
Minori Castle

Normal. That's a word that doesn't match and will never match. It becomes very clear to me every time I see its meaning in the dictionary or anywhere else. Sometimes I keep thinking: "Is this the hard fate I'll carry for the rest of my life?" Being forced to hide so I don't become a laughingstock or a mockery to everyone and still be considered a freak or worse... A freak. But as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel for those who do not give up, now I have a life that I can consider "normal", because they came to me and showed me the way to the light, pulling me out of the darkness I was in. And even after all this, blue turned out to be my favorite color. __________________________________________ I don't have a cape to wear, so I put something random

Yatsuji · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The journey comes to an end

- Good morning flower of the day - hummed Aisha.

- Good morning, Aisha - I spoke as I put my hands on my face.

- Did you sleep well?

- More or less, my bed mattress was too hard, you know how much I hate them - Aisha spoke with a serious expression.

He smiled and said - Mine was soft as a cloud.

- And how do you know a cloud is soft? - asked Aisha with arms crossed.

- Silly! You understood what I said - I answered with a smile.

- Haha! Of course - said Aisha smiling back.

- For someone who didn't sleep well because of a hard mattress you woke up in a good mood - I spoke while checking my bag.

- I will not let this evil mattress of darkness steal my mood," said Aisha as it shore me up.

- Oh, my God. Just yourself, Aisha - I spoke smiling.

- I mean it, Diana! Don't trust hard mattresses, if we turn our backs on them they can rule the world! - said Aisha with arms outstretched.

- Okay! I won't trust hard mattresses - I spoke shaking my head in denial.

- That's right, don't trust the hard mattresses! - repeated Aisha.

- Guys! Time to go, grab your stuff and finish your breakfast because we're going to get on with the trip - said John while checking the van's tires.

- Wow! How rash you are, John! - joked Aisha.

- I must be, Miss Aisha - replied John while smiling. - You have to be at Castle Minori in three days. And before I forget, get your coats because our next stop is Canada.

- Really! The twins in the blizzard! - said Aisha excited.

- That nickname really caught on - I spoke as I approached Van.

- Yes, their powers are incredible - Aisha spoke as she accompanied me. - The power that controls the ice!

Everyone took their coats and put their luggage away, we got in the van and went on. The next students to pick up were Melissa and Morpheus. The twins in the blizzard, as they were nicknamed. It would be a long trip to Canada, this time there wouldn't be many portals on the way, we would get there at sunset.

After a few hours on the road, we stopped at a snack bar for lunch, after that we returned to Van and she continued on her way. We arrived at the twins' house when it was six o'clock in the afternoon, John put on his black coat before leaving and went there to pick them up, after a while John appeared with the two brothers, he opened the door of the Van and they entered with their serious expressions. Both have platinum blond hair and blue eyes. All the students welcomed him, they were also very popular. Icebenders are very rare, so far as I know, there are only four people who possess this power, the twin brothers and two teachers. Aisha's power can be even rarer, counting on her there are two such people in the Castle. Aisha and a teacher.

Now we were going to the next dorm because it was getting dark. Aisha kept praying on my side not to pick a room that had a bed with a hard mattress.

- Will it take long, John? I'm starving to death - Aisha complained while stretching. - And I really want to take a bath and rest.

- Well... we all do - said a boy looking back.

- We're almost to the dorm," answered John after taking a quick look at us. - It won't take long.

- Okay, John... - said Aisha with a cheerier face. - Diana, I know I ask too much of you but... Tell me the truth, do you like Jared or not?

- Why am I not surprised by this sudden question? - I spoke with my hand on my forehead. - Why do you always have to ask me that?

- It's because you never answer me what I want to hear! - she said.

- And how many times do I have to tell you he's just my friend? - I spoke looking away.

- That's because he's a firebender, isn't it? That's why you're always saying no, right? - said Aisha.

- Where did you get that from? - I said it by bowing an eyebrow.

- Well, that's because you're a Waterbenders, so you must think it wouldn't suit him because he's a Firebenders," Aisha explained. - Actually you two would make a great couple, a very strong couple.

- He's my friend, Aisha, and that's final - I spoke looking out the window.

Aisha always has this habit of saying that we would be a beautiful couple, but she can't understand that we are just friends.

John managed to find a portal that would take us straight to our country, then we only had to travel an hour to get to the next dorm. So after that time had passed, we arrived at the scheduled location and finally got out of that van. We each chose our own room and took a well-deserved shower, then had dinner and fell into bed.

The other day we went back to the road, this time the Minori Castle was very close, because there are several portals in the way we had to go. We were going to arrive one day early. And that was good. Each driver had seven days to pick up the students, so by the seventh day the students should already be at the Minori Castle. The eighth and ninth days were rest days, so the students would be rested before classes started.

After a while on the road, I took my cell phone to check the time, it was five o'clock sharp. I looked out the window of the van and could already see the forest. The Labyrinth Forest! Our school was finally getting closer.