
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1358 Chs

-806- Lethal!

"Reverse-Summoning System activated."

"Commencing Spiritron transfer."

"Three seconds remaining until Spiritron transfer."

"Countdown initiated."




"Full procedure completed."

"Mission name—〈Grand Order〉—commencing."

When these mechanical-like notification sounds entered Rozen's ears, even his mind, he felt as if a vortex of light appeared before him, allowing him to traverse within.

In this familiar setting, Rozen quickly assessed his current state, fully immersing himself in the Spiritron transfer, an action that was no longer a first-time experience.

In this situation, Rozen only felt the vortex-like halo of light in front of him suddenly flicker, revealing the scenes of another era.

Once he processed it, Rozen realized that the Spiritron transfer had been successfully completed.

"Is this the North American continent in the year 1783?"

Rozen surveyed his surroundings.

Around him was an extremely dense forest emitting a stifling heat.

Rozen lightly waved his coat, scattering a bit of fire powder.


"The Spiritron transfer has been successfully completed, Senpai."

Mash appeared beside Rozen.

Unlike at Chaldea, the present Mash had already equipped her shield and wore combat attire.

Observing Mash like this, Rozen couldn't help but admit,

"No matter how many times I see it, I still think this outfit is too revealing."

Rozen sighed.

"This is for the sake of convenience in battle, so it can't be helped."

Mash blushed slightly, subconsciously encircling herself with her arms, as if wanting to shield Rozen's view, twisting and turning.

This Mash had no idea that her actions not only failed to serve the purpose of concealment but, due to the encircling of her arms, accentuated her ample assets, making her figure more voluptuous, tantalizing anyone who laid eyes on it.

(That figure is lethal.)

Rozen almost reflexively covered his nose.

If he didn't do this, Rozen was genuinely worried that he might suddenly spew some forbidden red liquid.

And at that moment,

"Thump, thump!"

Rozen's heart suddenly beat forcefully.


The abnormality in his body made Rozen's expression change slightly, and he instinctively covered his heart.


Mash's expression tightened, and she quickly approached, supporting Rozen.

On Mash's shield, a white creature jumped down.

"Fou! Fou!"

Fou called out to Rozen while preparing to rush over.


"No need, Fou. I'm already fine."

Rozen reached out, stopping Fou's actions.

Within him, a warm stream emanated from the exquisite ring on his left hand, flowing gently. Each movement of the stream lessened Rozen's bodily anomalies. After several flows, all the abnormalities disappeared.

This was the contribution of Gyokuto.

In the eyes of others, the effect of the coat transformed by Kinu was extremely noticeable and significant, making it impossible to ignore.

In contrast, the ring transformed by Gyokuto was inconspicuous and known to very few because it affected the internal rather than the external. This was akin to the situation with the two curse tool once owned by Tsuchimikado Yakou—Raven's wing and Moon Wheel. One was renowned in the world of Onmyodou, known to everyone, while the other was known only to a select few. The reason lay here.

However, compared to the coat transformed by Kinu, the ring transformed by Gyokuto was equally helpful to Rozen. It not only provided immunity against various direct attacks on the body and mind but also alleviated side effects from spells. It enhanced abilities like Spirit Vision, Heaven's Eye, and Mind's Eye, amplified Rozen's magical power, reduced magical consumption, accelerated magical recovery, and even had alerting capabilities. Although invisible to others, Rozen felt the effects clearly.

Now, with the inconspicuous assistance of Gyokuto, Rozen's bodily anomalies were directly eliminated.

This had also occurred in the previous three Singularities.

Rozen silently thanked Gyokuto in his heart, then lifted his head and looked at the sky.

There, a gigantic halo, dreamlike in nature, sat in the high sky, emitting an unimaginable atmosphere.

"As expected, there's one here in this Singularity too."

Rozen narrowed his eyes.

With this, aside from the Singularity in Fuyuki, all the Singularities from the first to the fifth were confirmed to have this mysterious halo.

And, just as always, Rozen resonated with it.


"In this Singularity as well, there's no presence of a Demon God Pillar."

Rozen sensed it slightly and made this confirmation.

Because Rozen had a peculiar sensitivity to Demon God Pillars, like the one named Lev.

Although he didn't know the reason, Rozen could confirm that, except for the first Singularity, Demon God Pillars hadn't come out to act in the other Singularities up to this point.

"What could be the reason for this?"

Rozen sank into contemplation once again.


Mash finally spoke up again, her tone carrying a hint of concern.


Even Fou called out, seemingly worried about Rozen.

"I'm fine now."

Rozen smiled at the human and creature duo, withdrawing his gaze from the halo in the high sky and suppressing the various thoughts and doubts in his heart.


At this moment, the communicator in Rozen's hand suddenly lit up, projecting the scene inside Chaldea's command room.

"It seems everything went smoothly."

Olga Marie appeared in the form of an owl, standing on the director's seat, which seemed somewhat comical.

"My body is also fine. There was a momentary significant increase in heartbeat just now, but it has already returned to normal," Roman reported on the screen, his expression somewhat serious.

"So, the mysterious large halo appeared on your side too?" Da Vinci appeared as well, making an inquiry.

"Yes," Mash immediately reported seriously, "The Spiritron transfer went smoothly, but Senpai's body resonated just now. Did Chaldea observe anything related to this?"

To this question, the three in the command room successively sighed with resignation, making it clear that an answer wasn't necessary.

However, this was already a common occurrence.

"In any case, let's investigate the current Singularity first," Olga Marie said. "We'll keep a close watch here and provide support promptly. Be careful in your exploration."

"Don't push yourselves too hard," Roman looked at Rozen and added, "If you notice any abnormalities in your body, make sure to report to me immediately."

"Got it, big bro," Rozen shrugged, but still acknowledged.

"Well, good luck then," Da Vinci, maintaining her casual demeanor, wished them well.

Then, the communication was cut off, and the projection disappeared.


Fou jumped onto Rozen's shoulder, settling there.

"So, how should we proceed next, Senpai?"

Mash looked at Rozen, waiting for instructions from her reliable and intelligent Senpai.

Just as Rozen was about to say something,


Both Rozen and Mash's expressions changed simultaneously.