
Chapter 13 War Part 4

{Atlas POV}

Something is wrong, Hyperion has disappeared. The days grow dimmer, as there is less and less time for the sun to remain in the sky. The god Helios can drive the chariot, but our king does not trust a god to do a titans work, as it should be. I was told to collect Hyperion's army to add to my own, but I found all the monsters in Crete gone. A battle took place, I could see celestial bronze swords and spears. This is disconcerting, it feels as though we are at war with another force. I bring my findings to Kronos. My king had finally had enough and told me of his children. How four of his children had escaped his stomach. I will have been assigned to hunt them down and capture them. With Tartarus closed off we can only chain them down till we devise a way to get rid of them. I have notified Kronos of unusual activity around some unknown island.

My army is made up of dragons and flying monsters. At Mount Tamalpais, my army was attacked, but since we could fly, I called for a retreat. I saw hundreds of boats and miniature versions of us attack my encampment. Kronos had said it was likely Prometheus had joined with his children and those are his creations. This is disconcerting, they are immortal, but are not gods or titans so that allows us some options. They can be injured, but they will heal. There is only one true way I think we can defeat these humans. They rode these creatures called horses, they are not monsters but something different. I hate to say it, but I have to employ the help of my father, Lapetus. At least he will be useful for once.

I have tracked and located the unknown island with the mist surrounding it. I heard a few words from a dryad I was once with, that Zeus had begun negotiations with the traitorous winds. I also heard Oceanus may be working against us. The seas are untrustworthy, that is why Kronos has a dependable army that governs the skies. Our main targets are Prometheus and Epimetheus, as they are the creators of these humans.

As we approached the island, the mist was only preventing coordination. We had figured out that Zeus was the one controlling the storms and with him gone, there were no clouds preventing us from flying over the Mist.

"Well well well, look what we have here." I estimate twenty thousand humans occupying their island

{General POV}

Atlas ordered a straight-on assault on the humans having his dragons' rain fire on from above. The humans had not expected an attack was at a disadvantage. Out of the army of twenty thousand, only ten thousand were uninjured and called for a retreat. Even so, the dragons themselves were not unscathed as out of five thousand dragons, two thousand were brought down. While the humans and gods fell back, Atlas and Iapetus searched for Prometheus and his brother as they were the keys to their success.

Atlas had finally found Prometheus and Epimetheus, the true battle began. What Prometheus didn't know was he and his brother were led into a trap. As they were ready to face Atlas, Lapetus was crafting a curse to affect the power of fate. An extremely powerful and binding curse, the likes of which will give his name the Titan of mortality.

Toward the back of Prometheus and Epimetheus, Lapetus chanted, "I bind all creations from your hands to forgo immortality, that which you create will be bound to fate, all you have thought perfect will become imperfection. I curse you Prometheus and Epimetheus."

All was lost for Prometheus, his greatest creation, man, was now mortal. All the ten thousand injured now were dying in mass, no longer healing. Unknowingly, Iapetus had also cursed his Atlas's army as dragons were the creation of Epimetheus and with that said injured dragons would perish as well. A great blow dealt with both sides of the war, but Atlas thought this was necessary as Humans could reproduce and multiply.

While Atlas was concerned of the ramifications of his father's curse, vines wrapped around him while fire hit Lapetus. Demeter, Hestia, and Rhea had arrived to find Prometheus and Epimetheus. Rhea had witnessed the curse at the last minute and knew they were at a disadvantage. With all her sons gone from the island, no one strong enough was there to protect it. The attack took them by surprise, as she ordered a retreat to the sea, she needed to find Prometheus.

A short battle took place between the women and Atlas as Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Lapetus were weak from the curse casting. Atlas batted all attacks that were thrown his way. Vines were torn, the fire was worthless, and Rhea's spear did no damage. Even worse, as fates would have it everything slowed down. As if everyone was trying to walk through syrup, Rhea knowing they stood no chance and Kronos had arrived.

{Kronos POV}

"Hello, my lovely wife, what have we here," as Kronos turns his head, "Hestia my daughter, it seems more than just four children had escaped. That only leaves Hades. Now the question is, how did you escape me, Hestia? Answer quickly. Actually, it doesn't matter. Atlas, capture and chain them."

Kronos was about to leave when a bolt of lightning appeared to strike his back, only to stop frozen in mid-air, followed by Zeus himself. Kronos had heard that Zeus was coming back to the Island and he could not afford this opportunity to go to waste. He needed Atlas to complete his plan to turn these abominations mortal. With that done finding Hestia and Rhea was a bonus unto itself. Noticing the bolt in Zeus's hand, he knew the only way there would be a powerful weapon like his, would be if his brothers forged them, meaning they had been released from Tartarus. Zeus was powerful and he could not contain him in a time field for long, "Atlas, leave. Take my children and these three Titans with you. I will hold off Zeus.'' That weapon is powerful, luckily he doesn't know of its full capabilities. The bolt allowed for Zeus to break the time field, but he was exhausted enough for Kronos to escape. He needed more information about his sons and if they all had weapons. So he did the only thing he could do, he retreated.

His paranoia got in the way, wasting a precious opportunity he would later regret for thousands of years to come.

{Hades POV}

I have never been angry before so this was new to me. When I went to meet Zeus and Poseidon to converse our next plans, I heard the news from them that Hestia, mother, and Demeter were captured. Something inside me just snapped.

The world suddenly turned dark, surrendering to my anger. Nature shivered in the cold, creatures frightened out of their minds, lights turning black and the problems kept on coming. I wanted retribution like nerve before. This emotion was new to me and it took me a couple of dark days to calm down. We needed a plan to get them back. From what Zeus has learned, Kronos is not keeping them at Mount Othrys, and we cannot do anything without knowing their location. It frustrated me to no end.

Another thing to add to my problems is that although Lapetus' curse affected the human's immortal body, it did not affect their soul. Humans are now useless to us and our burden. We stripped them of their weapons and melted them down so other individuals will be able to use them. We have souls needing to be organized and judged for their actions according to the fates, that responsibility relies on me.

With this, I have decided to make a place in the END as a way to manage souls and judge them for their actions. I am excited to build it, but at the same time anxious without Hestia. I want to rescue her now, but Nyx calmed me down and told me to leave it to Zeus to figure out where they are held. Posiedon now feels rushed to take the sea. He must grow stronger in tactics and defeat the Kraken fast. Today was a terrible blow to all of us.

Unexpectedly, we are getting along more than ever before. We are now working together and have constant communication between each of us. Iris right now is the most important goddess at the moment and we all realise it. Each of us has tasks we have to accomplish. This war is going to last longer than we all hoped. We all thought this war was going to be easy as we had everything going for us, we had an immortal army, we were gaining our realms, and we each had powerful weapons. Now though, we lost the army and most of our family. We lost two of our commanders and have gained more burdens thanks to our mistakes.

Zeus had learnt the most important lesson recently, he needs all of us to take down Kronos. His time field would make us vulnerable individually, but if we attacked together, we may be at an advantage. All said and done, I need to work on the afterlife for the humans.


Disclaimer: I don't own Minecraft or Percy Jackson.

I wanted the war to not be straight forward. Like in some novels I read, the guy is overpowered and wins every battle. Where is the tension, the lessons, I want my characters to learn something from the consequences of his actions and to grow as individuals? Hardship causes people to grow and Hades will slowly start to act more human again.

Till now Hades did not necessarily know or remember emotions. He gained happiness, and that is it. He had never known sadness and loss. He did not know anger. I want him to grow as a person. He will still love to build and gain ideas from Minecraft, but I wanted to show the growth of character. Hades had apologized to his siblings and that was one of the first steps. He basically avoided anything that was inconvenient and got in the way of him building, but he can't do that now.


(Edited by Slammeron00)