
Day 46 of Mining

The game of today is Advanced Wars, here is a description from Wikipedia:

"Room" which is a collection of maps on which the player strives for high scores, as well as multiplayer modes and a map design mode. The "Campaign" and "War Room" modes both help to rank the player up (from Rank #100 to Rank #1) and to earn coins to unlock COs and maps in the "Battle Maps" shop. The modes also gives the player an additional rank for effort after winning a battle on that map, which assesses the player's speed, power, and technique in that battle; speed being the number of days spent trying to win the battle, power being how many enemy units were defeated, and technique is the number of the player's units that survived (in percentage).

Battle system

The battles of Advance Wars are turn-based. Two to four armies, each headed by a CO (commanding officer), take turns building and commanding units on grid-based maps, while attacking enemy units, moving positions, holding ground, or capturing enemy/neutral properties (cities, ports, airports, bases, or HQ).

infantry, vehicles, ships, or air units. Units have specific strengths and weaknesses. One rule of thumb that units have to adhere to is that a portion of their fuel supply is used up each turn; ground units who run out cannot move, while air and naval units who run out are destroyed as they consume fuel even when stationary. Submarines consume more fuel than usual when submerged.

Commanding officers

Armies are led by COs, who control units. Most COs provide units with innate special advantages and disadvantages, such as extra firepower, greater strength, or a shorter firing range, with some COs being better with specific units (i.e. being better with air units than naval units). COs also have a Power Meter which fills up by defeating enemy units or when on the receiving end of a brutal offensive attack. When the meter is full, a CO can unleash their "CO Power", which gives a temporary positive effect to friendly units and/or a negative effect to enemy units. For example, Nell gives a Critical Strike bonus to her units and Olaf makes it snow, limiting the movement range of his opponent while increasing his own."