
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1561 Chs

-932- Lift your head

Watching Olga Marie standing on the windowsill of the sterile room, seemingly on the verge of despair, gazing at Mash lying inside, her whole body trembling, everyone present remained silent.

Despite her temper and arrogant demeanor, the director had her share of critics who disliked her.

Still, fundamentally, she wasn't a bad person. As a magus, willing to resort to any means, including inhumane actions, to reach the origin is something that wouldn't be condemned by anyone if it could achieve the ultimate goal.

This was one of the reasons Rozen despised magus so much.

However, Olga Marie wasn't that kind of person.

As a magus, this girl was somewhat naive.

She didn't reject killing but rejected indiscriminate killing.

She didn't resist research but resisted research without principles.

She didn't mind committing crimes but minded meaningless crimes.

She didn't care about effort but cared about unrecognized effort.

Such a naive girl in the world of magus would probably be ridiculed by many magus who thought she lacked maturity.

But it was precisely this immaturity that turned the chaotic Chaldea in the hands of the previous director into what it was now.

Roman had always told Rozen to let go of his resentment towards Chaldea and accept it for what it is. However, some negative legacies left by Chaldea still lingered.

Mash was one such existence.

Olga Marie had resolved to bear all of this. If she succumbed to self-abandonment, it was only natural.

Thinking back, when she learned that Mash had successfully become a Demi-Servant, Olga Marie's face remained pale. It was because she cared about this matter, feeling that her father had mistreated this girl, subjecting her to a tragic life.

In reality, Olga Marie was just a very timid ordinary girl. Her magical abilities were only inherited from her bloodline, and her efforts were never recognized.

Such Olga Marie continued to bravely bear everything, even if she felt pressured, refusing to yield to reality.

And that wasn't easy.

Especially when she took over the role of the director, and when Roman requested her to allow the only successful case of Heroic Spirit fusion, namely Mash, to have the freedom to move within Chaldea. At that time, this girl had let out a wail.

"Mash will definitely seek revenge on me! I'm sure one day I'll be cruelly killed in the bathroom! It will definitely turn out like this!"

Olga Marie had screamed like that.

Yet, even so, Olga Marie eventually acknowledged the value of Mash as a human, allowing her the right to move freely within Chaldea.

Despite Rozen and Olga Marie clashing during that time, Mash never harbored resentment towards Olga Marie. Mash even spoke well of Olga Marie when Rozen and Olga Marie argued.

However, at that time, Rozen, more childishly than Mash, never truly let go of these grievances against Chaldea. No matter what, Rozen's treatment within the past Chaldea wasn't any better than Mash's.

As a result, Olga Marie naturally feared Rozen, perhaps even more than she feared Mash.

After all, at that time, Rozen openly expressed his disgust towards Olga Marie. So, naturally, Olga Marie had to worry if Rozen truly harbored resentment against her and might act against her.

Of course, Rozen never had such thoughts.


"I know you're just the innocent person who accepted this facility and got stuck with a bunch of problems."

Rozen glanced at Olga Marie and spoke indifferently.

"So, all of this has nothing to do with you. I won't blame you."

This was Rozen's sincere statement.

Even during his rebellious phase in the past, he was well aware of this. He had refused to cooperate with Chaldea's arrangements but never thought of retaliating against Chaldea, let alone harming Olga Marie.

Or rather...

"You should be proud. You transformed this dirty observatory into what it is now. Mash, everyone in Chaldea, and I should thank you," Rozen said, gazing at Mash in the sterile room without turning back, expressing this heartfelt sentiment to Olga Marie for the first and only time.

"So, lift your head. You should feel proud," he added, without giving Olga Marie any time to react, then turned to Roman.

"Big bro," Rozen just said, "let me in."

Upon hearing this, Roman immediately shook his head.

"Not now," Roman said, "I know you really want to go in, but Mash's condition is still unstable. It's better to isolate her from any external contact for now. It's safer to stay in the sterile room."

"I know," Rozen nodded, saying, "Rest assured, I won't bring in any bacteria."

With that, Rozen extended his hand, as if conducting a solemn ceremony, snapping his fingers in a series of "snap, snap, snap."


Rozen's body suddenly emitted a faint light, as if immersed in ripples, swaying as if his whole person became transparent.

Rozen then performed a simple spell, not only completely purifying himself but also isolating all external contact.

Then, Rozen approached, opened the door to the sterile room, and entered.

This time, Roman didn't stop Rozen.

"Let them have a good talk."

Davinci said so, and Roman nodded.

In the end, even Olga Marie's expression changed several times as she looked at Rozen, who approached Mash, and her face turned melancholy.


Olga Marie questioned in her heart.

"Why did you bring such a fate to both of them?"

This question, no one could answer Olga Marie.

Olga Marie, along with Roman and Davinci, left the place, leaving the space for the two young people.


As soon as he entered the sterile room and approached Mash, Rozen immediately gently lifted Mash's hand and drew a Rune on her arm.

Moreover, it was the Primordial Rune.

The meaning of the Rune was—"Vitality."

Rozen utilized the power of the Primordial Rune that even the gods craved, providing vitality to Mash.


Suddenly, the Rune drawn on Mash's arm emitted a brilliant light.

The power surging out of the Rune not only gave vitality to Mash's body but also revitalized every cell within her.


Originally collapsed due to the rapid deterioration of her cells, Mash, after a low hum following the provision of ample vitality, relaxed her expression.

Then, Mash finally slowly opened her eyes.