
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teen
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23 Chs

Can I do it?

Knock knock...Vivi, I want to see you.Please open the door. I finally decided to tell Vivian about Bryan. You must be wondering who Vivian is...

Yeah,since we moved to a new house,it has been difficult making new friends.It was boredom for me whenever Mrs Davis leaves for work and I am left alone at home.

'Mum, I can't wait to get admitted to the University.' I would always tell her. Cos,why not?

loneliness was killing me,I wasn't allowed to leave the house without consent. If not for Bryan's regular voice and video calls that keep me busy through the day, it would have been worse. No more Janice and Gladys. I really missed those girls. But that is fate. We meet to part and we part to meet. 'I gotta make new friends.' I sat in bed as I kept thinking.

Just when I needed someone to talk to,she came.

One sunny afternoon while I was in my room,I suddenly heard a knock on the door. At first,I thought it was Mrs Davis, because who else could it be?. Surprisingly, It was the girl who lives in the other flat. I was stunned. I mean, I wasn't even expecting her.

'Hi, Good afternoon.I'm so sorry to disturb your peace. I don't know if you have any board game that we can play together,I'm really bored and I can tell you it's almost killing me...my mum wouldn't even listen to me.She laments as she said. She just kept talking while I stood in awe. 'We are in the same shoes.' I retorted as I managed to laugh. You have to wait outside while I go get it. Let's see what we can do.

I smiled,she smiled...

That was the beginning of our friendship.

Me, I had always wanted to talk to Vivian since we moved to the flat,but I thought she was this rude, proud and rich girl who doesn't like to associate with anyone not in her class. Of course, she's the daughter of a rich man.She gets all she wants at the tip of her fingers,so obsessed with fashion. I mean,her dressing alone is a show of wealth. Sometimes, I even envy her.(smiles).I didn't know that was just a show. She's really so cool,amazing and fun to be with.

Months after getting to know each other,I got to know that she has a bad side to herself. She drinks, dates guys and all sort of blah blah. More reason why her parents make her stay at home. That didn't stop her. At times,she would bring a guy to the house, party with girls and even drink. Her parents were always on a trip. They had no time to monitor her. They only gave the security man orders not to let her out except with an approval. So she always bribes the security man to allow her friends in.

That wasn't just my thing,but as time went on,I started rolling in.

She became an antidote to boredom. Whenever I get bored and less busy,I also go to her place and gradually we became really close friends.

So, I decided to tell her about Bryan. 'She has experience'. I thought.

Vivi, there is this guy that we have been together for a while now,but just as friends though.' I said. I told her of how we both met and all. . .

'Friends you say?' She retorted.

'Like, there's no string attached. Do you want to tell me you don't have any feelings for him?'. She added.

'How did she suddenly assume like that?'. I thought.

'Hmmmn. . . Not really. I think it's just a crush.'I responded.

'Do you think I should let him know?'. I asked.

' Baby girl,I'm sure that guy also has something for you but he's just scared to say it.' She answered.

'Let's do it like this, since you guys have been friends together for sometime now, it's not bad if you start a relationship. Moreso, you're a big girl now. You should be able to do it. Whenever he pops out the question, don't hesitate to answer.' She added.

' Really? I'm not prepared for this o. Mum will not even support this.' I blurted.

' Oh my goodness,are you a baby?.Why would you want to tell her in the first place. Of course, they're all the same,she would not let you. Don't dull yourself babe! Will you just let your feelings go and keep hurting the poor boy?. She said.

'That's true. ' I exclaimed.

'Thank you Vivi, I know you'd give the best advice.' I said.

Me: I thought that was the best advice I got. I started to think of all what Bryan had done for me, the love,the care, the concern...those moments. I could tell he does have feelings too. Moreso, telling Mrs Davis was indeed a bad idea.

I resolved to taking her advice.

It looked as though the devil had it planned. Some weeks after I got Vivian's advice,Bryan asked me out. Such a moment!

It was like I had just gotten a gold medal.

Earlier that day,he had texted to see me,it was sudden and unexpected. It was on a Saturday.I knew Mrs Davis wouldn't allow me go out except for tangible reasons,so I made up a story that I wanted to go for Church cleaning as announced in Church the previous Sunday that they'll be needing volunteers to clean the Church.

She was so happy that I volunteered.

' Mira, are you sure? I know that you don't like church stuffs.When did you change?'. She said as I requested that afternoon.

' I just thought of it and since I'm less busy,I thought to do it.' I responded.

Bryan had sent the location to meet up. Surprisingly, It was the restaurant he first met me. I was stunned. The moment I sighted him,I rushed to give him a hug. We haven't seen each other since graduation day. I couldn't control it. I hugged him passionately.

That evening,we ate,played and had fun. We snapped our first picture together (in memory of this part of my story,one of the pictures on the wall) I was so glad. It was like I shouldn't go home,but I suddenly remembered that I had made up a lie to go out and if I should return home late,she could start calling the Pastor.

We left and bid each other goodbye.

'Cheers to a new beginning with me'. He said playfully.

'I promise to love you indeed.' He added.

'I ...l..e you too..oo'. I said as I stuttered

I was in love,naive and ignorant of what lies ahead.

I thought I had made a great achievement asides from academics.

Did I just just do that?