

A world where all myth clash. Three great factions vying for supremacy. A multitude of power eyeing them from the shadow. In this world, à child was born. One so rare that his kind was basically unseen. Bestowed with a name synonymous with death, known as the uncrowned king of the church, what kind of storm will this child bring? Follow our hero as he visits the world and brings change to the society. Disclaimer: The DxD franchise does not belong to me. I am just a fan trying to bring an alternative story to a novel I like. The cover picture doesn't belong to me either. Note: This story will be mainly in the Slashdog part which is part of the DxD universe but set 4 four years prior to the event of DxD. Also, DxD is a light novel with 25 volumes + side volumes and a sequel with already 3 volumes called Shin Highschool DxD. Only the first ten volumes and some side stories have been adapted in Anime. As such many terms and characters, I use may be unknown. But don't worry I will do my best so that everyone can follow. NOTE 2: I AM currently writing another fanfic called THE TRIALS: PATH TOWARD GODHOOD. Try it. The mc is different in personality but I hope you'll like it nonetheless.

RedLaw · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


After this little episode, the rest of the discussion went fast. 

It was sad but it was how things worked. People might talk about peace, but  a discussion could only happen between people of equal level. 

When the difference in power was absolute, the weaker one would bow down in front of the powerful. 

Shame? Outrage? Humiliation? What was the use of all that when you were dead and buried?

Still, this situation wasn't one where Azrael had absolute power. 

Firstly, once again he was only a representative. Nothing more than an UNCROWNED Prince. He could make some decisions but he couldn't go too far. 

Secondly, even when beating a dog, you had to look at its master. Aside from the five wielders of the sacred beasts and some outliers, Azrael was sure that he could crush the five clans alone. 

But then what? 

On one hand, he would never do something so bloody and senseless, on the other, doing so would make him the most hated being in the heart of the Shinto gods. 

'Still, I am becoming tired of this shit. I think it's time to become a little more heavy-handed.'

Holy power began to emanate from Azrael. Even as he did so, his surroundings became warped, the atmosphere tensing even more. His eyes blazed with fervor.

"Listen to me very well, Suou Himejima. Do not confuse my kindness for weakness. Akeno Himejima is neither a criminal, nor an abomination. She is nothing more than a gentle little girl whose life was destroyed because of stupid bastards like you. I will not repeat myself. Akeno is free to act as she wishes."

"You!!! Do you want to cause war? Because of a little girl!?"

Azrael took a simple step and let out a sneer.

"Think very well before you speak. I know some gods might be pretty crazy. But do you really think they will go to war simply because your honor was tarnished? Please. How many lives do you think you are worth? Don't make me laugh. Perhaps your gods would kill you with a slap if you were to cause such a situation to arise."

He sighed and restrained his aura before continuing,

"No matter what, Akeno will live. Still, I am not completely unreasonable. So I will make two concessions. The first one, Akeno will never present herself as a member of the Himejima clan. The second one, she will never step on the territory of the five clans without your permission. Those concessions should give enough face to the gods. No more negotiation possible. What will you do?"


Even though he was rather prideful, Azrael didn't really like acting so arrogantly. But he knew that he had to do so.

'Carrot and stick.'

He needed to strike a real balance between those two. Absolute power only gave temporary success. All tyrants ended being destroyed by those they oppressed. 

'A cornered rat would bite a cat.'

The same applied here. If he pressed strongly, he would win. Sadly, Akeno's life wouldn't be truly freed. But, by showing some consideration, it would make the bitter pill easier to swallow.

'Still, it wouldn't be bad if they still decided to oppose me.'

As Azrael thought, when he previously was threatened, Suou was really about to blow up. But, upon hearing the second part, he immediately calmed himself before letting a bitter smile of defeat. 

'How cunning.'

He was really left with no choice. Azrael already took the first step in making concessions. If he insisted now, he would lose everything, and even the gods wouldn't protect him.

He clenched his fists tightly in frustration. For him who was used to stand above everyone, it was truly a first for him to be so thoroughly subdued. He looked deeply at the young man whose expression of anger was nowhere to be seen. When he looked in those eyes, he could see a deeply hidden eagerness. As if the boy was waiting for him to refuse.

'He wants to kill us.'

This thought sent a shiver down his spine, drenching his clothes in cold sweat. This knowledge was enough for him to understand what kind of choice he would take.