
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teen
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23 Chs

What went wrong?


I suddenly began to gain consciousness, I thought I was already home, lying in my bed and just waking up in the morning as usual. It was so cool, but then I started feeling uneasy. I suddenly began to feel sick, something had gone wrong, my body wasn't the same. As I tossed left and right on the bed, my eyes still closed, just then I realized that I was at the patchwork quilt of the bed and was about to fall to the ground, then my eyes opened. It wasn't my room. I became dumbfounded immediately. Then, I remembered everything. From when we got to the party, to everything that happened and how everything suddenly went off. I remembered telling Bryan that I was feeling sleepy. I stood up immediately.

' But where is Bryan? where am I?' I said panting heavily in fear and aghast.

What could have happened? Or have I been kidnapped? Or probably, I'm in Bryan's house... different thoughts popped in my mind. I suddenly remembered that Mrs Davies was to return that same morning and I had not returned home yet.

' Yee! Oh my God, Mrs Davies is going to kill me. Mirabel, what have you done!' . I said to myself as I paced round the room, trying to dress up and rushed to the door.

Fortunately, the door wasn't locked. I thought I'd see Bryan or probably someone who could tell me what happened. But, I didn't. I had tried calling Bryan earlier, but his line was switched off. ' Maybe, he is still asleep.' I thought.

'Who would get me out of here, I barely know the way home right now' , I mumbled as I panicked. But as I stepped outside the house, I noticed Bryan's car was not at the parking lot, he must have definitely left. I was about howling from the pain that was coming from within, as tears dropped. It was hard to believe that I wasn't dreaming.

' Did he really leave without me?'. I muttered.

It's bad enough that I had no money on me, I still didn't know where to go.As I headed to the gate, tears flowed down my face like waterfalls, I looked up to the sky, ' God, I know that I have disappointed you, even my parents, but if you can just have mercy on me and take me home safely, I promise to give my life to you.' That was weird from Mirabel, yeah?. I had suddenly remembered God.(smiles).

I stood outside, as I awaited a miracle, terrified, perplexed and frustrated. The pain I felt in my body was still there, it looked as though, someone beat me. I was feeling pain all over, but I ignored all of that. All that mattered to me was to just find a way home. It was best to get home before Mrs Davies does to avoid trouble.

' How did I get here? What would Mrs Davies think of me, a bad child!. I thought.' Mrs Davies loves me like her own child, doing this to her will make her feel so bad.

I was practically chatting with 'me and myself'

My heart raced in anger, I felt like beating myself. Just then, I began to think of Bryan.

'What happened? Why did he leave me? Did something happen at the party??? So many questions that needed urgent answers ran through my mind, but there was no one to give answers. That made me even more angry with myself. I felt so bad.

Miraculously, God answered my prayers. I had bowed my head in my thigh, crying soberly, helpless and timid, then, I heard a car honk repeatedly towards my direction.

I heard a man's voice, 'Hello,young girl...' He said

I didn't respond and acted like it wasn't me.' Who knows? he might be some kidnapper.' I had thought for a second.

Mrs Davies would always tell me of kidnap stories and this was just the closest to it. ' I am not going to be stupid even at this moment.' I had muttered to myself as I bowed. He kept honking, but suddenly stopped. I tried lifting my head to see if he had gone, but no, he was the persistent and curious one. He was trying to get a good spot to park. He's definitely coming. I had to prepare, I didn't want whoever it was to see me crying profusely like a baby, it was obvious he really wanted to know what had happened to me.I quickly cleaned up my face with my jacket and raised my head. It was better.

Then, he approached. I could tell he was a young man in his thirties.

' Young girl, are you okay? Are you fine? Can I help you?'. He said.

' (smiles faintly) I'm fine.' I replied tersely.

He grinned and said almost immediately I responded, ' No, you're not!'. 'Where are you headed? Let me help you.'

I shrugged. But then, I remembered I did not have a choice.' Maybe this is an answer to my prayers.' I thought.

'But sir, can I trust you? You might be some kidnapper...I stuttered.'

' No way! why would you even think like that? I just felt led to help you.' He retorted as he smiled softly.

I was beginning to draw people's attention, so, I quickly stood up, held his hand and we both headed to the car. I didn't want people thinking he's some silly man asking a poor girl out on the street or trying to harm.

I smiled, he smiled as we headed to the car.

' Thank you for your help sir. I am highly grateful.' I said pitifully as we crossed the road.

He just nodded and smiled, ' it's nothing. So, where are you headed?'.

' I'm going home. I live around the new GRA at Santi road.' I responded.

'If anything else would happen,it would be that I had been kidnapped or killed. Whatever happens,I will accept my fate.' I thought as he drove off. I was the cause of all this. I could have just chosen not to go for the party, but then I chose to, so, I must face whatever that comes with that choice, simple!

Just when you make choices that utterly ruins the beautiful plans for the future and left with scars that cannot be erased.

I knew he would want to ask questions, so I was prepared. He seemed to be a cool man indeed, definitely God-sent. I felt relieved. Problem 1 solved. 'All I need do, is get to the house before Mrs Davies and unravel the mystery behind Bryan's sudden disappearance and what happened over the night.' I was calculating everything in my head. Getting home first was problem 2 that has to be solved.

He popped the expected question, ' So, what happened?. He paused. ' I didn't even ask ,' what's your name?'.

' You can just call me Mira. I responded.

'Humm...I just got stranded. A friend left me off at a birthday party and I had no transport fare. I said frankly to show that it wasn't something serious.' I said. I didn't want him thinking outside the box.

' Oh, why would your friend do such?.He asked curiously.

' I don't know...' I mumbled.

We were close to the house already. I could see the house from afar. I was so happy to be at home. A part of me felt greatly relieved. It seemed as though a weigh had been lifted off me. But that wasn't even all, Mrs Davies should not be home before me. That was the plan. I began to panick again

' Next time, just be careful to go out with the right people. It's not a safe world out there, you know?.He said passionately.

We were already in front of the gate.

' Yes, here we are. This is my house.' I said happily.

' Oh! great. Be good. He paused. ' You really don't need all of this right now. God has bigger plans for you. Are you just going to ignore it and choose your own path? Another pause.

This even made me more surprised. I was curious to know who he was and how he knew what I was into.

He continued, ' Yield yourself to God and He'll clean you up. He really loves you. Go and make things right with Him.' He said passionately. ' Who are you? ' I retorted immediately, but he smiled, waved his hands at me to bid me goodbye.

I just stood there in awe. I couldn't explain who he was, but he definitely was a strange man. He drove off. But, as he drove off, I moved to see his car zoom out of sight, but as he reversed and turned to leave, I watched him and suddenly within few seconds, he was out of sight. I couldn't even see the trace of his car. It looked like he car disappeared. I just couldn't place it, but it was odd

' Who is this man? Or is he a ghost ' I kept asking myself as I headed to the gate. Yet to unravel this mystery.