
Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded

What happens when someone dies? Well usually they go to the God they believed in or enter the Hell that was in their religion, or if they were atheist's... Not anymore they weren't Reincarnation was a sub subject of death, but it wasn't any easier to understand. When I died, I wondered how things would happen in death. I did not expect that I would get another chance of life. With three very different, but similar games that give me powers that go against common sense. So equipped with new powers I was all set on exploring the world. But why is it that I had to defeat the end bosses of all three games gunning for my head?

TreeBriarWood · Video Games
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145 Chs

The Auction

Flipping the silver coin into the air and catching it in the middle of my palm I sat in the middle of the mini casino I was talking about earlier.

Looking at the sync rates once again I nodded.

[Terraria - 35%]

From the previous 32% it had risen by 3%, and for good reason as well.

Opening the game screen and looking at my character, one of the three accessories slots had been taken and was filled with a four leafed clover coin.

Dubbed the lucky coin, it had the effect of just that, the increase of luck.

Smirking I earned another pot of gold from my increased luckiness and looked at the newly unlocked accessories function.

Next to the Lucky coin was the shield of Cthulhu which I used without putting into my accessory slot.

I could now just use it with a thought instead of having to switch to the item consciously.

'I take back my words of Casino's being scammer and are untrustworthy sources of coin'

Flipping the coin within my fingers I pressed down the lever once again on the slot machine.

'These guys are surprisingly nice'

Chuckling to myself while ignoring the glares at my back Joseph finally came to find me.

"What are you still doing here? Didn't you say that you didn't like cas-"

Getting interrupted by the sounds of me getting a jackpot and receiving another platinum coin I turned to the dumbstruck old man.


"You know what? Never mind" Turning around he gestured for me to follow him who was entering the crowd of people heading somewhere.

"Follow me, the official auction is happening right now"

"Sure" Grinning as I pocketed my earnings and walked forwards.

I wasn't unaware at the greedy gazes staring at my back.

Lots of money attracts flies after all.

Getting led into a large theater like structure, the seats all facing the stage in the middle, I followed Joseph who instead of turning to the much more common seats.

Turned to one of the hallways off to the side guarded by the statues/ guards.

Flashing the golden card at the guards, they did nothing to stop us as they let us walk into the side cabinets where we could spectate the stage comfortably, while being away from the throng of the crowd.

Sitting down onto the leather seats and letting out a sigh he turned to me.

"I... Won't ask you how much coin you have gained from gambling, but please spend most of it here"

Still riding on the high of the Lucky coin I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, not that Joseph could see it.

But as if sensing my unspoken question he continued.

"You are a shameless bastard aren't you"

"After getting so much coin into your pockets in such short notice without giving anything back the economy will be taking a dive tomorrow"

"So spend it"

"Sure" Turning to the stage as the lights dimmed and focused onto the stage I nestled into the seat. "I was going to do that anyways"


"Are you sure we can do this?"

"Yes! Now shut up and get to work! IF we do this right...." 

"heh heh heh, we wouldn't need to work for the rest of our lives"

"Now hurry up and get back to work"


"Welcome Ladies and Gents! To the 96th annual Auction!"

A man in a magpie's mask revealed himself on the stage as he announced the beginning of the auction.

Quite interesting though that this auction house was 96 years old.

"Today, we have an assortment of goods that you definitely not be disappointed by!"

Waving his white gloved hands to the side as some other people in similar masks rolled the first product on stage.

"Gathered from all around the world with the help of our connections to the merchants guild! Today! We reveal the first item!"

Grabbing the cloth off the top of the so called product, he revealed what was underneath.

"Behold! The first item of the day! found in the Ancient ruins of the Old civilization"

"The Epic Scrolls of the Assassin!"


I reacted to the revealed item rather excessively, so much so that Joseph noticed.

"Hey are you okay? It's just a scroll of an Assassin's past power"

"Hey Joseph?"

"Hmm? What?"

Eyeing the contents of the case as people raised their paddles and called out varying amounts of money, I had to ask.

"What is that Epic scroll about?"

"You just want to know what it does or where it's from?"


"Well..." Looking at the bidding stop slowly as the amount of money didn't rise as quickly as before he nodded.

"It doesn't look like anything good is coming on so I'll tell you"

"The thing with these scrolls is that there are three types of powers, but most of the time there are only two types on the scroll at a time, they are called Brutality, Tactics and Survival respectively."

"They each gift different powers similar to their name, Brutality makes it so you can kill enemies faster, Tactics kill enemies without getting hurt, and Survival makes sure that you never have to die."

"That right there" Pointing downwards at the buyer who successfully bought the epic scroll of the assassin. "Is one of the three scrolls that we have found"

"Called the Assassin with Tactics and Brutality, the Minotaur with Brutality and Survival and finally the Guardian with the Survival and Tactics powers"

"Sold to the lucky buyer of the Assassin Scroll for a small amount of 20 gold!"

Moving the scrolls off stage, another item came up to the podium and the man on the stage revealed it after a bit of fanfare.

And let me tell you.

The items on the stage were incredibly diverse.

After the Scroll of the Assassin, besides another Assassin and one Minotaur, the scrolls stopped appearing as other items appeared and were bought.

I wasn't particularly interested in the minotaur scroll so I bought the Assassin scroll for 15 gold.

And after that...

Well safe to say that I wasn't particularly interested on the items that came on as they didn't really have any... strengthening value lets say.

Because besides a magic sword that uses mana which I had no clue on how to get and several potions of varying effectiveness that came on and had no interest.

I only bought accessories that I had a need for, some blue prints for the Dead Cells items, a few new weapons such as a sword called the swift sword, a blade that allowed quick consecutive swings and a piece of armor called the Beetle armor which was made out of the shells of several beetles.

Placing the gold and silver onto the plate besides to confirm my payment and waiting in place for a moment.

The moment I was waiting for finally arrived.

Leaning on my seat as the man below announced his words.

"Ladies and Gents! Now that we have gotten rid of the not so important things! We have the final three items left for sale!"

As the lights focused on the man, the door behind me opened as someone came in.

Bringing in the armor called the beetle armor I gestured for them to leave it at the side where the rest of the items were.

Still got three platinum in my pocket.

Man I love gambling.


"Are you ready?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good, get ready, the final three things are about to be revealed"

