
Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded

What happens when someone dies? Well usually they go to the God they believed in or enter the Hell that was in their religion, or if they were atheist's... Not anymore they weren't Reincarnation was a sub subject of death, but it wasn't any easier to understand. When I died, I wondered how things would happen in death. I did not expect that I would get another chance of life. With three very different, but similar games that give me powers that go against common sense. So equipped with new powers I was all set on exploring the world. But why is it that I had to defeat the end bosses of all three games gunning for my head?

TreeBriarWood · Video Games
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173 Chs

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"You got really lucky in the fact that these are all indie games and are pixelated ones you know?"

I stared complicatedly at the card and ballot ball both emitting a soft light.

The ballot ball was showing a hologram like projection and the card was showing the game on the card face.

Where the illegible words were, were the words Terraria.

And on the card face which was once unreadable as both sides showed everchanging back faces was the game called Minecraft.

Their logos of the games of course.

"Hell, I don't think you know but these games all have a synchronized rate that appears when next to each other"

The God of Fun and Games continued to ramble on about random things as he seemed slightly frustrated.

Whether by my good or bad luck I do not know.

"It's your good luck you bastard." Murmuring to himself the boy juggled a few balls into the air.


"Nothing" Dismissing what I may or may not have heard as the wind I returned to my staring.

If I remember correctly both Minecraft and Terraria were games that were basically from the same root.

So that means several functions they had could be overlapped.

Which probably was the synchronized rate the God of Fun was talking about.

"Could you tell me what this... sync rate is about then?"

"I was waiting for you to say that!" Clapping his hands the world instantly shifted around me.

And I found myself sitting on a velvet chair in the middle of what seems like a theater.

Although confused I quickly got a hold of myself.

Looking at the stage a light blinded me as the spotlight moved from pointing at me to a select spot on the stage.

Allowing me to see things more clearly.

The curtains were red, a box was in the middle, the floor was wood and the lights were focused on the box.

Instantly coming to a conclusion that I didn't know what was happening at the slightest the God of Fun and Games came to my metaphorical rescue.

"Welcome Reincarnated one who I don't remember his name because I didn't ask for it!"

Blinking at the absurdly long and fast speech of introduction I indeed realized I hadn't told the God my name.

Although I would expect for a boy able to read my mind he should know my name.

The box in the middle instantly blew up and turned into a chalk board throwing confetti everywhere.

Now wearing a school uniform of some unknown design the boy floated in the air and adjusted his glasses.

"Now then! I will be explaining the Synchronization rate!"

"To explain" Slamming a long pointer stick onto the blank chalkboard it instantly came to life.

Chalk lines ran across the board to draw the logos of various games.

"The sync rate depends on how similar the two games are and affects them accordingly"

A circle formed out of arrows pointed at two game logos as he continued.

"If the games are incompatible with each other such as say... An RTS (Real Time Strategy) and a FPS (First Person Shooter) game were what you had gotten"

Cue the chalk board suddenly expanding to allow more drawings of famous games to form.

"And because of how incompatible some games are, their functions usually decrease."

Slapping the pointer at the board again that showed a depressed emoji the God of Fun and Games continued.

"However! If you get to similar games that are compatible out of the thousands of millions of games out there"

"Their strong points are magnified although their functions are less diverse"

"You! However"

My eyes widened as his face turned slightly ugly.

"Somehow hit the one in a million chance and got not two but THREE! Such games!"

Backing away and hitting the back of my velvet seat the God of Fun and Games showed how they were connected to each other.

"They are all indie developed games! which accounts for 20% Sync"

"All are pixel games! 30% sync"

"All have enemies! 50% sync"

"THey! Excuse my voice crack, reference each other as crossover parodies! 90% sync!"

"And most importantly! They are all Famous! 100% sync"

"There are a few more factors to this such as smaller functions they had but these were the most important ones."

Blinking at the math that didn't add up at the least the boy sighed.

"Of course it doesn't add up to a 100%, which means you get 100% of the functions with no bonuses or demerits."

A gasp unknowingly loosed itself out of my mouth as my brain connected things.

"So if a 100% is 100% of the functions then above 100%..."

"Correct" Snapping his fingers the God of Fun and Games murmured. "Damnit I am going to waste so much authority"

"How'd you even disregard luck like that!? the chances to get 100% sync rate is close to 1 in a 1000 and you can only do it once!"

"But you!" Suddenly teleporting in front of me the chair I was sat on suddenly grabbed me by the arms.

Pointing his finger at my face my heart started to beat rapidly.

And thoughts like am I going to die again? Am I dead yet? Is this a nightmare? And other such things filled my head.

Unnaturally so.

Shaking my head in bewilderment at the negative thoughts that swirled within my head disappear and the entire stage went away like smoke.

As if it was a dream.

"Your half correct"

Clapping his hands slowly my eyes widened at the unusually serious face the boy had.

Unlike this time he was just slowly clapping his hands without even doing anything, not even taking out a game to play with.

"You have a strange mindset reincarnator but with that strange mindset... you passed the test"

Coughing into the palm of his hand the boy continued "You have deemed yourself worthy of my authority"


"Well..." Coughing into his palm the boy grabbed the card and ballot ball from my still clenched hands.

"I might've... maybe... not set any restrictions on personality and just gave a murderous sycophant my authority?"


"And they might've abused my authority to do several bad things that may or may not have harmed my divinity and hurt me."


"But they have been banished though! So don't worry you won't meet him in your lifetime"




"Ok... That's it!? I just told you I might've created a murderous sycophant who may or may not have slaughtered whole worlds out of fun!"

"Concerning but it's someone I won't meet in my lifetime, And just like you said you may have accidentally created a monstrous being able to destroy worlds"

"But you learned didn't you? You learned and now I'm here"

The God of Fun and Games stared at me slightly dumbfounded before saying.

"You are a strange human being"