
Mint And Martin :This Man Is My Property

My Dear, This is Mint. this story's main Protagonist. you guessed it right, I like men. like a lot, literally. yes, I am the one, belong to that 10% population which consider as the minority, The LGBTQ+. but if you take aside the sexuality agenda, I'm a normal person like you. I have a family, friends like more than brother and sister. suitable college life and a friend that I have a crush on. I wake up early daily, take bath, eat meals regularly, and always be on time for college, being studious is my nature. posses talents and hobbies and thinking uniquely. facing difficulties and stress, dealing with them, and all stuff like that. I am as normal as you are as extraordinary as you are. practically I possess every characteristic of human beings. and this is my story. "Mint, have you make contact with any of our friends?" "I trying to call them, but no one is available at this moment. I'm now afraid. they might not get hurt?" "I don't know but I think they may be safe. I trust God for their safety. we just need to configure this Idea." "You might be true. I guess this earthquake might not cause any damage to them. but still, can't make any contact with them makes me more worried as per second passes." "Keep Hope Mint. everything will be fine. the disaster has passed. now we just have to figure out where their locations are. but first, you need to take a deep breath and calm your blood pressure down. don't be panic." "I am trying to calm myself down. but, as time passes I can't stop worrying about them. and I might keep worrying like this until I discover they are safe." I say a msg dropped into my phone. I rapidly get up and gear up for helping them. "Han, I should go and look for them. you have to rest" "I can't sit around and do nothing. when I knew my friends are out there. they might need my help. I should go too." "No, please, you are in no condition right now. look at you. you barely even walk right now. if you get out like this you have me behind to worry about you too." "but!" "I do not afford to listen to any excuses right now. just be here and I take the rest of the part to make sure they are safe." My heart-eating me out of worry. this is a case of emergency, of course, I would. why not. but nonetheless, I wasn't thinking straight. when I started to think, why I was running so desperate to the first destination. when I received the location like this crazy? I might say I can't judge myself for what reason my heart is shouting me to 'run' fast as I can. move my feet as I can, towards the person it might desire to take a glimpse to his safety. yes, I am figuring out myself too, why? why him? why this particular person my heart has a desire to see this extensively out of anyone in this entire planet right now? The upper phase might not be a question. but it might rather be it's an answer to itself. I just have to figure out what.

Nick_BL · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Chapter:18-The Passed On Breath

(Aroon POV)

"Should we go inside, caption?"

"yes, take us to the spot."

as soon as we arrived at the spot. I see a huge concrete trash has been slammed near the cash counter. we quickly go there see if someone is there or not?


my fellow soldier asked.

"if someone is there they might not make talk. so look for yourself."

I look the concrete careful it nothing was suspicious. but as soon as I see someone's hand. I quickly command and my soldier to remove blocks quickly. I saw a man who was lying on his stomach. I asked sir are you alright? and then when I get no Answer I get to him check on him. as so as I saw his face I was terrified. it was him. the person that I and earth saved that day. I speak in mind.

'how this happened? why is he lying in here like this?'

I saw him in a state like this. my heart, feels pain. I was asking again and again to myself, should I help him? if I make any mistake he will be in danger. while I'm at his face and his slow like very low breath get me in more tensed.


The soldier places his fingers on his left wrist and reported to me.

"caption, I can't get his pulse."

"step aside, let me see."

as soon as heard that, I place my ear against his chest, I knew the soldier was speaking right. this was already an emergency but this time it's a life or death matter situation. I was terrified.

'hang on, I'll save you for sure.'

I was wishing for this.

he was not breathing, not having to hear his heartbeat makes me terrified 😨 badly. but I need to focus or else he will die like this. so I got my courage back and apply my training. we soldier have this kind medical emergencies training in camps. and I have only the last thing to do.

"passed him my breath."

the CPR. apply pressure with my hands against his chest and giving my breath to him. so his heart can the start function again. there were several steps to proceed.

(not sure of that so I picked up some guides from the Internet. please note: the method is not necessarily totally correct so I recommend you to not use it as a medical procedure.)

[Doing CPR right away can double or even triple a person's chance of surviving cardiac arrest. there are CPR guide we were trainer to do if someone is ever experiencing a life-threatening emergency.

If a person is not breathing, his heartbeat will stop. Do CPR (chest compressions and rescue breaths) to help circulation and get oxygen into the body. (Early use of an AED—an automated external defibrillator—if one is available, can restart a heart with an abnormal rhythm.

First, open a person's airway to check if they are breathing (don't begin CPR if a patient is breathing normally). Then, get help. If you are not alone, send someone to call for help as soon as you have checked to breathe. Ask the person to come back and confirm that the call has been made.

1. Position your hand (above). Make sure the patient is lying on his back on a firm surface. Kneel beside him and place the heel of your hand on the centre of the chest.

2. Interlock fingers (above). Keeping your arms straight, cover the first hand with the heel of your other hand and interlock the fingers of both hands together. Keep your fingers raised so they do not touch the patient's chest or rib cage.

3. Give chest compressions (above). Lean forward so that your shoulders are directly over the patient's chest and press down on the chest about two inches. Release the pressure, but not your hands, and let the chest come back up.

Repeat to give 30 compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. Not sure what that means? Push to beat of the Bee Gees song "Stayin' Alive."

(Note: The American Heart Association recommends Hands-Only CPR (CPR without rescue breaths, which are detailed below) for people suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. According to the AHA, only about 39 per cent of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get immediate help before professional help arrives; doing Hands-Only CPR may be more comfortable than doing rescue breaths for some bystanders and make it more likely that they take action. The AHA still recommends CPR with compressions and breaths for infants and children and victims of drowning, drug overdose, or people who collapse due to breathing problems.)

4. Open the airway (above). Move to the patient's head. Tilt his head and lift his chin to open the airway again. Let his mouth fall open slightly.

5. Give rescue breaths (above). Pinch the nostrils closed with the hand that was on the forehead and support the patient's chin with your other hand. Take a normal breath, put your mouth over the patient's, and blow until you can see his chest rise.

6. Watch the chest fall. Remove your mouth from the patient's and look along the chest, watching the chest fall. Repeat steps five and six once.

7. Repeat chest compressions and rescue breaths. Place your hands on the chest again and repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions, followed by two rescue breaths. Continue the cycle.]

"he is still not breathing caption."

"Oh! God, please🙏 please🙏 save him."

what do? I was trying so hard to get back his breath. I was praying to load, I was being nervous and begging God to have mercy and pity this lonely soul. so he cannot take him away. I don't why but yes I don't want him to die. so at last...

"I beg you God, please have mercy. please let him live."

that was so sudden. I heard,

his breath came back. he took a long inhale after waking up.

"oh! thank God, you have mercy."

I was sobbing by the act of God. and prayed to thank God for letting him live. I looked at him after I prayed to God.

I can see his eyes were red and he was looking at me directly with those red but thankful eyes. like it was telling me a "thanks"

but his situation wasn't much great. I controlled my emotions and give the priority to let him go to the hospital first.

we had his first aid but we need to check some other factors of his body too. so we quickly escort him to the hospital to further check-up.

I hope we meet again...