
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1325 Chs

-883- [ Twenty-Eight Warriors ]

In the Ulster Cycle legend, Medb is not only a passionate queen but also known as the Mother of Soldiers, giving birth to numerous warriors. To defeat Cú Chulainn, she dispatched twenty-eight warriors, her own sons, but unfortunately, they were all defeated by Cú Chulainn.

Due to this legend, Medb possesses the ability to create strong and robust soldiers, not through childbirth. Using genetic information obtained from valiant warriors, she replicates it within her body. By cutting her fingertip with a blade and letting the blood drop to the ground, it transforms into a vast pool of blood, giving birth to powerful soldiers with the genetic factors of those warriors.

This unique ability is the reason behind the Celtic soldiers' exceptional combat prowess. Originally, there were limitations to this power, but with the assistance of the Holy Grail's power, Medb overcame those restrictions. She created millions of legions, quite literally a queen and ruler for countless nameless soldiers.

Before this, utilizing her innate abilities and the power of the Holy Grail, Medb produced formidable forces beyond human understanding.

"Come forth! Wyverns!"

Upon Medb's shout, the sky resounded with the roars of dragons from the distant horizon, gradually approaching.



Beneath the echoing roars, countless wyverns descended from the sky, resembling a swarm of locusts, covering the entire sky.


Mash widened her eyes.

"Medb, relying on the power of the Holy Grail, can now create even phantasmal species with her blood?"

Scáthach, too, frowned at the revelation.

Yet, that was the reality. With the power of the Holy Grail, Medb could create not only wyverns but much more.

"Come forth! The mightiest breed of dragons! Reveal yourselves!"

Medb shouted loudly.

From the distant sky, the terrifying sound of dragon roars shook the air.

Subsequently, Rozen and his group witnessed it.

From the high clouds, numerous colossal shadows descended.

In total, there were twenty-eight descending shadows.

They all had tough scales.

They all had massive bodies.

They had wings, claws, tails, and ferocious crocodile-like heads.

Indeed, they were all dragons.

"How is this possible...!?"

On the Argo, Iason, witnessing this scene, turned pale.

"Are... Are those real Dragonkind...!?"

Medea expressed panic.


Atalante's expression turned extremely unpleasant.

Except for the Servants currently in fierce battle, everyone else witnessed the descent of twenty-eight colossal dragons from the sky, and all of them showed expressions of fear.

Including Rozen, whose complexion also changed instantly.

As an expert in summoning, how could Rozen not see through this?

The dragons before them were all authentic Dragonkind, the most powerful existence among Phantasmal Species.

Of course, these dragons were not like Françoise's Fafnir, divine beasts that even top-tier Servants would struggle to defeat. Nevertheless, they were undoubtedly genuine Dragonkind, not like Wyverns, a lesser kind.

These dragons, even if not divine beasts, were still on the level of Phantasmal Beasts!

Phantasmal Beasts!

Creatures that could rival some powerful Servants!

And now, twenty-eight of such Phantasmal Beasts descended together!

"Ahahaha! Can you see it!?"

Standing on her chariot, Medb laughed loudly.

"These are my masterpieces! Twenty-eight new warriors created within my body using the power of the Holy Grail!"

Hearing Medb's words, those who were quick-witted understood.

"She incorporated the concept of 'Twenty-Eight Warriors' into the Holy Grail, then used the Holy Grail's power to create twenty-eight dragons...!?"

Scáthach mumbled, realizing something.

This was probably the truth.

Medb, who had given birth to twenty-eight warriors in the past, now, with the power of the Holy Grail, reconstructed genetic factors and warrior concepts within her body, transforming the twenty-eight warriors into twenty-eight dragons.

Considering this, Medb managed to create numerous Wyverns and twenty-eight true dragons.

This was the Celtic faction's trump card.

Now, each of the twenty-eight dragons led a vast number of Wyverns, descending from the high sky.

"Ravage! Destroy! Crush everything that disobeys me!"

Medb issued these high-spirited instructions to the "children" in the sky.



In the high sky, the twenty-eight dragons roared in unison, along with numerous wyverns. The dragon roars transformed into explosive shockwaves, resonating through the air.

Then, the malevolent dragons began their onslaught.


Countless wyverns simultaneously spewed flames, thundering onto the ground. Explosions and fiery winds expanded across the land, raising a tremendous roar.

Dragon tooth warriors were incinerated in the fiery dragon breath.

The Celtic warriors were equally unable to escape, caught in the onslaught. They either turned into charred corpses or were blasted away on the spot.

In an instant, the entire battlefield turned into a sea of fire, explosions, and flames everywhere.

Numerous wyverns hovered over the battlefield, continuously breathing fire downward, incinerating everything and destroying all.

Naturally, the twenty-eight dragonkind also unleashed havoc.

Some dragons, together with the wyverns, spewed their breath.

However, their breath, compared to the wyverns, was significantly more potent.

While wyverns could at most release exploding fireballs, the dragons emitted flames resembling bundles capable of scorching the entire earth. Each strand was enough to cover a hill, bombarding the land repeatedly, making the earth tremble and the sky wail.

Other dragons were chasing after the Argo.



Four dragons, as if displeased with the flying Argo, roared angrily while pursuing.

"Aaahhh! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Jason was already screaming, steering the Argo with unprecedented agility, dodging the dragon breath and collisions in a thrilling escape.

Medea and Atalante were continuously attacking the dragons but had little effect.

The remaining dragons, under Medb's command, began to attack Scáthach and Mash.


Mash wanted to rush to Rozen's side but was surrounded by three dragons, unable to break free, only able to raise her shield to barely defend herself.

"Seven of them? She really thinks highly of me!"

Scáthach, pursued by seven dragons' breaths, calmly tightened her grip on her newly recovered spear. She leaped incessantly, evading bundles of fire projectiles.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

For a moment, the entire battlefield was filled with the thunderous roar of explosions.

As for Rozen...

"So, there's no one left to protect you."

Cu Chulainn stood in front of Rozen, a sinister smile on his face.

"What are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, Rozen's face darkened, and his eyes flickered with cold light.