
Miracle Boy

Adam, who is the head of the all the Supremes and they all use to lived out from this world, a place known as Iceland. He was kindhearted and a gentleman but his younger brother Columbus hates him because he wanted to become the head and for that he took the help of Oman, who hates Supremes. He help him and makes him as the new head of the Supremes. A fight occurred in that place in which Adam and his wife Eve lost their son and Columbus put both of them behind the bars with their loyal people and other Supremes. He was controlling that place and forgets everything what he did. Columbus hade made a new rules which creates problems in different sections of the world and especially in blue planet. No one was able to work properly due to his rules and one day he got shocked when he found that the son of his elder brother is still alive. He wanted to kill him because he knew that he had many unimaginable powers and if he controlled all his powers then he will come in that place and becomes the head of the Supremes. For killing him, he send his people but they failed. That boy was growing up on the lap of nature and went to a strange journey where he learn how to us his powers and meet his teacher who will guides him how to use his powers. In this strange journey, he meets different people but he faced many obstacles in his journey but he pass through all the obstacles. He teaches him and after that he came back to his parents where he meet some people and they tell him about his reality and about his mother and father. he came back to that place where he born to save his mother and father from his uncle and in this fight many people use to help him and they saved Adam and Eve

Kangaroo01 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter-16: Biggest win.

Chapter-16: Biggest win.

When King Oz entered that forest he saw tall trees and there was some kind of sound coming from the forest. It was like rain was going on but there were no clouds outside the forest.

Many chariots entered inside the forest and all the leaves started releasing drops of water on the sound. Whole forest echoed by the sound of horses and chariots. When Hero entered the forest, he was surprised. He saw water drops were falling on all the chariots. Those water drops were very big in size, like a fist. Drops were falling on them and due to those drops, wheels of some chariots broke down and some of them had a hole in their chariot.

The king OZ saw long branches hanging down. He stood on his seat and took out his sword and cut those branches. One of those branches fell on the chariot which was behind and broken down. Another chariot collides with that and breaks down.

Hero quickly turned his horses on other sides and saved himself from those broken chariots. Trees were coming on his path and he was controlling his horses and somehow, he took his chariot back on the road. Isabella got scared because this time Hero was riding the chariot in a different way. But she heard some sound behind her chariot. It was like someone was barking the chariot. When she looked behind, she was shocked because she saw four black colored dogs whose eyes were red in color.

She got scared from them.

"Hero… I think you should know this."

He looked behind and was shocked. He started running his chariot fast. But that time, in the arena everyone who was watching the race was surprised because not even a single drop of water was falling on him.

Suddenly, one of the dogs jumped and bit on the back side of the chariot. Weight increased and horses started making sounds. He stands from his seat and moves behind. Isabella quickly grabs the ropes of the horses and Hero punches that dog with his hand. Meanwhile, the rest of the dogs took a long jump on his chariot but he grabbed one of them in the middle of the air and used that dog as a bat to hit other dogs and threw that dog away from his chariot.

Suddenly, one more blast occurred and Isabella saw a burning chariot on their path. She shouted and called him back. He quickly grabs that rope and keeps moving towards the burning chariot. She was getting scared because he was trying to pass through that chariot.

He moved his right hand from left to right and that burning chariot slide away from their path. She took a long breath because she was wrong and she is safe.

Hena was looking at the mirror and she was also impressed by him.


Rest all the chariots were taking the round of buffalo village and they were taking their chariot from the road. King Oz saw the Hero was still behind and he was crossing the chariot which was behind him. But he uses his spell and both the chariot start moving towards the river and fall down on the river. He starts laughing loudly because it means that he is also out of the race. All the people who were in the arena watching them were shocked because Hero was out of the race.

But in that river, both Hero and Isabella were perfectly fine. Their chariots were on their four wheels and everything was fine. Isabella was scared, she was jumping out of the chariot but he stopped her because she jumped out that means they had given up.

He jumped down and tied the rope with the front section of the chariot and he pulled that chariot out of the river.

He took his seat again and came back to the race. He saw that all the chariots were taken a lead and they were left behind. He stopped his horses and looked around and saw a black forest. Hero knew that if somehow, he crossed the black forest then he would meet them on the bridge. Black forest is the shortcut but it was risky also.

Isabella knew about him and she tried to stop him but he wasn't going to listen to her. He was staring towards the black forest and he tightly grabbed the rope and turned his horses towards the black forest. She grabbed the hands of the seat because he had made a decision and the horses started running towards the forest and entered inside.

There was no light inside the forest, for the lights he snapped his finger and many lamps started floating in front of them. All the lamps were in a line like they were showing them a path.

All the four witches went out of the mansion and stood on their path. Isabella was scared because she could hear some horrible sound in that forest. While crossing the forest they saw those four old women's who were standing on the sides and they were smiling at them. When they crossed them, they were smiling at them and that smile was very greedy. Isabella saw them and realized about them. Her heartbeat increased and they all waved their hand towards them.

Horses were following the lamps and other chariots were running on the road but they heard a sound of horses. King Oz was surprised and looked around and found that Hero was coming out from the black forest. He was shocked and all other chariot drivers also got shocked.

King Oz order to run fast because he thought he was out but he was wrong and all the people in the arena were happy and started cheering for him because he was still in the race.

Now, they have to cross the bridge which was made up of wood. King Oz started crossing the bridge and Hero was behind him. Oz knew that this was his last chance to stop him. Before Hero crossed the bridge, Oz broke the bridge from the end side and he crossed the bridge.

All the chariots stopped because they couldn't cross that space without a bridge but Hero was not stopping his chariot. He stands on his seat and pushes his right hand forward. Suddenly, a path is created for him who is made up of sand and he crosses the huge space. Isabella was shocked but she was very happy because now, there are two people in the race.

Oz was near the Big Market and Hero was still behind him.

"Rope." Said by Hero.

Isabella gave him a rope whose both ends had a stone. He swings that rope in the air and threw it on the wheels of the chariot.

That rope got stuck on the wheel and the horses stopped in the middle of the road. Oz quickly tries to remove that rope with the help of his man. When that man removed that rope, Hero was behind them and he quickly gave command to his horses. But Oz was smart; he threw his sword on the front wheel of the chariot.

That sword breaks the wheel and Hero falls down on the road. He got some scratches on his hand and the chariot tilted down on another side. Horses were making noise because they weren't able to hold for a long time.

Isabella quickly stepped down and picked him up but Hero was in anger and both his eyes were shining in blue color. Isabella was wondering about his shining eyes because she had never seen him like this.

"Hero… no wheel, we lost the race." Said by Isabella in fear.

He looked at her.

"Isabella… I had crossed that black forest not to lose."

In anger he grabbed that sword and threw it on his chariot. That sword got stuck in their wheel and they stopped at one place.

Hero stepped back and lifted the one side of the chariot with one hand and he moved his hand around the broken wheel. All the broken parts started moving and they all gathered at one place. Suddenly, all the broken parts of the wheel converted into a wheel and got fixed in its place.

"Let's go."

Oz saw him coming, so he stepped down and took out his sword and his chariot started moving. Both of them were running side by side and Hero was looking at him. Oz used his magical rope but his rope was grabbed by Hero and snatched that rope from his hand.

Hero saw the slippery portion of the road which was made by Oz. He got an idea and he slowly moved his chariot close to his chariot and slide down on that portion. He lost his control from the chariot and Hero crossed that section.

Now the result was clear, in the arena everyone was going to witness one more victory of Hero and Isabella was shouting and asking him to move fast because she can't hold her happiness. Oz was also coming behind but he knew that he had lost the race.

And finally, Hero crossed the finishing line and a huge blast occurred in the arena and declared him as the winner. Mary and Joseph shouted because their son had got another win on his list.

All the authorities, the King of the king and Luna stood from their seats and clapped for him. Hero and Isabella were standing on their chariot, celebrating their victory.