
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1368 Chs

-1301- The unexpected change


As the match time approached, Ikki still had not appeared. Everyone fell silent, and the tension in the air grew palpable.

There was no choice.

If Ikki didn't arrive on time, it would be a significant problem.

This match was extremely important for Ikki. If he couldn't make it on time, he would be disqualified, lose his chance to participate in the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, and miss the opportunity to become the Seven Stars Sword King. This would mean he couldn't graduate from Hagun Academy with a formal Mage-Knight license.

If that happened, Ikki's dream of becoming an excellent Mage-Knight would be shattered.

Although missing this year's Seven Stars Sword Art Festival wasn't the end of the world, as he could try again next year, no one knew what the situation would be then.

Perhaps next year, Shinguji Kurono wouldn't be there, and the academy would start discriminating against Ikki again.

Perhaps the representatives wouldn't be selected through matches but by their ability values again.

If that happened, Ikki would have a hard time graduating.

Therefore, this year was a golden opportunity for Ikki. Missing it could lead to lifelong regret.

Ikki would definitely not miss the match and would surely arrive in time.

But now, Ikki had yet to show up.

Was he merely running late, or was it that he couldn't arrive at all?

As this thought crossed their minds, the tension only intensified.

"Shizuku," Stella couldn't help but ask, "Is Kurogane-san really alright?"

"Of course," Shizuku replied without hesitation. "Onii-sama will definitely make it in time. Definitely."

Though she said this, the tension in the air proved that Shizuku was also worried.

Could it be...

"In these last days, it's not impossible that Kurogane might not have held out and was slain by Attila."

Rozen nonchalantly dropped this bomb.

"I can't be!"

Stella hesitated, unsure.

"Of course not!"

Shizuku glared at Rozen, firmly denying it, though it was unclear if she was genuinely confident or just reassuring herself.

Rozen shrugged and said no more.

Stella and Shizuku also fell silent.

Time ticked by.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting! The most anticipated match of the day between first-year Kurogane Ikki and second-year Shizuya Kirihara will begin in ten minutes! The arena is packed with spectators! Let's look forward to the upcoming excitement!"

The announcer's voice echoed in the Fourth Training Field, informing Rozen and the others of the remaining time.

"Only ten minutes left...!?"

Stella couldn't hide her anxiety.


Shizuku finally showed her worry.

During the selection battles, participants were required to arrive five minutes early. If they hadn't arrived five minutes before the match, the committee would discuss whether to disqualify the late participant or reschedule the match.

Considering the committee members had been bribed by the Kurogane family, if Ikki was late, the match would not be postponed. He would be disqualified and miss this year's Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.

Hence, Ikki couldn't afford to be late.

Only five minutes left.

Five minutes remaining.

If Ikki didn't show up in five minutes, it was over.

"Could he really be..."


Stella and Shizuku grew more anxious.



Rozen suddenly looked up, his eyes flashing, a smile forming on his lips.

Because Rozen sensed it.

He sensed Altera, in her spirit form, returning to his side.


"So you're all here?"

A voice startled Stella and Shizuku, making them turn abruptly toward it.

They saw a figure that had appeared out of nowhere.

Wearing a tattered school uniform.

Covered in dust and dirt.

With a faint scar on his face.

Eyes gleaming sharply.

It was...


Shizuku cried out joyfully.

It was Ikki.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Ikki, looking somewhat battered and dirty, smiled warmly at them.



Stella held her breath.


Rozen raised an eyebrow.

Both sensed a completely different aura from Ikki.

It wasn't the usual gentle, hardworking, and courageous Ikki. This aura resembled a seasoned warrior's, exuding a subtle pressure.

Moreover, Ikki emitted a faint, stinging sword aura.

This aura was both sharp and dangerous, reminiscent of Edelweiss.

Only Shizuku, who seemed accustomed to this change, smiled.

"Onii-sama! You're finally back...!"

Shizuku cried tears of joy.

Only when facing Ikki did Shizuku's emotions become so intense.

In contrast, Ikki wasn't the least bit anxious. He even casually patted Shizuku's head.

"Sorry for making you worry."

Although he felt different, Ikki's personality still seemed as gentle and kind as ever.

There was only one difference.

In Ikki's eyes, there was a newfound confidence and sharpness that hadn't been there before.

"Well, I'd better get going. We can talk after the match."

Ikki said.

"Are you confident?"

Stella immediately asked.

In response...

"Don't worry."

Ikki smiled suddenly.

"I've endured everything until now just for today and obtained it."

With that, a magical glow formed in Ikki's hand, forging a black katana.

At that moment, Ikki summoned his Device—Intetsu.


"This is...!?"

Stella gasped.

Even Rozen's eyes narrowed.

Because upon closer inspection, Ikki's Intetsu, though still black as a crow, was now thinner, longer, and more elegant.

What did this mean?

"The shape of the Device... has changed...?"


Ikki's Device had changed shape.

This surprised Rozen, and Stella was stunned.

Only Shizuku, having seen this before, smiled.

This was the significant change Shizuku had mentioned.

"Well, I'm off."

Ikki, neither nervous nor dejected, walked with firm steps towards the arena.

Stella and Shizuku exchanged glances and hurried to follow.

Rozen followed as well, his mind lingering on Ikki's new Device form.

"Things are getting interesting."

Rozen smiled with interest, following the others into the training field.