
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

"To Be A Miner" PT1

'So. Let me get this correct. You are a videogame streamer from another universe,and you cant find your way home?'

"Correct." Grayson agrees.

'But you don't know how to find your way home,and can barely fight for yourself."

"Correct." Grayson agrees

Alex hung in silence...

'Allow me to propose something. I'll give you a bed, even teach you how to survive,fight and live in this world. But in return you must help us.'

"Help with what?."

"Help us take down Gladys. Restore the natural balance." Kupa said.

"Natural balance? Everything seems fine." Grayson asked.

"Well you remember your history lesson,don't you?" Kupa asked

"I do. It just felt...Softened. Is it truly that bad out there?" Grayson asked.

Alex and Kupa share a grimace,before nodding in agreement.

"Well then,save me the rest of the numbers,we've got training to do." He said,standing up to be led by Alex into the next room of her large home. It was built like a large gym for a number of recognisable sports.

'Welcome to the training room. Care to show me what you've got?' Alex asked.

"Unarmed?" Grayson asked.

'What am I? A jackass?' Alex asked with a soft chuckle.

'Just show me what you've got.'

Grayson pulls his sword,but it wouldn't catch fire. With some swiftness and a war cry to compliment,Grayson charged forward to spar with Alex,who swiftly weaved through his initial wave,to be caught in the belly,The sword phasing through her.

'Well played,But your form needs work. Again!'

And so the sequence starts again. This time,with Alex fighting back. Grayson did have some decent defence,but he could only manage so many deflections and counter attacks in a row before having to attempt to get clear of her slashes. He attempts to use an opening,to get gently thrown aside,followed by a sword pointed at him. 'You are clever,but unfortunately very repetitive.'

"Thanks for pointing it out." Grayson said in modest displeasure.

'You'll get better as we roll along. Again!' She demands as Grayson got to his feet again.

A few hours pass of getting thrown around like a ragdoll,and after about the 20th down today,Grayson settled for a break.

"Who knew it required getting thrown around like this just to be able to attack something properly..."

"What did you think this was,one of your 'video games'?" Kupa asked.

"No...Well,maybe. It's getting hard to distinguish reality right now..." Grayson said,while watching Alex wipe her forehead clean of sweat.

'Lets start by saying this,you have to learn no matter where you go. Especially in this ever-evolving,sexist world.' Alex said.

"What's with everyone saying that around me all of a sudden?" Grayson asked.

"You are the only guy for millions of miles. The last one we saw was killed just for being. Is it not obvious yet?" Kupa asked.

"It's about as obvious as meeting a small village of the same gender,give me a break." Grayson replied.

Alex sighs.

'Training him is going to take too long. We only have a matter of days before Gladys comes looking for him.' Alex said.

"And what would you suggest? It's not safe enough to consider outside help." Kupa said.

"What if I was enchanted with the skills I need?" Grayson proposes.

"It would work. But your enchantments could cost you in a fight if you don't figure out a way to restore them." Kupa said.

"We don't have much choice if you want me to be useful to your little resistance." Grayson said.

Kupa and Alex nod,"Get some food,then repack your bag. We'll have to go to The City." Kupa said.

"Why a city? Couldn't it be a swamp or maybe on a mountain like Alex?" Grayson asked,uncertain of his idea already.

'Unless you want curses to roll along with those enchantments,be my guest. Otherwise you don't have many options to be enchanted,unless you preferred fighting me over and over again.' Alex said.

"No thanks. I'll stick to adventuring with easy to attain skills." Grayson said.

He was tossed a Creeper Hoodie,a singular evergreen color. It's hood had a built in mask that bore the Creeper's haunting grimace. "Keep that on hand. It'll conceal your gender until we get your abilities and skills." Kupa said.

As Grayson slips it on magic briefly surrounds him,changing his body to be befitting of a female form,complete with a pair of fair sized breasts to ensure the image.

"Heh. You dont get clothes like these where I come from.." Grayson chuckles,checking out the new pair of breasts that had appeared.

"Don't get used to it. While the clothing can absorb surrounding mana,maintenance is still needed for the spell itself to be of any use to you." Kupa advised,as Grayson takes the hoodie off for now,gently tying it over his shoulders.

"Got it. Use it only when I need to." He agrees,checking his provisions.

Speaking of food,the smell of it started to waft past his nose...

Fresh porkchop...

Leaving his bag behind he quickly rushed to the kitchen to find Alex grilling up the wonderful smelling meat. "Mmmm...Porkchop.." Grayson comments as he sat at the counter as a fresh piece was slid his way on a plate.

"Would you happen to have silverware?" Grayson asked. 'Its the drawer right next to you.' Alex said.

Grayson opens the drawer,grabbing a fork and knife to begin eating.

As Grayson got into his porkchop,Alex settled two more steamy plates on the counter to cool,Kupa soon saunters in to join the rest of the group casting a smile onto Alex.

'Hungry? Ive got porkchop ready.' Alex signs as she joins Grayson for lunch.

"No thanks,I don't really have the stomach to eat." Kupa said,implying a Creeper joke that Grayson seemed to get a soft chuckle out of.

Alex gives a whispery chuckle as she cuts into her porkchop.

"So,What 'City' is there,anyway?" Grayson asked.

"There are 3 known cities.

Terra-Golis, deep in the North,basically a city of Golems that most adventurers go to for mining. It's also a great place to have a weapon forged.

Terra-Magai,not too far to the South,is a city of magic and bartering. Most species,even Halfbloods like me go there for magical and household needs. We're headed for that one.

And Lastly, Terra-Incubus,Deep into the badland territory,is none other than Gladys' home plate. We cant dare to set foot in there unless we have an entire army willing to shed blood." Kupa explained.

"Total side note,why are they each named 'Terra'?" Grayson asked.

'Terra refers to the giant stone domes that protect the cities from the magical and physical damages of our world. Many believe these great cities were carved from the bowels of ancient mountains.' Alex said.

"Sounds like a brutal line of affairs." Grayson said

'I should know,I built and dictated all of those cities with my bare hands. Worst century spent in a male body,I promise.' Alex said.

It fell silent for a few minutes as Alex and Grayson finish their porkchops.

'Grayson,go get some sleep. It's at least a 3 day journey to Terris-Magai. Go ahead and use my bed,to be safe.' Alex signs.

Grayson nods,as he heads upstairs and into the bedroom.

He enters the bedroom to behold a king size bed,it's blanket neatly arranged to welcome any potential user.

He picked the far left side,closest to a night stand,slipping under the rose red colored blanket to get some much deserved sleep...