
Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded

What happens when someone dies? Well usually they go to the God they believed in or enter the Hell that was in their religion, or if they were atheist's... Not anymore they weren't Reincarnation was a sub subject of death, but it wasn't any easier to understand. When I died, I wondered how things would happen in death. I did not expect that I would get another chance of life. With three very different, but similar games that give me powers that go against common sense. So equipped with new powers I was all set on exploring the world. But why is it that I had to defeat the end bosses of all three games gunning for my head?

TreeBriarWood · Video Games
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

Newcoming of Sevallia

Euterpe and her sister Kleio couldn't help but be surprised.

When seeing the orange light which set alight the sky in orange flame.

Although they were slightly confused, that was the extent of their confusion as they quickly abandoned their posts on the Lighthouse.

The Queen was much stronger than the three of them combined either way either way.

And they had already abandoned their posts several times during the time loops to gather information on the island, so abandoning their posts right now wasn't anything new.

But as they dashed across the landscape, circling the large mountainous island of all its Malaise'd inhabitants.

When they smelt the thick heady scent of crimson iron being spilt alongside copious amounts of ash, their eyes flickered with indiscernible emotions.

Passing by the blood shed and carnage of several corpses with large holes and fractured bodies dotting the ground.

Large circular swaths of clear space had been covered in circular strokes of blood, as if a giant painter had decided to draw several incredibly curvy strokes onto the sheet of paper that was the stone ground.

And that painter really drew.

From all the way around the edges of the Undying Shores straight towards the Inner rims of Stilt village.

There was nothing that was untouched.

Arriving besides their sister, Calliope that was in the middle of dispatching one of the Kingdom's prized Goliath's with a fell swoop.

The two other sisters couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Sister Calliope, what the hell has happened here?"

Calliope glanced at her sister servants through the small slits of her golden mask and let out a long calm sigh that seemed to carry all of her frustrations.

"The new Accidental that has slain the Concierge is what happened."

She pointed her bloodied hand at a place far off into the distance where a man was dancing through a network of purple limbs and slicing them apart.

Faltering slightly when the Accidental flew high up in the sky after blowing up a majority of the Mama ticks limbs.

Which in turn Revealed the full form of Mama Tick which was a kilometer long worm giant with incredibly large limbs.

Staring at it, Calliope looked at her sisters who stared dumbfoundedly through their golden masks.




"No" Kleio raised her hand at Euterpe's words. "I know what you are thinking but no."

"But why?"

"He's not w-"

Kleio's words were interrupted by an explosion of blue light disappeared within the gullet of Mama tick before appearing around its body in a blue lightshow.

Exploding into a gory mess of blue and purple, the Mama Tick died a horrible death, and by the looks of it, the Accidental was still mostly fine and dandy since he was now aiming at the other Boss monster.

"-orthy enough."


Perhaps trying to regain her image, Kleio quickly changed the topic.

"Nevertheless, even if we conclude that the man is stronger than one of us, it does not mean he is stronger than all of us and even if he is, is he really stronger than the Queen."

"That is true..."

As the three servants who were dedicated to protecting the Queen, they weren't the strongest of the foes enemies would have to face.

In fact their purpose was to get rid of those unworthy enough to face the queen.

And even if one somehow convinced the three Servants to somehow attack the Queen, even when combined and knowing each other from birth, they were not enough to take down the Queen although they might get close.

As they were having those desperate thoughts resound through their heads in hopes of making sure the accidental wouldn't meet the Queen.

So in true Servant fashion, all of their instincts screamed at them to simultaneously snap their heads towards the accidental who let the arrow from his bow loose.

Snapping backwards from the concussive force, an orange ray of light filled the sky in its lava like hues before disappearing into the distance.

In the distance the orange blast of light that tore straight through Conjunctivis and rendered it a donut in form continued onwards to hit the mountain face upon where the clock tower was placed upon.


"Are you sure we can even stop him?"

Turning away from the mass destruction that tore straight through a boss monster, Calliope asked Kleio that question.

"...Well if we work together-"

The mountain in the distance rumbled as the blast finally left its mark, the mountain announcing its defeat as a portion of it fell off of it due to the strength behind it.

"-I think we will lose."



"The Queen will like this won't she?"



Falling into silence, they watched as the Accidental that they would soon have to talk to fell from the sky.

"Should we go pick him up?"



I stared at the incredible sight in front of me.

From exploding a boss monster into several small pieces of purple flesh to turning another one into a donut.

It had been a rather eventual battle.

One where I felt incredibly burnt out after it.

Falling from the sky, I hit the ground at terminal speeds and created a crater.

'Holy shit.'

Laying embedded beneath the rubble of the earth, purple blood seeped through the cracks and reminded me that I had killed Mama Tick.

The crimson flames following it reminded me I was still in the middle of a battle.

Quickly jumping up from my place and trying to placate the hungry flames on my body, I grimaced in slight pain as the fire scorched my skin.

But it just stayed a slight pain instead of the terrible one that I used to feel when the fire got on my body and tried to eat the blood in my body.

If anything the pain was annoying to me.

Noting that fact down, I looked around the crater around me.

'At least now I know what the king was saying when he said he was going to release a power from me.'

Drawing similarities to the crater that suddenly appeared around me in the Toxic Sewers and revealed the Promenade of the Condemned


Joyful calls resounded the port town as smiling faces greeted anyone who entered the town.

From the small children playing around with the remnants and dropped parts from fishermen hauling up the catch of the day, to the fishermen themselves having caught a great rarity.

Ships moved alongside the waves and sails unfurled and caught the billowing winds which seemed to greet the sailors once again.

Nets were tossed into the sea as the fishermen hoped for a great catch to fall into their hands.

Following that, sometimes mistakes happened as the ships were tossed over by uncaring forces of nature, but thanks to the great work ethic that the kingdom had ingrained into their soldiers.

They would stop their patrols mid way while helping the fishermen back into their boats, sometimes going as far as to help haul up the catch of the day.

Old Billy himself who was the oldest yet most spry fisherman had already outlasted many of his old friends.

Something that he attributed to his love for fish and his wish to die on the sea.

It was generally a joyful picture.

But in the end, it was nothing but a picture in the catalog of memories resting within her mind.

The Queen stared fixedly at the sea where the sun reflected off the sea surface and bent all sorts of ways.

The lively sea filled with ships coming and going from the island such as the small fishing boats, merchants ships and patrol ships was slowly replaced by the empty one where nothing but the sea greeted her.

And far off into the distance a large cut in the water separated the sea creating a sense of Wrongness as the water undulated in different ways across each other.

Staring at the seas which would do the same movements again and again if not for outside forces for another few times, the Queen stared.

And stared.

And stared.

She stared until the sun had fallen across the sea and was dying the ocean in gentle hues of shining orange, the orange light reflecting across the ocean and making it look like the sea itself had turned into amber. 

And much like the seas which slammed against the sides of the cliffs upon which the rest of the lighthouse was built.

Memories slammed into her psyche like the undulating tides.

Letting out a cold sigh, she wondered whether her wish could fill the void in her heart.

Despite the fire which literally burnt within her, the dusk seemed increasingly cold.

