
Miracle Summoner

"The talent in magic is top-notch, but physical abilities are worthless? Summoning numerous familiars, yet staying in the back alone? To this, I only have one thing to say. 'None of that matters!' This is the story of a young boy who cherishes miracles, both receiving and giving." "As long as I have my familiars (companions), I am invincible!" -------------------------------------------------- [This is a translation! The story does not belong to me. The author who wrote this is, in my opinion, one of the best fan fic author I've known and none other can compete with his work. I want his amazing story to reach other readers too. He's written multiple works and this is not his best. I just wanna try translating this one cuz I don't want to ruin his best work. So I'll see if I can translate this properly. I'll be using Google translate and Chat GBT to help me translate this as good as possible. And please if you can, support the original author of this story. The Author's name is "RuQingRuSu". I hope you guys enjoy. ] I'll try and upload at least 5 chapters a day since the author already finished this story. I've just started so I'll be updating this book as much as I can per day.

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Anime & Comics
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1559 Chs

-107- [ Automaton Doll ]

This is an undisclosed suburban area.

It's not exactly remote, but it's far from the urban areas where people reside.

No one would come here because there's nothing here to attract visitors.

If there's anything that could prove the existence of humans here, it's the mansion.

The mansion stands as if declaring its detachment from the mundane world, situated in this desolate suburban area with no signs of civilization.

The architecture is purely Japanese, with a beautiful garden that seems completely out of place with the surroundings, adorned with various flowers and trees.

Inside the mansion, there are various small animals as well.

Birds chirping on the trees.

Hounds barking softly on the ground.

Insects dancing in the air.

Fish and shrimp swimming in the ponds.

At first glance, it seems like a meticulously maintained small zoo.

But who would know?

These seemingly lifelike animals are all puppets.

"It's truly astonishing..."

Rozen stood in the garden, filled not only with awe but also astonishment.

"Are all of these creations of Karyusai?"

If that's the case, it's easy to understand why this puppet craftsman is hailed as the best in the field of automaton creation.

Because the puppets he's created are incredibly realistic, with almost no difference from real life.

"If not for my 'Heaven's Eye' not being able to detect the heartbeat of these creatures, I would never have guessed that they're all puppets."

How could Rozen not be amazed?

"Compared to these puppets, the ones from the Akabane clan are just wooden dolls with fur, aren't they?"

Such thoughts involuntarily crossed Rozen's mind.

Three full days had passed since he left the Akabane clan and arrived here.

During these three days, Rozen had been on constant journeys via horse-drawn carriages and various other means of transportation, until he finally found this place.

"But why does it seem like there's no one here?"

Rozen knocked on the door for a long time and called out countless times, yet received no response. It was as if this place was an abandoned, lifeless mansion, emanating an unbearable silence.

Repeatedly confirming the address that Akabane Kuukan had given him, and after ensuring that he hadn't made a mistake, Rozen couldn't help but push the door open and step inside.

Then, the scene before him unfolded.

Looking at these remarkably lifelike puppets, Rozen once again confirmed that he hadn't come to the wrong place.

"Why isn't anyone responding?"

Rozen was becoming puzzled.

Subconsciously, he activated his "Heaven's Eye," spreading his magical waves around and employing his skill "Spirit Sight," scanning in all directions.

In this instant...


The sound of air being sliced resounded.


Rozen's nerves were instantly on edge.

At the same time, his fully active "Heaven's Eye" detected the incoming attack.


The attack that came was an icicle spike, cutting through the air and hurtling towards him at bullet-like speed.

The sharp icicle spike flew, piercing directly towards Rozen's direction, landing on him without hesitation.


Following a clear sound, the ice spike was blocked by a sudden manifestation of a psychic shield.

Rozen, opening his "Magic Defense" shield by his side, took several steps back and spoke loudly to his surroundings.

"May I ask if this is Karyusai-sama? I am an envoy from the Akabane clan! I humbly request an audience!"

As his voice spread, the faint cold aura in the air ceased its movement.

However, the tense atmosphere didn't dissipate in the slightest.

After a moment, a cold voice echoed.

"The mansion is not receiving guests today as scheduled. Since you're young, I'll forgive your intrusion. Please leave."

This voice reached Rozen's ears, cold yet possessing an indescribable grace and elegance.

Certainly, the owner of the voice must be a beautiful young girl.

"A young girl?" Rozen thought silently, "Is she an attendant of Karyusai, or is she one of his created automatons?"

If it's an automaton, then it's undoubtedly an automaton embedded with magical circuits.

After all, the recent icy attack was clearly performed using magical means.

Combined with the articulate language used, if it's not a human, only an automaton imbued with a life circuit could achieve this.

Thinking this, Rozen's excitement grew.

"I've been in this world for so many years, and I've never seen a true automaton."

Now presented with such an opportunity, Rozen naturally couldn't pass it up.

Thus, Rozen carefully chose his words and spoke again to his surroundings.

"I kindly ask you to convey to Karyusai-sama that I mean no harm, I've only come to deliver a message."

Rozen slightly lowered his posture, giving the impression of insignificance and no threat whatsoever.

In doing so, the other side should consider it, right?

And indeed...

"Deliver a message?"

The cold voice of the young girl resounded again.

"If that's the case, then hand the message over to me."

As her voice trailed off, the faint cold aura that had pervaded the air dissipated.

Rozen was initially taken aback, then his "Heaven's Eye" detected something, causing him to turn around and look towards the direction of the mansion.

There, a figure walked out slowly.

It was a beautiful young girl, perfectly matching the voice from earlier.

She was dressed in a kimono, exuding an elegant aura, and her exquisite features seemed too delicate for the mortal world, as if meticulously carved by an artist, breathtakingly beautiful.

With waist-length silvery-white hair and a faint aura of coldness enveloping her, she appeared like a fairy emerging from the snow, captivating anyone who gazed upon her.

The Goddess of Snow.

This was the most fitting description for her.

"Snow...?" Rozen couldn't help but think.

"Could it be..."

As he guessed in his heart, his gaze never left her. His eyes held neither infatuation nor loss of composure, only amazement and admiration.

The girl seemed accustomed to such gazes and paid them little heed. She merely stopped at a distance from Rozen, looked at him, and spoke calmly.

"Hand over the letter."

Her choice of words lacked any hint of politeness.

Of course, that was expected.

After all, Rozen had intruded without permission.

So, Rozen didn't say much and handed the letter directly to the young woman before him.

She took the letter.

"Wait here for a moment."

After saying that, the girl with a snow-like presence walked away, returning to the mansion.

Rozen wasn't in a hurry either. He continued standing in the courtyard, curiously observing the lifelike small animals around.

And he waited, waiting for a full half-hour.

Half an hour later...

"Are you from the Akabane clan?"

The snow girl emerged from the mansion again, looking at Rozen with an inexplicable expression and spoke.

"The master requests your presence. Please follow me."

Upon hearing this, Rozen finally smiled.