
Hoard of Purple Creatures

Although the underlying memories from the past were a small part of the reason of why I wanted to rip apart the monsters limb from limb.

I also had my own selfish reasons for wanting to rip apart the humanoid creatures limb from limb.

And that reason had a lot to do with blood.

Stupid amounts of it to be honest.

There were a few other reasons such as wanting to better myself in using the various weapons that I may inevitably use.

Furthering my affinities with the various weapons.

Recently I felt stifled for some reason.

As if something unseen was resting on my shoulders and was pressing on my heart like the hug of some forgotten lover.

Which didn't feel great in the slightest.

Said pressure slightly lifted when I sliced apart the monsters attacking us earlier on in the night.

But currently.

Under the moonlight that hung at the apex of the sky.

The only light coming from the flames that soared high in the city and the starlight hanging from the skies.

I turned on the dark flames on my head and grinned.

I had no doubt that if someone caught sight of me that they would have mistook me for some type of demon.

What with the manic grin, flaming head and probable insanity I had.

Feet striking the ground and launching me forwards I thought about how I would first greet the monsters in front of me.

Floating in the sky my mind ran quickly.

Should I unsheathe my blades and dual wield, thus slicing apart my enemies?

Although that would certainly be fast at eliminating my enemies and would clear a decent chunk of them.

I was looking to make a much bigger splash than the focused clearing of an area.

It wasn't a good idea to use the yoyo or zapinator as they were both slightly unfamiliar items.

I was growing used to them though.

'In the end should I use magic?'

The magic I was thinking about consisted of elemental powers that would be able to tear apart the battle field with ease.

They also had the benefit of being helpful in attracting monsters attention so that I could tear them apart all the more easily.

Glancing up I got rid of that idea, the idea of using magic although was a good one.

At the end of the day I was not very used to these types of things and thus would empty mana wastefully in an inefficient way.

And thus the effect of the magic would be minimal.

But in the end I thought of a much better way to attract the attention of the monstrous beings who were mostly preoccupied

'At the end of the day I'm relying on my body'

Grinning wildly I brought out a familiar item from it's depths in my inventory.

'Not that I mind though'

These thoughts took place in my mind in a second as the lightning fast electrons bounced in my brain.

Putting my arm in front of me while carrying the familiar cudgel.

The purplish shield surrounded in silver bits resting comfortably in my palms.

I activated the Eye of Cthulhu.

By now you should've gotten the idea right?

Grinning wildly, my body was launched forwards and my black flaming hair undoubtedly left a trail of pitch black flames behind it.

By now the monsters had noticed me, Something to do with the hair no doubt.

A few of them turned to attack the juicy morsel of flesh that was flying right into their hungry mouths instead of the spiky meat protected by stone shells and spiky metal.

Not that I cared of course.

Streaking across the skies like a comet I used the shield to brace myself and landed in the middle of the hoard.

And just like that.

The ground exploded.


'This isn't good'

These thoughts rang grimly within Doravo's mind like a small demon whispering into his ear.

A sentiment that he was plenty sure was shared amongst his adventurer brethren.

'Although we might become monster chow soon' Grimly chuckling at his dark joke, his eyes scanned the battlements.

Doravo was a B rank adventurer, on the cusp of becoming an A rank but never attaining a unique specialty that would push him over the cusp.

Well unique in that they were hard enough to master that one would usually only see at least one of them in their lives.

'Gods, I wish that an A rank was here instead of a fake A rank like me'

Depreciatingly mocking himself the man continuously exerted his body as his blade sung through the air.

A distinct whistle coming from swinging something with distinct force stopped abruptly as the cold blade in Doravo's hand tasted flesh.

For what seemed to be the hundredth time today.

Killing the corrupted being that had used it's comrades as shields and climbed up to the battlements with nothing but it's strength.

Doravo continued to swing his blade.

Glancing to the side and seeing the rest of his adventurer comrades doing their jobs in dispatching the monsters.

Doravo sunk into thought.

The situation couldn't continue like this.

Although the attack happened in the middle of the night, the city, although caught off guard on the sudden attack.

They were accustomed to situations like this, they were already on guard because of the recent disappearances amongst renowned adventurers.

So with quick reactions the adventurer's took to the city walls and thus the current situation was unfolding.

Although it was one that on the surface looked like they were winning, Doravo, pulling from his extensive experience as an Adventurer knew already.

That the advantage that the adventurer's aided by the city guard had on the monsters was a forced one.

The adventurer's and guards and basically anyone that was willing to fight were all tired, but the hoard of monstrous beings were still plenty in their number.

More continued to join the battlefield as if attracted to the noise.

The battlefield thus fell into a stalemate.

The human's desperately fighting off the corrupted that continued to swell in number would eventually tire.

And the monsters were so much in number that when one was slain, two came to replace them.

And if nothing changed to the battlefield, eventually the hoards of monster corpses would build at the bottom of the walls until the monsters could climb up them with little problem.

This sentiment seemed to be shared amongst the B rank adventurer's that Doravo knew.

Glancing backwards at the city full of people, a dark thought rose amongst his heart.

'Should I...'

Shaking his head he condemned himself.

'What are you thinking about Doravo! This isn't like you!'

Grimacing the moment he rid himself of his thoughts, the monsters didn't let go of the moment of hesitation and attacked.


Hurriedly bringing his one bladed sabre to the air and blocking the flying monster with the flat side of his blade.

Dovaro got the chance to stare at the creature close up and personal.

It was a monster with the trademark purplish color that seemed to permeate the corrupted's very being.

It had ten eyes on it's body all staring at his head, five on each side of it's flattish body.

Moving the yellowish white mandibles around the sabre, the flying monster tried to crunch through the blade.

The green tendrils that flowed behind the beast thrashing around the blade moved around as they pushed the creature forwards.

A circle of teeth lay in the middle of it's pair of mandibles.

The largest pair of eyes staring at him from the top and bottom of the monster.


'FUCK!' Doravo couldn't help but curse his heart out as the blade that had accompanied him during his ascent through the ranks of the adventurer's guild broke.

It couldn't handle the constant abuse the battlefield had put on it.

And underneath one final resistance, the blade faltered in it's duties and broke apart.

Bringing out a dagger quickly the blade gleamed through the eye as the dagger sunk deep into the flesh of the monster.

Sinking into it's brain, the Monster plummeted onto the man's body.

Trapping him underneath the corpse.

And with it's final death throes trying to close the mandibles around his exposed and vulnerable neck.

Drawing bits of blood.

Doravo carefully pried the mandibles off his neck and threw the body with a kick past the battlements.

Getting up from his prone position he grimaced.

He was already out of commission without his trusted sabre, the remnants of the blade now resting on the ground.

And soon similar situations would happen all across the walls.

So unless something came and shattered the fragile balance that was tipping into the enemies favor.

The City of Adventurer's, Tordell, a bastion against the corrupted would fall tonight.

And as if answering his words.

A meteor struck the battlefield.


