
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teen
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23 Chs

What Remains?

When the unexpected happens, what do we do?When life throws this ball at us, how do we nod it off? I guess that question remains answered and unanswered; whatever happens, we react differently...

Opening the glass door to the bath tub, I saw Mrs Davis on the floor lifeless. I couldn't hold myself standing, I suddenly fell to the ground and screamed

' Mum! Mrs Davis!!! ' help! help! help!.' I kept screaming, I had forgotten that no one could possibly hear me. I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes rolled, it looked like my heart was about to come out, I couldn't even explain how my heart was beating so fast, I was feeling like I would die too. I should actually, because what remains of me after she's gone? I thought.

I suddenly rushed out and called out to Boma who was still fast asleep.

' Boma! Bom...aaa! as I hit him hard and gasped to talk.

We both rushed upstairs to take her to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital, the doctors informed that she had been battling cervical cancer for years and it was already too late, that she must have died overnight. The moment I heard, died! I slumped and got unconscious. The last thing I remembered was standing with Boma and the doctor.

Then, still unconscious, I saw myself in an unknown place, calling Mrs Davis who was standing miles away from where I was, but even with the distance, I could still see her. As I kept calling and screamed loud, she couldn't still hear me. I sat on the floor where I was looking perplexed and disappointed, then I suddenly thought to cross over to the next path to reach where she was, then her voice stopped me, 'Mirabel!!!...' then I woke suddenly.

Seeing life playing me dirty the second time was not even funny at all. I guffawed

Maybe I shouldn't have woken up, I should have just crossed that path and probably die too. what else am I living for. No one, no body... I blurted as I sat up. Then, the nurses rushed in to check me, I looked at them disgustfully. Everything was really pissing me off. The last time, it was my family I lost and I survived, now it's Mrs Davis, and I am still alive...what sort of life is this? Why can't I just die and forget about life's awful experiences. Who have I offended? or have I been cursed from birth? ' I couldn't stop questioning myself but nothing changed the story. I became a two-time orphan in just two years! ' Who wouldn't think that I had been cursed too? I thought. Nothing is left, Bryan suddenly disappeared with no idea of where he is, and now this...'

I never thought losing Mrs Davis was the next thing on my unpleasant experience list, cos why?She was the stranger God used for me when everything went sour with my life. I thought I had lost it all, but then, she gave me life again. I thought God actually brought her to fill the gap.

'I just want to think that God is so mean to me right now...' I mumbled as I looked around in disdain. I was just about reconsidering accepting Jesus into my life when all this surfaced.Yet, they say, God is good...

Then, the doctor came in. ' I'm so glad you came back. It's been two weeks since you have been unconscious and we have been taking conscious look at you when we discovered that you're preg...' I cut him short. What are you about to say?.. pregnant? how is that even possible? I blurted in utmost shock. cos how am I supposed to believe this. I became dumbfounded. I suddenly went nuts. I am still a virgin doctor, I retorted. I can't get pregnant, not even now. '

' Mirabel, relax! you're a week gone now, you actually slumped out of shock, but as we checked you closely, we discovered you're pregnant.' He said.

' You'll be fine uhn...' He said calmly and turned to leave.

' Doctor, I can't be pregnant, you probably checked another patient, not me.' I muttered.

This is the peak of adding salt to injury.First, I lost Mrs Davis, Bryan is no where to be found, and now I'm pregnant and I don't know how and who is responsible. At most, I don't remember having anything with Bryan... I sat tightly and held to the bed, as I thought through.