
Miracle Iris

“Please, please stay... I don’t know how I could survive...”, Iris begs to the man. Tears keep falling down. “That’s your problem, not mine.”, the man says while walking away. “I will do anything, please... There are men coming to hunt us down... please...”, desperate, she hugs his legs tightly. ----- After surviving a horrible death, Iris finds herself laying on a bed, in a room she doesn’t recognizes. There, she meets Hestia and her son, Oberon, who both an elf. Grateful that she granted with a second life, Iris lives peacefully in Elf Village. Just when she is having a good time, humans break into the Elf Village and start hunting the elves. Now it is up to her to survives on her own. Along the way, she meets countless danger. What will she do to keep her second life? But the most important question is, will she survive? ----- ◈ Update every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! (I might update more if I'm not busy! *am a student lol*) ◈ Please give feedback if you can! This is my first novel! **Cover background art is not mine**

Bunny_Sensei · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Death.

'Rringg, rringg…', the sounds of a phone being called from another room can be heard. Stumbling across the room filled with boxes on the floor, Iris managed to answer the phone. Before she can even open her mouth, a voice speaks, "…Iris, tell me, where are you…". Sighing, Iris said, "Does it matter where I am now, mom?". "Just tell me already!! Why are you always like this? All I ask was for you to meet a man to marry and have a good life! Was it so hard to do? Why do you feel the need to tell him to get lost? Do you know how humiliated I felt because of you?". The silence filled the room. "What? Now you won't even say anything? So, you're just going to abandon me? You are just like your father… Why are you even my child…? You should have set your goals to be successful just like your brother… Look at your brother, he is better than you can ever-". Before she can even finish her sentences, Iris hung up the phone. In frustration, she threw her phone on the floor, leaving it with nothing but cracks on the screen.

She begins to steps out of her apartment with nothing but her clothes that she's currently wearing. Without thinking, she just run and run under the heavy rain with no umbrella. Suddenly, she stops in a weird alleyway. She thinks to herself, "What am I even doing here?". She then looks down, her visions getting blurry. Tears starts to build. As more tears keep coming, she squats down. "Hicc… Hicc…', She cried. "What a beautiful lady doing here all alone?", a man spoke. She looks up to see two men in front of her while holding a bottle of beer. "Umm… No- nothing… I'm just on my way home…", she slowly walks away with a forced smile trying to not show her fears. "Aww… Were you crying? It's okay, come here, we can comfort you…", smirking, one of the men grabs her arm. Stuttering, "No- no..", she threw his hand and starts to run away as fast as she could.

"This bitch! Catch her!", they chase her through the alleyway. Iris tries to run as far away but her stamina won't let her. She saw an abandon building and without thinking, she then enters the building and climb her way up till she reaches the rooftop. She holds onto the railing and continue to catches her breath, sighing in relief thinking that they lost her. "Where do you think you're going little one?", smirking, both men slowly approaching her. Iris are now being cornered. Still holding onto the railings, "don- don't come near me! Or I'll… I'll jump!". She climbs to the other sides of the railing while holding it tight so she won't fall. Now, if she loses her grip, it will be over for her. "What the… This bitch is crazy! ....Let's just go! You're not even that pretty!", the two men then leave her with the thoughts of not wanting to be caught by the polices.

When the men are out of her sight, Iris began to climb back to the other sides. But, because of the heavy rain, the railings became more slippery than usual. And there she goes, falling, to her death. "Ahh… Is this how my life ends?", she thinks to herself as she closes her eyes and accept the fate.

Curious of the next chapter? What will happen to Iris? Let's find out!

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