
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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-804- The still unknown

During this half-month period, while Rozen dedicated himself to repairing the Singularities, he continually indulged in greedily absorbing knowledge during his rest or idle times.

Absorbing knowledge of magecraft.

To ensure the prolonged and robust continuation of human history, Chaldea, originally a fusion of magic and science, gathered researchers from various fields in its research and observation institute.

Although 70% of Chaldea's funding came from the Animusphere family within the Mage's Association, where Olga Marie belonged, when it came to magical knowledge, Chaldea was undoubtedly second only to the Mage's Association. In fact, in terms of technology, it surpassed the Mage's Association.

In the past, Rozen had visited Chaldea's library many times to read various books, which contributed to his extensive knowledge and scholarly prowess. However, at that time, due to having complete knowledge of summoning arts throughout history, Rozen didn't pay much attention to Chaldea's collections in the field of magecraft.

Regardless, Rozen possesses comprehensive knowledge of "Heroic Spirit Summoning," enabling him to achieve the miracle of summoning Heroic Spirits single-handedly. Furthermore, he has knowledge of "Divine Spirit Summoning," which is considered impossible to achieve in this era.

If Rozen were willing to reveal even a hint of this knowledge, the Association's so-called prestigious families, and even major noble families like the Animusphere, would spare no expense to exchange for it. They might even resort to any means necessary to obtain this knowledge.

This is not an exaggeration at all; it's entirely possible.

Consider this: even Chaldea hasn't perfected the Heroic Spirit Summoning system, and yet it serves as humanity's safeguard with just that knowledge.

The Animusphere family alone invested seventy percent of its funds for this cause. Countries worldwide are closely monitoring Chaldea, establishing laws and regulations for Spiritron transfers, and Rozen holds in his mind a complete knowledge of this ancient and mysterious system.

How can magus not go mad for such treasures, especially when considering the Heroic Spirit Summoning, let alone the various mysteries of systems like the Divine Spirit Summoning? Each of them is a priceless gem capable of driving magus into complete frenzy.

In comparison, Chaldea, despite having a rich store of magical knowledge, couldn't match the primary magical resources passed down by those large families and aristocrats in the Mage's Association.

Moreover, even these large families and aristocrats had limited capabilities in achieving mysteries in this era, where the mystical was gradually fading. How could they compare to Rozen's terrifying knowledge, which could be traced back to the Age of Gods and even earlier?

In such a situation, it's understandable that Rozen would not be interested in Chaldea's magical knowledge. In the past, he had only acquired a Gandr for self-defense, but he had rarely used it in decades of his life.

Frankly speaking, compared to the knowledge in Rozen's mind, although this knowledge was not entirely useless, it was not enough to entice Rozen.

However, in the fourth Singularity's London, Rozen had once visited the Association in the 19th century.

The Association's headquarters, serving as its main branch, had its Clock Tower located in London. Due to the events of the magical fog incident, it had long turned into ruins.

However, a vast amount of magical knowledge remained preserved underground in the Clock Tower. Rozen eventually found it and swept it all into his mind, becoming a part of Rozen's extraordinarily rich knowledge.

Since then, Rozen has developed an interest in Chaldea's library and has been constantly absorbing various magical knowledge lately.

Given that he has already mastered the Mind's Eye at the Divine Realm level, elevating Rozen's comprehension and insight into the mystical to an astonishing level, he can smoothly and rapidly use various spells. If he doesn't make good use of this ability and strive to master a variety of magic and spells, it would be a bit of a waste.

In summary, Rozen's magical knowledge in his mind is quite extensive now, comparable to, if not surpassing, his knowledge of spells, although both are essentially rooted in the same origin.

However, as Rozen continues to learn and understand magic, he becomes increasingly puzzled.

"Why did King Solomon, hailed as the Mage King, want to destroy human order?"

The deeper Rozen delves into magic, the more he realizes that the ultimate path of magic is the study and mastery of mysteries, rather than simply using it as a power.

As the king of magic, King Solomon is not celebrated as a powerful figure but rather as a sage, indicating this point.

It's not that Solomon isn't powerful; rather, as a magus, the pursuit of magic is not for the sake of becoming stronger.

In contrast to modern magus, whose ultimate goals vary—some take pride in knowledge, bloodline, talent, or research achievements—almost no magus takes pride in power.

Given this, Solomon, as the King of Magic, has reasons for the destruction of human order. The question of why is what Rozen is contemplating.

Of course, Solomon has yet to appear, with only Lev claiming to be one of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods and serving a king. Whether this is true remains to be seen.

So, Rozen is genuinely puzzled by the absence of attacks from the Demon God Pillers or interference from the Mage King in the second, third, and fourth Singularities.

Could it be that the true mastermind behind all this is not King Solomon after all, but someone else?

And also,

"What is the halo that keeps appearing above each Singularity?"


The halo that once appeared above the first Singularity in France has appeared in the other Singularities as well.

Moreover, Rozen has resonated with that halo as usual, causing abnormalities in his body.

However, starting from the second Singularity, Rozen's body no longer requires Fou's assistance to adjust; instead, under the blessing of Gyokuto, it feels as if a warm stream is flowing through, completely eliminating the anomalies.

But even so, the secret of the halo has never been unveiled. Chaldea has been unable to analyze anything, only observing the gathering of a large amount of heat and energy.

All of this has made Rozen somewhat concerned.

To the point where Rozen can't help but wonder,

"Are these three Singularities being resolved too smoothly?"

Is this the result of his truly enhanced abilities? Or is something unusual happening?

Or perhaps both?

Rozen thus falls into contemplation.


Not long after, Mash's voice wakes Rozen up, prompting him to look ahead.

There, everyone in Chaldea is looking at him.