

'I do not like this awkward tension'

The Ninja consciously rubbed the back of his neck as he pondered on how to solve this awkward tension that filled the small prairie they had made.

'How unfortunate to ask for the master when his master is dead, is this an unfortunate turn of circumstances?'

In the world of Axia, Master and student relationships were different from teacher and student relationships.

That was because in a Teacher and student relationship, the teacher is usually obligated to teach students, or just teaches students some knowledge before leaving.

In a master student relationship, its different.

In most cases, the master and student relationship wasn't that simple.

That was because master and student relationships were akin to a second family to both master and student or the master was going to impart the rest of their knowledge to the student like an inheritance.

In this case it seemed to be the latter where the inheritance of the master was passed down to a student who's potential they found appealing.

'And Slade here, seems to have inherited his masters will quite well'

Slade's master seemed to be one that specialized in all types of combat, that being either a fight in the melee with all sorts of weapons like blades, spears, gauntlets, boots and shields.

To fights from range that included bows, guns, throwing weapons and even has parts that included magic seeing how Slade used the Electric whip and Ice shards with excessive familiarity.

And although he hadn't seen it yet, due to how Slade used the flames with familiarity and wit, it seemed that Slade would also be very familiar with traps and explosions.

'Though I was disappointed that my students lost to some no name man, it wasn't in vain as the man before me seems to have great affinity with the All rounding battle style'

Looking the man up and down, a thought slowly entered their head as they continued to scan Slade.


Sheathing their long metallic katana that gleamed strangely under a certain light into it's black sheath.

The Ninja started to tap my body all over with the sheathed blade with a strange glint in their eye.

I had no idea what the hell was going on but it seemed that the ninja had accepted my excuse and meant no current harm.

'Not that I think I could escape if they actually meant harm'

Recalling the awesome form of the ninja that just sliced the air before a visible aura of wind cut through the air and subsequently the King slime I gulped my saliva.

But my worries went unsaid as the Ninja nodded after tapping their sheath onto my body in a variety of ways.

Sometimes tapping, jabbing and rubbing.

I felt strangely sore after all of that.

But the words that came out of the ninja's mouth were ones I didn't expect at all.



"Become my student"



Hearing those words, I felt something within me stir for reasons unknown.

It was an instinct I just had when I arrived in this new strange world.

And nearly all the time, whenever I was in a pickle.

The instinct came in and saved my life or made decisions for me that helped me with survival.

One time when I was in the deep dark caves, I nearly fell down into a caved in area if not for the instinct warning me in time.

But for some reason, that instinct that was only present in dangerous situations that involved bodily harm that could range from major wounds to fatal wounds now made an appearance here.

The question was why it was here.

It appeared when the Ninja made the request to become my master.

Whatever that was.

And the instinct within me that has been nothing but beneficial was saying to me within my mind to accept the request.

So why wouldn't I listen to it?

Holding those thoughts within my mind I nodded outwardly and replied.

"I'll accept you as my master on a few conditions"

"Good, now tell me" Placing the sheathe onto their waist the Ninja didn't seem to be in a rush. 

"What does the master student relationship with you entail? Because I don't want to be restrained in any ways"

Raising an eyebrow, the ninja stared at me with dark black eyes before nodding to himself.

'It seems that his previous master didn't hinder his activities in any way, and I can sense that Slade here will find more benefits in the wide world instead of a safe controlled environment'

"I can agree to that as long as you don't ignore my teachings"

"Secondly and this is my last request" Raising a second finger.

The Elf who was in the grass armor and was groaning in pain gasped at my words and tried to stop whatever was coming out of my mouth due to some odd reason as.

"What right do you have to demand more from--!"

Getting cut off by the Ninja, I continued my words.

"I want to know who you are"

Pointing my finger at the Man in Ninja Garb, they raised their eyebrows and widened their eyes in surprise.

Rubbing their neck the Ninja nodded and spoke "Hmm... Although I do not understand why you wish to know about me"

"It does not hinder me in anyways that I can think of, so I will agree"

Looking at the sun which hung high in the sky and had moved downwards heading into the horizon so that the moon could make it's reappearance.

The Ninja turned around and walked to the tree line where a few other elves were lying in wait.

He grabbed his blade inside his sheath and swung the sheath lightly as he neared the tree line.

A Visible crescent of wind formed out of nowhere as the trees were felled and turned into neat little logs.

But despite the three felled trees being on the ground.

I couldn't help but notice how the trees branches were overlooking the place the ninja cut.

"Sit, the story I will tell is anything but short"

Gesturing for us to take a seat on the felled logs.

I couldn't help but notice how the elves seemed to near the man and took their places on the branches overlooking the man.

Perhaps that was why he had left the rest of the trees alone.

Sitting down and admiring at how light the elves seemed to be when the branches didn't even bend underneath their weight.

I sat down and made myself comfortable as the Ninja prepared to tell his story.

"I guess my story starts like this..."



A woman shouted in the brewing storm as a crew of sailors hurriedly adjusted the sails and made it so that the ship didn't capsize underneath the surging waves.

Thunder crackled above head as alongside the storm that conjured waves from the deeps that tried to sink the ship and embrace it in the deep darkness..

In addition to these wonderful weather conditions.

The crew were busy trying to fend off the creatures of the deep that continuously boarded the ship.

"Captain! There are to many of them!"

The woman shouted again against the raging storm as they swung their cutlasses again and again.

Cutting through the several rats with glowing red pustules on their backs as they tried to hunt down the few remaining survivors on the ship.

Those who had fallen to the Monstrous beings had died a quick death, before being reanimated into the undead who quickly attacked their previous comrades.

"I understand that first Mate!"

The captain.

A man with a big bushy white beard and a red bandana that hung over their missing eye held the handheld cannon and continued to fire the weapon of steel.

Crushing the zombies who had reanimated from the dead with the flying cannon balls.

Hurriedly spinning the wheel to turn the ship away from the oncoming beasts.

The First mate turned to look at the captain and shouted.

"How much longer Cap'n!? The remaining crew can't stand long against the malaise!"

"Almost there!" Swinging their cannon to crush the flying green bats that constantly exploded in the air.

The captain kept the wheel steady.

"Almost there!"

"CAP'N Behind you!!!"

Hearing those words, the Captain of the ruined ship hurriedly spun around and tried to fire the cannon.

But the warm taste of blood bubbled up his throat first as he coughed out the life blood of humans.

"CAPTAIN!!!" A despair filled cry filled the air as the assailant lifted the captain off his feet with their large glowing claws.


The being screeched as it's spiked mouth opened in all four directions as it swung its claws and cast the captain.

Alongside his weapon into the deep.


Tree that can't give the fruits of its labor as often due to needing to get ready for my exams.
