
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teen
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23 Chs

When these things happen. . .

'Let it not just be what I think it is, probably I am still dreaming or still unconscious right?' I said.

'Gladys,tap me '. I added.

Everything started coming back to my head. I suddenly began to remember. From how I got late to the house,to seeing Ethan and the loud spark that threw us off balance as we both fell to the ground.

'But wait,what about Ethan? what happened to him?'. I asked almost Immediately.

Janice replied; 'baby girl, I don't want you thinking about anything,I promise you'll be fine.'

'Let me explain'.She added.

I sat up tightly with my mouth left opened and my ears,so impatient to listen to everything...',I just couldn't believe,it still seemed to be a dream,but sadly, it's real.

'You can call me,Mrs Davis'.my neighbor said

'It's obvious you don't know me like I do, It's really so sad that this happened to your family.Just take it easy on yourself'.She added

From her story of how she saved the situation.

She had just returned from her workplace late at night as usual, when she met the gate opened and met few people shouting for help.

'I was shocked,I knew that was unusual and it couldn't still be that the party was still ongoing,I knew something was wrong,I dropped off the car and headed to the house,only to find some firemen trying to put off the fire and bringing out some bodies.Oh my goodness!'. I screamed,I was really pained.Then, I heard someone say, "two of the children have just been rushed to the hospital some minutes ago,looks like they were not inside the house when the fire broke out,but it's obvious,they fell and fainted because of the shock...Madam,chai! what pained me most is that one of them;the boy fell and hit his head on a small rock close to the entrance of the house.He had just been rushed to the hospital,but he has really lost much blood.I just hope he survives...".An unknown lady narrated.

Then,I asked; "Aunty,please which hospital were they rushed to?"

'Mambi Hospital'.She replied.

That was how I rushed to the hospital, and I was I was told that you were still unconscious but your brother couldn't make it.'

he had lost so much blood before he was brought in'.A nurse said.

So, I took up the responsibility of coming to check on you,none of your relative showed up. . .

She said.

PS:She had already stopped the car and parked on a safe side of the road.

'Mirabel, You're in safe hands. Don't you worry ,I'll be there for you Hun...you'll be fine'. She consoled.

Me; say up tightly and wishing I was in a dream world.

'No,this can't be happening! You can't be serious, probably you made up a story. I retorted

'Or,have I been kidnapped? I thought silently

but it's not possible,Janice and Gladys were also with me and the truth clearly written on their faces. I reasoned.

How am I supposed to believe this?

God, don't just let this be. . . I screamed loudly while my friends held my arms.

'No ,God!

My mum served you faithfully,why would you just take the life of someone that cherishes you so much?

Is this what your love means?

What will remain of me?How do I live.

I don't even know our relatives neither do they know us .This can't be true.


Ethan!Gone like that?

I shouldn't have done this birthday celebration...

But what could have caused the fire outbreak?

'Maybe Rhian went to light the gas against mum's order...or did fire just break out from somewhere???'

Different thoughts running through my mind as we drove home. I couldn't explain it.You know that cry from within,that looks like a part of your heart is bleeding...

Where will I start from...? Facing reality!

I have seen movies where young children lose their parents and I understand what it is and what feels like,the struggles,the hustles,loneliness,lack of love,name it all, it's just a horrible life especially when you don't have relatives that care(urghh). I never pictured or imagined that mine was coming soon.

I cried softly and painfully as we drove to the house while my friend kept patting me

'all will be fine...'They kept saying, 'We'll take care of you and stand by your side always'

How do I face this new life?

When these things happen,who is to blame???