
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

"The Battle" PT2

Gladya sets the limp clone down with a gentle sigh. "You moron.." She sighs,running a hand over his cheek.

"We can't wait any longer. The Grand Unification calls our names. We must unify,if your mind is to survive." Gladya said,as she began making hand signs. Instead of magic,a gooey substance weightlessly melded between her hands,a black substabce with a very faint glow.

It began to spread up her arms,and onto Glosys

"We are united. Forever whole..." Gladya began,the fluid began pulsing gently between herself and Glosys.

"Forever whole,we are now eternal."

Gladya kissed Glosys as the substance began to bring them together.

"Now eternal,we are unified."

Two forms became one,a single pile of goo.

"Unified,I am the End. I am All things and Nothing."

Two voices said at the same time.

A white human skull emerged,opening it's jaw wide in voiceless pain as Dragon horns began to sprout,its teeth becoming predatory...

"And as Everything and Nothing,I will rule all." The creature spoke as purple flames to represent irises ignite.

The newly formed beast slinks from the slab it found itself on,a hand extends from the mass,as a humanoid form began to follow. It was distinctly female..

A guard enters the room,and yelps.

"Worry not,it is I,your Empress." The creature spoke soothingly,it's male and female voices gave the creature a tone unmatched,aggressive,yet oddly soothing aura despite the mismatched sounds.

"Q-queen Gladya..? A-and..?"

"King Glosys. You are correct." The Male half of the Empress spoke.

"W-what should we call you..?" The guard asked as the being approached.

"Just call me Empress,young guard." The creature spoke with both voices. It passes the guard,who quickly follows.

"What of the Boy,and his allies?" The guard asked.

"Let them come. Time might just conquer them for us." The Male half spoke.

"And if not,The Grand Unification will. Gather the energies we have collected and more. Bring it to the portal fountain." The female half spoke.

The guard nods and dismisses themselves as the being enters it's throne room. Whispers followed in the Empress' aura,though it wasnt from any guard,it was from their own being.

Argumentative whispers,agreeing whispers,even small talk,all giving the Empress an almost nightmarish ambience.

"The boy is too strong for the likes of us alone.."

"The boy is still but a pup. We can kill him together if you so please."

"No. It is I that must administer the final blow."

"As his clone I disagree. Only I can befall him with the power you wish to use.."

"But we are one!"

"We cannot risk the boy walking away again. The Grand Unification is threatened with every passing hour of his existence. We cannot afford to fail."

"As We wish..."

"No,As YOU wish. I am but a mind floating in a body not my own."

"You're sure about this,Glosys,staying in this form as an alter-ego? It could mean you'll become imprisoned in the Hive Mind..Your voice will become lost."

"It won't. This is our objective,our magnum opus. Unification. No more suffering. No more wars. Just peace and order."

The Empress hung her head slightly as the male voice spoke.

"You made me to support your cause. Now let me do my job,and guide you to victory."

"As I wish..."

"Guards!" The Empress boomed,bringing fourth the attending soldiers. "Bring me Generals Kell and Ward."

The guards quickly depart,and before long the requested generals were brought fourth.

Kell gently gasped at the strange being that now donned the throne..

"You disappoint your Empress in these...mutated forms. Your senses unrefined,your resolve deluded by Gladya's magic. I am going to make you stronger."

The being's hand reached forward,the fluid reeling back to reveal a skeletal hand. A magic aura surrounds it,then a ball of the material forms,and was shot at Kell and Ward.

As the fluid spread,slightly pained groans emit,which slowly evolves into pained screams...

Then nothing.

Two silhouettes stood in Kell and Ward's place.

Each open a set of purple eyes.

"And now,we are one."

"Your orders are to hunt The Boy,and bring him to me alive. Do not think to return without him,even if you have to drag him out of the grave,dead."

The Generals cross their arm over their chests,and bow.

"You are dismissed,my loyal subjects."

With that,the Generals vanish.

"Do you really trust the generals that much?"

"You don't have a choice. We need the boy's energy if we are to overthrow the real gods of this world."


In the time following the brief fight with Glosys,Grayson had travelled to Terris Magai to assemble a better fighting force.

He stood before a curious crowd,of all species.

He awkwardly clears his throat..

"Im sure you must be wondering,Who am I,What am I? Right now,that doesn't matter,as long as Gladya remains in power. Our world is on the verge of something worse than death. I cant say what,mainly because I don't know. All I ask,is your support,be you Greencoat,Ender,or even an animal! Do you want to release your world from this tyranny?"

There were scattered agreements,mainly from the crowds mentioned.

"Do you want to use magic free of law and restraint?"

More agreements began to arise.

"Don't you want to be free? To be able to be whatever you want?"

Finally,the crowd began to cheer in agreement.

"I need your help. Need your help,to push Gladya back into the dark hole she crawled from to so cruelly surpress my species. Please,join me and the Resistance to reclaim what had been stolen and snuffed,to bring balance back to our world."

As the crowd began to cheer,the Endish armies began to gather under the Empress' reign.

"I need your help to fight a battle unlike any before. This is a battle for supremacy! To forever warn Males of their forever sexist reign!"

"Every hand matters in this fight. The Balance is at risk,even magic cannot stop the extinction of ALL Humans as a species! I need your loyalty."

"Your power."

"Your diversity!"

"To tip the battle in our favor!"

"To tip the battle toward balance!"

Both armies cheered in favor of their leaders,almost wildly so.

With war wafting to many others,both the Empress,and Grayson raced to assemble their army.

Kupa began consulting Grayson,privately,at a war table.

"Grayson,I know you want to stop this,I do too,but I need to tell you a tale. At very least to consider the bloodshed you'd be leading.."

Grayson looks up from the table..