
Chapter 140 - Trial of the Hats

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Chengling, I have something to ask you."

Ren Suo was eating a plate of Hainanese chicken rice in the dining hall of the Heavenly Institution of Lian, but his mind was focused on something else as he stared intently at his mobile phone. Suddenly, he asked Dong Chengling, who was sitting opposite and eating an upsized plate of teriyaki chicken rice, "What would you do if it was already late at night and you still have not completed your homework, and your father would hit you if you do not finish it?"

Dong Chengling said as she chewed her food, "I have never not completed my homework."

"What if Godzilla attacked your school and you do not have enough time to complete your homework?" Ren Suo asked.

"My dad would not hit me either," replied Dong Chengling.

Ren Suo probed further, "What if your father happened to be particularly angry that night as he had missed his breakfast and lunch?"