" Adrian, what do you have to do? Alya asks.

"I have nothing really but I could help one of you guys!" Adrien says.

" We were planning on me recording videos of Alya while she works so I can get my skills up, so that means you could help Marinette, " Nino says.

Marinette's eyes widen.

"Yeah, you can help me will Characters, " Marinette requests.

Marinette and Adrien go to her room to work on it since Nino and Alya took over the living room. When they sit down on the mini couch Adrian doesn't say anything just looks at Marinette.

Marinette tries to break the silence, but gets cut off, "Let's start off with your character what should his name-."

I know there is a somewhat chief hanger but this chapter was getting way too long. hold y'all enjoy this!!

Miraculous_Writtercreators' thoughts