
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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-612- You are my Shikigami

"A branch family... housing the spirit of the ancestral fox, Kuzunoha...!?"

In this moment, Natsume was utterly stunned.

Not only Natsume, even Suzuka was dumbfounded.

"This... This has to be a joke...!?"

Suzuka couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment.

The meaning of "housing the spirit of the ancestral fox Kuzunoha" was certainly not something the two girls considered to be a simple act of reverence.

Considering the grave expression on Tsuchimikado Takahiro's face, the true meaning of this statement was likely as follows.

"Just like the main family passes down the guardian beast of the true dragon through generations, our branch family also inherits the spirit of the fox."

Tsuchimikado Takahiro revealed this unknown secret in front of everyone.

"While it's unclear whether the fox spirit is indeed the Kuzunoha, she is undoubtedly an immensely powerful spiritual entity. She has never agreed to become a Shikigami, only accepting offerings from the branch family. Hence, outsiders have no idea that the branch family houses the fox spirit, and almost no one has ever wielded the power of the fox spirit."

Given this, others were completely unaware of this hidden aspect of the Tsuchimikado family.

"Of course, in history, a few branch family members have utilized the power of the fox spirit."

Tsuchimikado Takahiro stated, looking directly at Natsume and articulating each word.

"By becoming a living spirit."

A living spirit.

Meaning a human who acted as a vessel, with a core that allowed them to maintain their self-consciousness while being possessed by a spiritual entity.

In the history of the branch family, several individuals had allowed the fox spirit to possess them, becoming living spirits by using themselves as vessels.

Through this method, they were able to wield the power of the fox spirit, becoming formidable entities.

Now, with Tsuchimikado Takahiro revealing this, the implications were clear.

"If you want to gain power, perhaps you can try this method."

Tsuchimikado Takahiro mentioned this calmly.

However, leaving Natsume aside for now, Tsuchimikado Chizuru immediately voiced her opposition.

"No! It's too dangerous! I don't agree!"

Tsuchimikado Chizuru spoke up without hesitation.

"No way.

You see, while living beings can harness the power of the spiritual entities within them, there's also the possibility of being consumed and falling under the control of the entity.

After all, the essence of all spiritual entities ultimately boils down to a restless calamity. Being possessed by them is definitely not devoid of danger.

Precisely because of this, even though the branch family reveres the fox spirit, very few choose to become living spirits. Only a handful have made that choice.

However, one have to admit, if one succeeds, they can certainly attain immense power.

It's not an ordinary fox, it's a fox spirit.

I fear that in terms of power and potential, it might even rival a true dragon like Hokuto.

Moreover, if the entity is indeed the ancestral fox Kuzunoha, then its level is only surpassed by beings revered as gods, like Phase 5.

Thinking about this, Natsume couldn't help but hesitate.

Seeing this, Tsuchimikado Chizuru became even more anxious.

"Don't agree to this, Natsume! It's really too dangerous!" Chizuru, filled with motherly concern, advised Natsume while glaring at Tsuchimikado Takahiro. She then turned to Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi for support. "You feel the same, right, Yasuzumi?"

Hearing Chizuru's words, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi furrowed his brow and pondered for a moment before responding.

"If this is Natsume's decision, I won't object."

Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi replied impassively.


Tsuchimikado Chizuru was immediately infuriated.

Seeing this, Natsume became calm.


"Dad." Natsume turned his gaze towards Tsuchimikado Takahiro, speaking resolutely. "Please agree to pass on the fox spirit revered by the branch family to me. I'm counting on you."

Natsume bowed in request to Tsuchimikado Takahiro.

Seeing Natsume like this, Chizuru was left speechless, and Tsuchimikado Takahiro sighed.

"Have you truly made up your mind?"

Tsuchimikado Takahiro made one final confirmation.


Natsume nodded firmly.

This made Tsuchimikado Takahiro also nod.

Just as Tsuchimikado Takahiro was about to agree, Suzuka, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

"If that's the case, then turn me into a living spirit too."

Suzuka said these unexpected words.


Natsume was stunned.


The others were equally surprised.

In this situation, Suzuka struggled to conceal her unease but still smiled forcefully, making her declaration.

"If Natsume chooses to become a fox, then I choose to become a Ogre."

Saying this, Suzuka produced something and displayed it in front of everyone.

It was that dark, swirling miasma.

"What is this...!?"

Seeing this dark miasma, Natsume widened his eyes, and the three members of the Tsuchimikado family changed their expressions drastically, staring at it intently.

To this, Suzuka nonchalantly spoke.

"This is something like a byproduct created during that guy's ritual, a distorted calamity formed into a Ogre-like entity due to the influence of the spiritual disaster at the time. However, it seems to have become so weak, probably due to certain circumstances, that I can only barely determine it as a Ogre-type calamity."

Suzuka tightened her grip on the mass of miasma in her hand and spoke, as if brushing aside any doubts.

"If, according to your explanation, that guy conducted a true Divine Descent ritual and successfully summoned the spirits of Kinu and Gyokuto, then this Ogre is undoubtedly a major figure with a connection to Kinu and Gyokuto. Even if it's weak now, if it were to possess me, it should quickly regain its strength. At that point, it shouldn't lose even to the likes of Kuzunoha, right?"

A confident smile appeared on Suzuka's face.

To sum it up, there was no need for further explanation about what Suzuka wanted to do.

"So, you want to have the fox spirit possess Natsume?" Suzuka said unabashedly, "Then let this Ogre possess me."

That was what Suzuka wanted to do.

Everyone present was rendered speechless.

"You... Are you crazy?" Natsume's complexion changed drastically. "This is a Ogre!"

What's a Ogre?

A Ogre is humanity's enemy.

In Natsume's case, while possessing the fox spirit posed a danger, at least the entity wouldn't be aggressively trying to consume Natsume's sense of self and make her fall into darkness.

But a Ogre is different. It would absolutely be constantly trying to devour the host's soul, occupy their body, and manifest itself.

Therefore, while living spirits existed in this world, the spirits of Ogre were extremely rare, precisely for this reason.

Now, Suzuka actually wanted to become a Ogre's living spirit. Wasn't that madness?

"To be honest, I think I might be crazy too."

A self-deprecating expression surfaced on Suzuka's face, but this time, it was more about struggle and resolve.

Then, Suzuka spoke like this.

"But if we want to confront Yase-Doji, if I don't do this, I won't stand a chance."

The Yase-Doji referred to by Suzuka was naturally Yashamaru.

"Since I've already prepared to oppose the Onmyou Agency, then I must face that guy," Suzuka gritted her teeth and murmured, "I can't do this without going all out."

Suzuka chose to become a Ogre's living spirit for this reason.

Ironically, Yashamaru was also a Ogre.

"So, if I don't become a Ogre, I won't be able to defeat him."

Suzuka used this reasoning to convince herself and make this decision.

This left Natsume with nothing to say.

The three members of the Tsuchimikado family watched this scene, seemingly experiencing a myriad of emotions, but they didn't seem inclined to interfere.

"If you've made up your minds, then I won't say anything more," Tsuchimikado Takahiro reassured them. "Rest assured, although I'm just a countryside onmyoji, I've dealt with living spirit issues before. I'll do my best to ensure you don't fall."

Tsuchimikado Takahiro made this promise.

"Whatever! I don't care about you guys anymore!"

Tsuchimikado Chizuru opened her mouth but ultimately gave up trying to persuade them, showing her frustration.

"Your paths are for you to choose."

Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi also didn't say much, simply expressing it that way.

Thus, on this day, Natsume decided to become a fox, and Suzuka decided to become a Ogre. To master these two powers, both of them were destined to undergo rigorous training and effort.

The figure outside the cabin, watching this process, slowly disappeared from the spot, leaving.


Inside the cabin, a three-legged crow scattered with glittering sparks silently flew out and effortlessly traversed the surrounding barriers, flying into the sky.

The next moment, the three-legged crow transformed into a cloak, allowing the user who wore it to appear in mid-air.

The individual overlooked the cabin below, seeming helpless yet resigned, muttering to themselves.

"Since this is your choice, as your master, I can only support you."

This person was Rozen.

Perhaps the members of the Tsuchimikado family had never imagined that Rozen had already arrived.

Rozen arrived here just when Natsume and Suzuka made their choices, which is why they didn't sense Rozen's arrival.

Thanks to this, Rozen didn't need to intervene in their decisions.

"Anyway, something interesting is happening here."

Rozen raised the hand wearing "Miracle."


The golden ring worn on it emitted a faint glow.

This was a kind of reminder.

As long as someone from a world connected by "Miracle" urgently needed Rozen to return, calling for him from the bottom of their heart, "Miracle" would show this response.

Roma had once evaluated Rozen this way, right?

"Capable of summoning various familiars and even being summoned by various worlds — The Miracle Summoner."

Because of this, Rozen could travel across worlds with peace of mind, without worrying about Chaldea suddenly being destroyed. It was also because of this that Rozen could stay in this world without worrying, otherwise, he might have returned to the world of Sword Art Online because he was worried about Asuna and Yui's situation.

Now, in the worlds Rozen has visited, there is someone in urgent need of him and calling for him.

In that case...

"It's a good opportunity."

Rozen looked down at the cabin.

"Looking forward to meeting you again when you've completely changed."

"Don't forget."

"You are my Shikigami."

Leaving these words behind, Rozen transformed into a three-legged crow and soared into the sky.


Not long after, a channel of light appeared there, allowing the three-legged crow to fly into it, disappearing from this world.