
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

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1368 Chs

-1266- Just watch


Seeing Rozen actually blocking her path, and still appearing indifferent, completely disregarding Ikki, who was covered in wounds and could be killed at any moment, Shizuku became surprisingly angry.

"Get out of the way!"

Shizuku raised her device, splattering with water foam, and made an extremely cold warning to Rozen.

"I refuse."

Rozen, still lazy and indifferent, responded to Shizuku with a smile that seemed like a smile but not a smile.

To this...


Shizuku attacked Rozen without hesitation, splashing water foam on the tip of her small dagger, turning it into a water flow, then into a bullet, using her Yoishigure as the barrel, and blasted directly towards Rozen.

The target was Rozen's face.

This was a Blazer Technique developed specifically to exploit the weakness of humans.

Once the water flow bullet named "Suiroudan" hit the enemy's face, it would firmly stick to their head, suffocating them and rendering them unable to fight back.

Since "Suiroudan" was made of water, even if it stuck to the enemy's face, struggling would be useless.

Trying to grab it with hands would only pass through the water on the face.

Trying to attack it with weapons would also fail to break it.

Therefore, although this Blazer Technique was simple and straightforward, it was quite effective against humans who needed to breathe.


"Such tricks are useless against me."

With Rozen's declaration, a silver-white chain shot out, like a long whip, fiercely slamming onto the incoming water flow bullet.


With a muffled explosion, the water-made bullet was fiercely shattered by the silver-white chain that fell like a whip, turning into splashing water foam, splattering on the ground.


However, Shizuku was not surprised at all, as if she had known long ago that this move couldn't defeat Rozen, she waved her small dagger in front of herself, immediately causing water to gush out like a fountain, turning into high-pressure water flow and blasting towards Rozen's direction.

But Rozen still didn't move.


With a trembling sound, numerous silver-white chains surged out from the ground around Rozen, intertwining, hovering, and rotating like a tornado, forming a steel chain tornado that protected Rozen inside.


The fierce water flow clashed against the tornado formed by the silver-white chains, scattering in all directions like waves crashing against rocks.


"Crack crack crack...!"

Before the splashing water flow could reach the ground, it suddenly froze in mid-air as if frozen, amidst a series of solidification sounds, turning into countless ice pillars.

"Ice Pierce!"

Shizuku swung her hands down, causing countless ice pillars to shoot down from all directions, launching countless bombardments towards Rozen, who was inside the chain tornado.

"Boom boom boom boom boom...!"

The next moment, countless ice pillars continuously collided with the rotating, hovering silver-white chains, turning into a barrier, raising heavy collision sounds.

One by one, the ice pillars fell on the chains, with each collision, some were deflected, some were shattered, directly turning into ice crystals and ice grains, dissipating around.

Rozen remained unchanged under the protection of "Injunction Shackles".

"It's useless, give up."

Rozen made this advice.

"With your strength, it's impossible to break through my blockade."

This was a fact.

Shizuku, as the third place among the freshmen, although her strength was not bad, at most she was on par with Stella who hadn't awakened her true power yet, and even slightly inferior to Stella.

With such strength, even if Rozen only used the power of "Injunction Shackles" to fight, Shizuku couldn't break through.

"Don't stop me! I need to go save Onii-sama!"

Shizuku shouted desperately at Rozen.


"I said, no one is allowed to approach."

Rozen continued to stand there uncompromisingly, completely ignoring Shizuku's angry gaze, remaining calm.

This prompted Stella to step forward.

"Isn't this going too far, Rozen!"

Stella expressed her opinion.

Which was understandable.

"It's just training, but to be so merciless, it's too dangerous!"

Stella looked at Ikki, who was struggling under Attila's attacks, covered in blood, and couldn't help but say such words.

But did Stella ever think about it?

"Do you think you've never risked your life to train yourself?" Rozen bluntly said, "In the past, in order to control your own flames, you endured the burning of flames for three consecutive years. One wrong move, and it would be the end of playing with fire. Just now, when your power completely went out of control, if you hadn't controlled your power at the last moment, do you think you, who swallowed dragon blood, could have survived unscathed, without being evaporated by the extraordinary heat inside your body?"

With one sentence, Stella became speechless.

But that was the truth.

In terms of risk, Stella's training was by no means less than Ikki's.

Otherwise, Stella would not have the power she has now.

On the other hand, Ikki...

"Even you need to take such great risks to gain this kind of power. Ikki has neither talent nor ability. To become strong as quickly as you imagine, he must pay an even greater price. Only then can he reap greater rewards."

Rozen spoke frankly.

"Don't harbor any illusions. If you want to become stronger, you must be willing to pay a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times the price of an ordinary person. This is the ordeal Ikki must endure, and he has already said he is mentally prepared for it. In that case, you have no right to stop him from becoming stronger."

Rozen's words completely deprived Stella of any reason to plead, and also made Shizuku's expression change unpredictably.

Looking at the two girls like this, Rozen's tone began to soften.

"Let's just watch here."

"Whether he loses his life in this training, or obtains what he has always dreamed of, we can only watch Ikki's efforts."

Rozen said this, causing Stella to give up her thoughts of stopping him, and even making Shizuku struggle for a while before finally lowering her small dagger.

On the side, Kurono Shinguji and Nene Saikyo maintained the appearance of their Device, looking at each other.

"Should we intervene? Kuro?" Saikyo Nene asked.

"...Let's wait and see for now."

Kurono Shinguji hesitated for a moment, and after a while, made this decision.

The two of them stayed on the sidelines, watching the battlefield ahead.

Where the situation had already changed.


"Clang clang clang clang...!"

The sound of sword clashes continued unabated, causing rainbow-colored slashes like whirlpools, storms, meteors, and meteorites to sweep in from all directions.

(Too heavy...! Too strong...!)

Ikki was already covered in wounds all over, relying only on his sword to desperately parry, but he was almost at his limit.

(Just like a storm...! These slashes...!)

Ikki felt that his arms were about to shatter, making him want to drop his sword countless times.

However, if Ikki did so, he would definitely turn into countless pieces of meat in the next second.

(Who... is she...!?)

Ikki's gaze towards Attila had completely changed.

It became filled with fear.