
Dryads arrival

Using an incredible amount of bandages that I had gathered in preparation for situations like the Goblin Invasion happened again.

I wrapped the bandages tightly around the wounds of the familiar looking people who I fought with last night.

I had an irremovable grin on my face.

Providing a very punchable face, but I didn't care.

Tying the bandaged thieves together I wondered about how to deal with these guys.


Thinking up a dastardly plan in my mind because I was partially insane, that plan being something that any normal person would balk at.

Proceeding with the plan.

I finished the many steps for them and started to drag the seven auction house thieves out of the cobblestone house.

And uncourteously dumped the seven auction thieves down a large hole that I carefully dug out, while including a small cubby hole with a gel torch that provided light for them.

I might be insane but I'm not a monster.

Leaving a small hole to allow the passage of air, I covered up the hole in the earth with blocks of dirt.

Placing a cobblestone pillar marked with torches around the place where I had buried the thieves alive.

I looked at the spoils of the battle I had gained from ambushing the thieves with my makeshift house.

'Pretty sure they didn't expect me to hang off the roof'

Thinking those random thoughts I looked at the items on the ground.

Those items were as followed.

[Electric whip]

A purplish-black handle with a hole in the top where the electric whip came out from.

[Throwing Axe]

A normal double sided axe if not for the eye catching neon blue sharpened ends that allowed the throwing axe to return to the thrower.


A small shield that created a forcefield on impact for a small duration while protecting themselves and a few allies.

And the rest were just either normal swords made of metal, or were [Spite Swords] That increased their damage when their user was taking damage.

Stuffing the weapons into my inventory willy nilly, the Spite Swords I just left inside the small hut besides me.

Stabbing them into the soft earth, I plopped myself within the half circle of swords and took out both the Life Crystal and the Vine Rune.

'Which one should I take first?'

Holding the pulsing red heart shaped crystal in my hand while comparing it to the cyan colored rune with strange undecipherable words on it's face.

I thought to myself.

'Fuck it'

And crushed both of them at the same time.

If I was going to do something, why waste time and debilitate over something trivial like choosing what to use first.

Hence my decision of fusing with both items at the same time.

And almost instantly.

From within the hut screams of pain, as the crystal shards pierced my skin and entered my bloodstream, transmitting strange images within my mind.

The pain from the vine rune was no less painful.

As the shapes of a vine ran across my skin like tattoos, two armbands made of vines being created on my skin.

My hands felt like someone was carving out the flesh of it with a carving tool, before it was filled up with this strange energy that permeated the hands of mine.

Glowing from within my bandages, I couldn't see this myself as the other pain distracted me equally as much.

Images of people dying from several things entered my mind, as fragmented images ran across my mind and wreaked havoc with my mental state.

Fragments of the peoples lives before they died or when they died were all shoved into my brain with no remorse at the same time.

There was no rhyme or reason to it as the burning sensation travelled along my veins like someone poured fire down my veins.

My heart continued to beat like a drum within my body as the fiery blood coursed through my body quickly and tore it apart before reforging it into something new.

Clenching my fist and slamming it down onto the earth, now on my knees.

I bit my lips hard enough to draw blood.

Any other time I would have paid attention to my surroundings with a sort of instinct that allowed me to see everything around me.

But now?

All I could focus on was myself.

Cracking the earth with strength unbecoming of myself.

A squarish chunk of dirt was uprooted and sank into my inventory as my powers of the Mincraftian game activated.

Not that I cared or anything.

Haphazardly activating the half formed vine rune out of the pain, the grassy earth started to grow higher and higher as I felt an intangible tank of 'something' start to leak that 'something'

And just as abruptly as it started because of my actions.

Just when I nearly ran out of that 'something'.

The pain stopped and I took a hold of myself while plugging the leak of 'something' that I could now think might be mana.

Huffing and Puffing with sweat covering my body as I slowly took a hold of myself.

'Yeah... Bad idea to do both of them at the same time'

Sensing how the pain seemed to somehow create a loop and made it much harder than it was supposed to be.

I thought about using the permanent power ups together less often.

Thinking of that my eyes finally regained their light.

And I was instantly subject to a horrendous sensation that attacked all five senses.


Cursing at the horrible sensation of blackish goo having plagued my senses.

I hurriedly left the cobblestone hut and ran towards a nearby river I had seen earlier on my way here.

Ignoring the horses now galloping away from the terrible stench.

I dived into the river and quickly washed off the monstrous goo that plagued my body.

Feeling the icky sensation leave my body as the horrendous smell slowly left with it.

I stared at the horrid abomination made physical and spat out whatever residue was within my mouth.

"Bleh, Don't like that"

Ripping off my clothes now that I realized the skin underneath was also plagued with the disgusting black tar.

I hurriedly scrubbed myself with leaves and didn't care about efficiency as I got rid of the black substance..

Grimacing as the last of the black substance parted ways with my body.

I had absolutely no regrets in doing so.

I put on the wet clothes that I had abandoned at the side of the bank, which honestly?

Was a much needed upgrade from the black gooey substance that hugged my body like a possessive lover.

One that I hated by the ways.

Wrapping the fiber bandages around my legs and forearms to complete the look, after having put on the baggy pants, red bandages, skin tight shirt, pauldron and red scarf.

I noted how the vine markings seemed to climb around my arm in a spiral pattern before they were covered in bandages.

Looking up for the first time in a while because I was to preoccupied with the disgusting black sludge, a sound left my mouth "Ah..."

Because right in front of me, half hidden within the forest.

Was a beautiful woman who was looking at me with a curious look on her face.

