
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1368 Chs

-1275- What do you think

"What... what did you do...!?"

Kirihara Shizuya involuntarily took a few steps back, distancing himself from Rozen, his voice changing tone as he questioned him.

This panicked appearance was a stark contrast to his earlier mocking demeanor.

"Oh? Why so panicked, Kirihara-kun?" Rozen said, sounding both surprised and amused. "Could it be that you're actually the real coward here?"

Rozen's words were now filled with the same kind of sarcasm that Kirihara Shizuya had just shown.

But it couldn't be helped.

Accusing others of social climbing, when in fact the one climbing was Kirihara Shizuya.

Calling others cowards, when in fact the real coward seemed to be Kirihara Shizuya.

Though he was last year's top student and one of Hagun Academy's representatives, having participated in the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival and defeated a senior from another school who was a candidate for the title of Seven Stars Sword King, perhaps he was a minor figure after all.

After all...

"Even the official records of the academy describe you as the type who only takes on opponents you can win against, avoiding battles with those you can't. In other words, you only fight battles you're sure to win. If someone like you isn't a minor figure, who is?"

Rozen, as if seeing through Kirihara Shizuya's essence, no longer spoke politely but instead unleashed a barrage of unrestrained sarcasm.

And it wasn't just Rozen.

"Speaking of which, the academy's official records do mention this."

"What's this? A guy who can only bully the weak can become a representative? What was Hagun Academy even doing before?"

Stella and Shizuku's gazes toward Kirihara Shizuya grew increasingly contemptuous.

"You... you all are getting too arrogant!"

Kirihara Shizuya shouted, as if provoked.

"Don't think that just because your Blazer ranks are higher, you can look down on others! You're just first-year students! You haven't even participated in many practical courses, right? Do you really think you can beat senior student knights!?"

Kirihara Shizuya's words did have some truth.

Even if a Blazer's rank was higher, it only indicated better talent and potential. Without practical experience and fully learning combat techniques, it was difficult for lower-year student knights to defeat higher-year student knights.

That's why when Kirihara Shizuya defeated a third-year candidate for the Seven Stars Sword King from Bunka Academy last year as a first-year student, many were amazed.

Now, Kirihara Shizuya was in his second year and undoubtedly stronger than last year. These freshmen, who hadn't even undergone much practical training, wouldn't be able to beat him despite their higher ranks.

But Kirihara Shizuya didn't realize...

"Can I take this as a challenge, senpai?"

"We are indeed freshmen, with much to learn. If you are willing to teach us, that would be great."

As they said this, Stella and Shizuku, who seemed to have endured long enough, began to unleash their magical power and awakened their abilities.

Stella's body slowly ignited with flames, and a giant dragon's shadow appeared behind her.

Shizuku exuded cold air, causing the moisture in the air to first frost, then freeze into ice particles that fell to the ground.

The heat and cold formed two currents flowing toward Kirihara Shizuya.


Experiencing the sensation of both extreme heat and cold, Kirihara Shizuya let out an involuntary cry.

Indeed, Stella and Shizuku were freshmen who hadn't participated in practical courses and hadn't learned many combat techniques.

But that didn't mean they had no combat experience or training before entering.

Unlike ordinary freshmen, Stella was the second princess of the Vermillion Empire, and Shizuku was a daughter of the Kurogane family. Both had extraordinary backgrounds and had undergone various training and simulated battles since childhood as potential Blazers.

Especially Stella, who trained arduously for three years in the Vermillion Empire to control her flames, defeating all the Blazers in her country before deciding to go abroad due to a lack of strong opponents.

Therefore, even as freshmen, Stella and Shizuku's abilities were nearly at the top of Hagun Academy.

Take Stella, for instance. Even without awakening her Dragon Power, there are only three people in Hagun Academy who could be her match.

One is Rozen.

Another is Ikki.

And the last is the current student council president, acknowledged as the strongest student in Hagun Academy and a top-four contestant in last year's Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, who even Shinguji Kurono said that the unawakened Stella stood no chance against.

Apart from these three, there are no other students in Hagun Academy who could defeat Stella.

Now, with her Dragon Power awakened, Stella was on the verge of becoming the strongest among all student knights. The first-year top student and Seven Stars Sword Art Festival representative, Kirihara Shizuya, stood no chance against her.

As for Shizuku, even if she was slightly weaker than Stella, she was still formidable.

Unless Stella used her Dragon Power, it was uncertain who would win between her and Shizuku.

So, adding Rozen to the mix...

"By the way, you shouldn't think about reporting to the board that we made the first move," Rozen said, smirking at Kirihara Shizuya. "Unlike Ikki, the two people standing before you are the second princess of the Vermillion Empire and the true princess of the Kurogane family. Even if you report to the board, the Kurogane family won't back you up."

The Kurogane family wouldn't disgrace themselves by harming Shizuku, an outstanding new generation member.

And as for Stella, even though the Vermillion Empire was a small country, it was still a nation, and a member of the league. No matter how powerful the Kurogane family was, their influence didn't extend to foreign countries, let alone risking the wrath of the Union by framing a princess.

Of course...

"You can also choose to take me on, senpai," Rozen said with a bright smile. "I'm also looking forward to your guidance, but I don't like noisy people. How about I make you shut up like those shallow women by your side? What do you think?"

Rozen's amiable smile and suggestion made Kirihara Shizuya's face turn pale.

"You... you remember this!" Kirihara Shizuya spat out these words like a small-time villain, directing a threatening glance at the wryly smiling Ikki.

"Don't think that just because you always have someone backing you up, you're safe. You'll soon realize that your despair is just beginning. Take this time to pray or beg me, and maybe I'll show you mercy!"

Leaving those words behind, Kirihara Shizuya ran off, his group of girlfriends fleeing with pale faces.

Thus, the farce came to an end.

But for Ikki, this wasn't just a farce.

Perhaps, for him, the real test was just beginning.