
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Anime & Comics
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1576 Chs

-1268- [ Weakest ] and [ Strongest ]

"This is...!?"

When Ikki's entire body began emitting a cerulean flame-like radiance, everyone's eyes outside the ring were drawn to his unusual state.

At this moment, everyone present could feel a powerful magical power emanating from Ikki, one that shouldn't have been his.

In other words...

"Onii-sama's magical power... has increased...?"

Shizuku's eyes widened.


Stella was utterly shocked.


Even Rozen was momentarily stunned.


Saikyo Nene exclaimed in amazement.

"Has he finally used it?"

Only Shinguji Kurono smiled faintly, as if recalling something.

Artilla, who was closest and witnessed Ikki's sudden surge of mana, narrowed her eyes.

At that moment...


Ikki let out a shout as he reached his limit.

The sword in his hand, now wrapped in the same cerulean flame-like brilliance, suddenly blurred, transforming into countless sword lights to meet Artilla's slashes.

*Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!*

Amid the loud and intense clashes of steel, all of Altera's slashes were deflected by Ikki's strikes.

The speed of his slashes was at least dozens of times faster than before.


Altera swiftly retreated like a gust of wind, creating distance between her and Ikki. She tightly focused on the suddenly empowered Ikki, her eyes flickering slightly.

"Ha... ha... ha..."

Ikki, with his Device glowing with cerulean brilliance in his hand, pointed it at Altera, breathing heavily and dripping with blood all over.

Even so, the visible magical power around Ikki continued to burn like a cerulean flame.

That scene...

"No matter how you look at it, his magical power has increased!"

Stella was completely in shock.

It was understandable.

Magical power is innate and its quantity can't be changed after birth, something everyone knows.

Yet, Ikki had undeniably increased his magical power to a visible extent, turning it into a cerulean flame that quietly burned on his body.


"It's not just his magical power."

Rozen also watched Ikki intently and concluded.

"Ikki's physical abilities, stamina, everything has increased."

At least, that was the situation Rozen observed with his Mind's Eye.

But Rozen's assessment was slightly off.

"Ikki's power hasn't increased; he's just using parts he normally doesn't use."

Shinguji Kurono explained.

"Parts he normally doesn't use?"

Stella and Shizuku immediately turned to Shinguji Kurono.

Seeing this, Shinguji Kurono explained.

"No matter what kind of creature it is, its fundamental purpose of existence is survival."

Living beings inherently possess a survival instinct that places their own survival as an absolute priority in their subconscious. Hence, even the most ordinary person will instinctively act and become alert when faced with danger.

Humans are among these beings.

They are both fragile and resilient, easily killed but also endowed with the ability to adapt and survive in any environment.

Humans have evolved this way, from primitive beings without intelligence to their current form, all to adapt and survive.

In such circumstances, the survival instinct prevents humans from using their full potential regularly.

Whether it's brain function, muscle function, or nerve function, they could theoretically perform better. Just as people suddenly display extraordinary strength in times of crisis, the instinct separates and preserves the part of their power that maintains vital functions, preventing humans from using their full strength under normal conditions.

After all, no matter what it is, if it always operates at its limit, it will eventually break down and collapse.

Therefore, whether it's physical strength, muscle power, or magical power, humans are actually only using a limited portion, never reaching their full potential.

Upon realizing this, Ikki immediately had an idea.

"If I deliberately destroy my survival instinct, could I gain a power that ordinary people cannot touch, allowing me to exert my full potential?"

This was something Ikki had to pursue.

"Because more than anyone, I know just how low my talents are."

His magical power was one-tenth of the average.

His ability was the lowest level of physical enhancement. Ordinary Blazers could achieve better enhancement just with their magical power, not to mention they also had their unique abilities.

Even if Ikki trained his physical abilities to the highest level, achieving an A-rank, after physical enhancement, it would only be on par with an ordinary Blazer.

Even if Ikki mastered sword techniques far superior to others, if his opponent used their superior magical power to protect themselves, Ikki, with his significantly weaker magical power, might not even break through that protection and thus couldn't harm his opponent.

As a result, no matter what, Ikki could not overcome others and win.

Ikki's talents were weak to such a despairing extent.

Given this...

"How can I allow myself to hold back, letting my survival instinct limit my strength?"

To catch up to others, to defeat others, to realize his dreams, and to become an excellent Mage-Knight, Ikki had to truly give his all and reach his limits. Only then would he have a sliver of hope to achieve his ideals.

For this, Ikki desperately trained his bodily control, even more so his willpower. Ultimately, he succeeded in achieving absolute control over his body through sheer willpower, thus breaking his survival instinct and utilizing all of his potential, displaying his true limit of power.

With this power, Ikki could exert all his abilities to the fullest within a mere minute, maximizing his physical strength, magical power, and unique abilities to reach a state dozens of times stronger than usual.

This is Ikki's only Blazer Technique—Ittou Shura.

Now, Ikki was using his only Blazer Technique, exhausting every drop of his physical strength, mana, and abilities.

The duration was only one minute.

He could only use it once a day and couldn't stop midway.

Once it was over, having used his body's extreme power, Ikki would collapse from complete exhaustion.

However, within this brief minute, Ikki could gain power surpassing that of ordinary Blazers.

With this Blazer Technique, Ikki was able to defeat the examiner in last year's entrance exam and also the push-back Shinguji Kurono.

"So, this is his hidden trump card?"

Rozen's lips curled into a faint smile.

As for Altera...

"So, this is your full strength?"

Altera spoke coldly.

"Yes, this is my full strength, in the truest sense."

Ikki, his entire body burning with cerulean mana, declared even as he gasped for breath and bled from his wounds.

"Because I am weaker than anyone, I must go all out."

"Because everyone is stronger than me, I must give my all."

"Now, I will show you everything I have."

"With my greatest weakness, I'll defeat your greatest strength!"