
Day 11 of Mining

The game of today is any snes rpg fan know about. It's the best rpg of snes and one of the best of all time. The name is Chrono Trigger.

Here is a little about the story taken from Wikipedia:

"Chrono Trigger  takes place in an Earth-like world, with eras such as the prehistoric age, in which primitive humans and dinosaurs share the earth; the Middle Ages, replete with knights, monsters, and magic; and the post-apocalyptic future, where destitute humans and sentient robots struggle to survive. The characters frequently travel through time to obtain allies, gather equipment, and learn information to help them in their quest. The party also gains access to the End of Time (represented as year ∞), which serves as a hub to travel back to other time periods. The party eventually acquires a time-machine vehicle known as the Wings of Time, nicknamed the Epoch (this default name can be changed by the player when the vehicle is acquired). The vehicle is capable of time travel between any time period without first having to travel to the End of Time."

This game has version for android, iOS, steam, PlayStation, and switch but you have to buy or you can simple dowload a snes emulator (or ds) and that version game.