
Minecraft: Movie Mode

Author: Screm_Boi
Video Games
Ongoing · 89.8K Views
  • 45 Chs
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They're not happy with how things have turned out. So many people have died, despite their efforts to stop the chaos that wrought the earth. So many people have suffered. So much unnecessary grief. If only there was a way. A way to change everything. To save the damned. But perhaps... there is a way. This, my friends, is Movie Mode. (The fanfic is made by camkablam.)

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Chapter 1Movie Mode Episode One: The Order of the Stone Part One: Team! (Prepare!)

Jesse could only stare.

The living room was fancy. Like, the kind of fancy you'd only expect to be in a castle. There was a red carpet, large glass pane windows, bookshelves, armchairs and even two couch's. Between two of the large windows was a strange big, thin black thing hanging on the wall, a coffee table between it and the couch's. An archway led into the hall.

He was sitting on the floor with Reuben in his lap, unable to take it all in. Olivia and Axel were a few feet away, looking just as shocked as he felt. Jesse spotted Petra, standing in the corner, gaping with her pickax at her feet.

The Ocelots were scrambling to their feet a little ways away, Lukas the only one standing as Aiden, Maya and Gill had landed in a pile of tangled limbs and were pushing and kicking at each other in an attempt to get free. Lukas seemed too shocked to help them.


Jesse's head snapped in the direction of the voice, hearing Axel give a gasp somewhere behind him. He realized why a moment later.

Magnus the Rouge was sitting in all his green-armored glory, staring in complete shock at the women sitting next to him. 'Ellie' blinked at him slowly, seeming unable to comprehend who she was looking at.

"Magnus?" said Ellegaard. Then, turning her head, "Gabriel?"

"Ellegaard?" Gabriel gaped.

"Ivor?" said a man in a pointed hat. Gabriel, Magnus, Ellegaard and Ivor turned to the man in shock, exclaiming in unison, "Soren?"

"Oh my god!" Maya exclaimed, pulling herself free from the pile and stumbling to her feet, "Its the Order of the Stone!"

"No way." Olivia muttered. Jesse couldn't believe it either. But who was Ivor? And how did he know the Order of the Stone?

"Wow, wow, wow!" Petra exclaimed, seeming to have finally got herself together and stepping forward, "What the hell is going on? Where are we?"

"I was wondering the same thing." Gabriel admitted, slowly getting to his feet.

"Hey, look!" Lukas exclaimed, walking over to the coffee table and picking something up, "I think it's a note."

"Let me see that." Ellegaard said, taking the note and scanning it, her eyebrows going higher and higher as she read each sentence.

Silently, the engineer handed the note over to Gabriel, who had pretty much the same reaction. "How odd."

"What? What's it say?" asked Jesse. Gabriel shook his head, frowning.

"Apparently... we're here to be shown the future."

"The future?" Petra said, face morphing into a look of disbelief, "How's that even possible?"

"It shouldn't be." Ellegaard muttered, more to herself than Petra. She was frowning at the floor, as if trying to figure out a way as to how that could even work.

"Maybe the note's lying?" suggested Jesse, finally setting Reuben down beside him and climbing to his feet.

"Shut up, loser, what do you know?" Aiden sneered. Jesse glared at him.

"Yeah," repeated Maya, "What do you know?"

"You know," said Soren slowly, as though he were speaking to children, "There's an incredibly high chance that he's right."

That shut them up.

"It says," Gabriel said, looking the letter over again, "That we have to use a remote to switch on the weird black rectangle on the wall to 'watch the future.' Whatever that means."

Jesse picked up a long object with buttons on it from one of the couch's armrests, holding it up for the others to see, "Like this?"

"Do you see anything else that could possibly be a 'remote'?" Olivia asked, walking over to look at the device. There was exactly six buttons, each with a label: Pause, Play, On, Off, Volume Up and Volume Down.

Jesse was about to press 'On' when the remote was snatched from his grasp. "Hey!" he yelled, looking up to see Aiden with the remote in hand and pressing buttons seemingly at random.

"Aiden," Lukas frowned, "That's not cool."

"Blondie's right." Ivor said, "You've got no idea what that could do!"

"Uh, I can read." drawled Aiden. Axel gave a low growl of annoyance.

"Oh, really?" Jesse said, feigning surprise, "I honestly had no idea."

Aiden scowled at him, pressing another button. The black rectangle lit up, the words MINECRAFT: STORY MODE decorating the screen, music starting to play.

"Oh, cool!" Olivia exclaimed, "How does that work without redstone?"

"I'd like to know that too." said Ellegaard, stepping closer to the screen to get a better look. Olivia gave a little gasp, clutching Jesse's forearm almost painfully and whispering loudly in his ear, "She agreed with me!"

The words on screen faded away, only to be replaced by news ones that said Episode One: The Order of the Stone. A picture was shown above the title, of a strange machine-like block, with Jesse, Lukas, Reuben, Petra, Olivia and Axel looking at it.

The Order gasped, eyes wide.

"So this is about the Order?" Axel asked, "What, do they get back together or something?"

Gabriel, Ellegaard, Magnus and Soren frowned at each other, not seeming to be too happy at the thought. Maybe it was just Jesse, but did they look guilty? Or ashamed? Out the corner of his eye, Jesse spotted Ivor looking nervous. Who was this guy anyway?

"Looks like we're gonna be here a while." Petra stated, walking past Jesse to sit in one of the two armchairs. "Might as well get comfy."

Aiden, Maya, Gill and Lukas were quick to claim the couch. Gabriel, Soren, Magnus and Ellegaard took up the other couch, leaving Ivor to take last armchair. With no place else to sit but not really minding at all, Jesse sat on the floor between Olivia and Axel, Reuben in his lap and ignoring Aiden's smug grin.

"Nothing built can last forever." a deep voice began, startling the rooms occupants, "And every legend, no matter how great, fades with time."

The blackness fades away to show a deep blue sky, splattered with stars. "With each passing year, more and more details are lost," the sky fades away to be replaced by what appeared to be a library, the screen moving along the length of a bookshelf. "Until all that remains are myths... half-truths. To put it simply: lies."

"Well, I suppose that's true." Soren muttered.

The screen now showed an enchantment book, flipping its own pages on it's personal obsidian table. "And yet, in all the known universe, between here and the Far Lands, the legend of the Order of the Stone endures, unabridged, as self-evident fact."

It goes into the books flipping pages, once again fading to black. The voice continued, "Indeed, it is only a troubled land that has need for heroes." A tower-like structure was revealed on a full moon's night, mountains in the distance, "And ours was fortunate to have, so long ago, four heroes such as these." Standing before the tower in the distance, it is revealed to be SOREN, GABRIEL, MAGNUS and ELLEGAARD.

The Ocelots and Order of the Pig cheered at their heroes screen time, causing said heroes to give small smiles. Ivor crossed his arms, scowling.

"Gabriel the Warrior." It showed Gabriel rushing around a room decorated with weapons and armor stands that bore the heads of monsters, his name spelled at the bottom in turquoise. Gabriel smashed a creeper head off the stand to the left, before doing the same to the one on the right, "Before whose sword all combatants would tremble." Gabriel spun around, hitting an enderman head off the last stand and revealing his face.

Petra clapped, and Gabriel stood up to give a brief bow.

"Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer." It now showed Ellegaard, her name written in red at the bottom, rushing around her own room, which was crawling with redstone dust, redstone lamps and torches and redstone repeaters. She pulled a lever and the redstone lit up, pistons starting to hammer back and forth. "Whose machines would spark a new era of invention." Ellegaard knelt in the center of the room, looking at a trail of redstone dust, face hidden behind her goggles and helmet.

Olivia gave an excited grin, practically bouncing where she sat. Magnus nudged Ellegaard, who rolled her eyes at him before standing up and taking her own curtsy.

"Magnus the Rouge." Now it showed a room filled with TNT, and Magnus himself running about with his name spelled in green at the bottom of the screen, "Who would channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all." Magnus opened a chest, tossing out a pumpkin and a firework soaring out of his hand.

Axel grinned as Magnus, without any prompting, shot to his feet and took a dramatic bow. "Thank you, thank you." he said as the non-Order applauded.

"And Soren the Architect." it now showed a stone room littered with any and all types of blocks, from iron to diamond, with Soren standing at a crafting table and his name written at the bottom in white. "Builder of Worlds. And leader of the Order of the Stone." Soren held up what appeared to be a strange amulet, the bottom gem green, the left one light blue, the top one red, the right one white and the middle one blue.

Soren got to his feet and bowed, before plopping back down between Gabriel and Ellegaard.

The screen changed to show Soren walking out of his room through an archway made of iron, "These four friends together," It switched to show Magnus walking out of his room through an archway made of emeralds, "Would give so much to gain their rightful place," It showed Gabriel exiting his room through a diamond archway, "As four heroes." Lastly, it showed Ellegaard leaving her own room through an archway of redstone blocks.

Ivor glared at the Order, who carefully avoided his gaze. Jesse wondered what his deal was.

Now the screen showed Soren, Gabriel, Ellegaard and Magnus walking past a small pool of lava and up stone steps, "Their greatest quest," Now they were standing around an Ender Portal, jumping into it one by one, "Would take them on a dangerous journey to fight a mysterious creature" The screen showed the End, crawling with Enderman and surrounded by tall black blocks with purple fires at the top.

"Oh, wow!" Jesse exclaimed, "So that's what the End looks like."

"Known as the Ender Dragon." The four heroes stop walking and look up, faces set in determination, a roar coming from the speakers as a dragon-shaped shadow passes over them.

"That's awesome." Axel declared.

"In the end, the Order of the Stone emerged victorious," The dragon lay dead on the floor, Soren standing on its head, Magnus standing on its tail, Gabriel on its side and Ellegaard near its head on the ground, cheering and waving their arms in victory, "And the dragon was defeated. Their story complete, they slipped away into the pages of legend." The camera zoomed in on Gabriel, grinning and raising his sword above his head. The screen faded to black.

"Okay, so the Order's involved. Do you think something bad's about to happen if it involves them?" Jesse asked.

"Well, duh." sneered Aiden. Gabriel shook his head and shot him an annoyed glare, which Aiden shrunk away from.

"If this is about the Order of the Stone," said Petra, "Then why are we here? What does it have to do with us?"

"I guess we'll just have to find out." Ellegaard said, turning back to the screen.

The blackness was replaced by a poster, hanging on a tree, of Gabriel's face. The black and turquoise EC under his name indicated that it was for Endercon.

"Hey, this must be during the Endercon Building Competition!" Olivia exclaimed, "Something must happen during it. Or perhaps afterwards."

"But when one story ends, another one begins." The screen went up the tree and past the cluster of green leaves, the sound of wood hitting wood and a male grunting meeting the watchers ears.

Jesse's eyes widened. Was that... ?

A tree house is revealed, and OLIVIA's voice floats from the speakers, "Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies,"

"Oh my god!" Gill exclaimed, his grin in danger of splitting his face, "That's where you live? It's a piece of crap!"

"Well, we like it." snapped Jesse, "And we put a lot of hard work into building it."

"Aw," said Aiden in a baby voice, "Did we huwt your fweelings?"

Maya and Gill burst into laughter, giving Aiden high-fives. Lukas cocked his head to the side, still looking at the screen.

"I kinda like it. Simple. Looks cozy, too."

Aiden, Maya and Gill stopped laughing, turning to give Lukas strange looks. Axel's eyes narrowed, wondering if that was supposed to be sarcasm.

The screen showed JESSE with a wooden sword, hitting at something with it while Olivia stood in the background with a bit of redstone in hand, "Or ten zombie-sized chickens? Just to be clear, you wouldn't have any weapons or armor, so you'd have to fight them with your hands."

"Hey, this- this is just this morning!" exclaimed Jesse, "H-How did they... has someone been spying on us?"

"I'd, uh, rather not think about it just now." said Olivia, unnerved at the thought.

"I'd have to go with the giant chickens. Not because I want to or because I think it would be easy, but because they'd be an abomination." Jesse rushed to explain.

"Riiiight." said Aiden. Jesse ignored him.

"Imagine their giant feet." said Olivia. Jesse grinned, "Like I said. An abomination."

Olivia walked away and the screen switched to have a better view of her, "Sooo, I've got a daylight sensor on the roof."

"Mmm-hmm." Jesse hummed, continuing his sparing. The screen changed back to Olivia, "And if I did this right, these lamps should turn on once it gets dark."

"Hm. That's pretty good." Ellegaard said, looking at Olivia in interest. Olivia squeaked, clutching onto Jesse's forearm again and causing him to wince in pain.

"Mmm-hmm." hummed Jesse, and the watchers weren't sure if he was even still listening anymore. Olivia sat the redstone dust down on a counter, connecting it to a non-lit redstone lamp. "I didn't want to just leave Reuben here with nothing while we're at the building competition."

"Who's Reuben?" Magnus asked, frowning. Jesse smiled and pointed to the pig in his lap, "My pig."

"Oh. I had a pet creeper once. Didn't end well, but I had Soren to rebuild my room. The perks of having a master builder as a friend!"

Onscreen, Jesse's eyes widened and he turned around, lowering his sword and revealing the thing he'd been hitting was an armor stand with a pumpkin on it, "He's coming with us."

"Really?" asked Olivia, as the screen went down to the bottom of the armor stand, revealing REUBEN to be pushing against it gently with his head. Reuben backed away from the stand with a questioning oink.

"What kind of question is that?" questioned Jesse, sheathing his sword, "Of course he is."

"Okay, I'm not saying he shouldn't come." Olivia said, "I'm not!" Reuben gave a disbelieving oink and turned away, heading in the direction of the window. offended.

"But don't you think it's a little weird that you take him with you everywhere you go?" Reuben jumped up on a chest and onto the window ledge, looking about, while Jesse looked over his shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow. Olivia continued.

"He kind of makes us look like... I don't know... amateurs."

"I see nothing wrong with bringing along a beloved pet." Soren argued, sending Aiden a look when he opened his mouth to more than likely insult them.

"He's my wingman." Jesse insisted. "People always want to talk to the guy with the pig."

"In your dreams." laughed Aiden.

Reuben grinned and oinked, but Olivia was quick to correct him. "You mean talk about the guy with the pig. Like, look at the weird guy with the weird pig. How weird."

Aiden, Maya and Gill snickered.

Onscreen, Jesse's face fell.

"I didn't mean anything by it." said Olivia, turning around so that her back was facing the duo "I'm glad he's coming. I just don't want to give people another reason to call us 'losers.'"

She walked forwards to stand in front of a low bookcase, splaying her palms against its surface, "I'm getting tired of it. I'm tired of being a laughingstock"

"Too bad." laughed Aiden, "You three will always be the Order of the Losers. It's just what you are; and you can't change that, no matter what you do."

"We'll see about that." Jesse muttered.

"We are not losers, Olivia." Jesse insisted. Olivia turned around to face him, "We lose all the time! It's what we do."

"Okay, o-okay. That might be true." admitted Jesse, putting his hands on his hips as Olivia continued, shaking her head.

"I can't remember the last time we won at anything."

This, apparently, was too much for the three bullies. They burst out laughing, shoulders shaking and hands clutching their stomachs. Olivia blushed, burying her head in her hands.

"Don't listen to them, Olivia." Axel said, reaching behind Jesse to put a hand on the girls shoulder. "They're too dumb to find their own noses."

Their laughter quickly faded at Axel's comment, as they instead took to glaring at the large male. Axel just glared right back.

"But if that's the case," said Jesse, "It means we win at being losers." Reuben oinked in agreement at the window.

Olivia chuckled, "All right. Fine." A hissing sound abruptly filled the house.

"Is that what I think it is? In the daytime?" Petra asked. Axel gave a small grin.

"Hear that?" asked Jesse, walking over to the trapdoor and kneeling in front of it.

"Oh, no." Olivia said. The trapdoor burst open and a creeper popped up right in Jesse's face.

Aiden, Maya and Gill screamed at the top of their lungs, Lukas jumped to his feet with a yell, Petra slammed her back against the armchair in surprise, Gabriel and Magnus jumped, Ivor gave a frightened squeak, Soren gave a surprised 'wow,' and Ellegaard jumped, nearly hitting Magnus in the face.

"Boo!" the creeper yelled, and Jesse scrambled back with a terrified scream, Olivia echoing him and Reuben squealing in fear, jumping up onto his hind legs and falling off the chest he'd been perched on and onto the floor.

The creeper laughed, pulling its mask off to reveal none other than AXEL. "Oh, man! You guys totally freaked out! That was awes-" Reuben gave an angry oink and charged at Axel, slamming his head into his stomach and cutting him off.

"Axel!" shouted Olivia, "What's the matter with you?!"

"Great." Axel moaned, "Now I'm going to smell like pig at Endercon. I thought we were buddies!"

"It wasn't that bad, you big baby." Olivia said, rolling her eyes.

"Cool mask." said Jesse, once he'd gotten over the shock.

"Incredibly cool mask." Axel agreed.

"It is, isn't it?" said Axel. Jesse grinned, "Yeah. Very convincing."

Axel laughed, "The look on your faces..."

"Did you bring the fireworks?" Olivia asked, changing the subject.

"What are you building?" Soren asked.

"A fireworks machine." answered Jesse, "With a creeper on top."

"Ooo, sounds nice. I'd like to get a look at it." Soren faltered, glancing around, "If we get out of here, that is."

"Of course I did." said Axel, walking past Reuben. "I even brought something for the little guy." he pulled out black wings and a dragon mask.

"You brought Reuben a disguise?" Olivia questioned.

"I believe," said Jesse, "It would be called a costume."

"Um, we're going to a convention." said Axel, pulling the wings onto Reuben's back, "Somebodies gotta wear a costume." He placed the mask over Reuben's head, concealing his face. Reuben began running around in circles, squealing in joy, and jumped up onto a bookcase.

"He looks awesome!" Jesse exclaimed.

"It only took me like a million hours to build it." said Axel.

"It look's ridiculous!" Aiden snorted, "The Ender Dragon was a huge... dragon, not some dumb pig!"

"I think it's pretty creative." said Petra.

"All right, all right." Jesse said.

"You definitely brought the fireworks, right?" asked Olivia.

"Yes, I'm ready." Axel insisted, making his way over to the trapdoor. "Waiting on you guys."

Olivia jumped down onto the ladder, looking up to speak to Jesse. "See, now he's your wingman." she joked.

"Stop!" said Jesse.

"Hurry up and grab your stuff." said Axel. Olivia nodded, "We'll meet you downstairs, okay?"

"Okay." Jesse walked over to the chest by the window, opening it and muttering to himself, "Shears. Definitely taking these. Never know when I might need to shear some sheep." Pocketing the shears, Jesse looked over at the poster of Gabriel hanging near the wall. "Gabriel the Warrior. You think we'll ever get that famous?"

Reuben shook his head. "It's not impossible..." Jesse argued, "Maybe I'll get famous for my sweet poster collection."

"Do you talk to yourself all the time?" Aiden asked, snickering. Jesse scowled.

"I wasn't talking to myself, I was talking to Reuben. There's a difference."

"Yeah, when you actually become famous!" Maya said, laughing alongside Aiden and Gill, who high-fived her.

Onscreen, Jesse opened another chest, taking out flint and steel. "Hm. Flint and steel, not too shabby." He got back up, walking over towards Reuben and glancing at the armor stand he'd been practicing on. "I got this stand as a gift, but don't have any armor to put on it. Maybe someday."

Looking down at Reuben, Jesse grinned and knelt in front of him. "Give me a dragon road, Reuben." Reuben raised his head and gave a loud screech of an oink, probably the closest he was going to get to an actual roar. Jesse nodded, "That'll do, Reuben. That'll do."

Aiden, Maya and Gill weren't even trying to stifle their laughter. They were rolling around in their seats again, near tears.

"Guys, come on." Lukas snapped, visibly annoyed, "Are you going to laugh at everything they do? If you keep doing that, we're going to miss something important!"

"Oh, lighten up, Lukas." said Gill, still grinning ear to ear and giggling, "We're just having some fun."

"I'm not really sure this is supposed to be fun." Ellegaard said, not amused, "We have no idea what this could be about, and if we had to be taken from our lives to be shown it, it's going to be extremely important. So shut your yaps, or you're waiting in the hall."

Aiden grumbled, crossing his arms in annoyance but all three of them obediently turned back to the screen.

Jesse opened the trapdoor and Reuben began running around him in circles, oinking excitedly. Jesse smiled and picked him up, holding him under his armpit. The screen changed to show Jesse climbing down the ladder one-handed while carrying Reuben, where Olivia and Axel were waiting for him at the bottom.

"That's everything." said Olivia, as Jesse sat Reuben back down.

"Let's roll." Axel said. Olivia rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips. "Yeah, dude. Roll."

"Let's go." said Jesse, and they began walking into the woods, in the direction of Endercon.

Axel spoke up, "I heard a pretty juicy rumor about the building competition, but you guys have to promise not to say anything."

"Okay." Olivia agreed.

"Also," continued Axel, "It's in two parts, each part more exciting than the last."

"Spit it out, Axel." said Jesse.

"Part one. The special guest at this year's Endercon is none other than Gabriel the Warrior him-freaking-self!"

"You idiot!" Aiden laughed, "Those posters were set up all over town for weeks!"

"Well, we didn't know that!" snapped Olivia, "Jesse and I live in the woods, and we don't go into town all that much."

"Whoa!" exclaimed Jesse, "What's part two?!"

"Part two. According to my sources-"

Aiden snorted.

"-the winner of the building competition's gonna get to meet him!"

Olivia gasped.

"It doesn't mean anything if we lose." Axel continued, "But if we win... oh man, this would make up for all the losing."

"Yeah, right! There's no way you're going to win-"

"Aiden, for the love of diamonds, shut up!" Petra shouted.

"Meeting Gabriel would be a dream and an honor." said Jesse.

"Thank you, my young friend." Gabriel said. Jesse smiled at him.

"Totally." Olivia agreed, "He's awesome. It'd be amazing to meet him."

"Reuben better be careful in that costume," Axel joked, "The last time Gabriel saw a dragon, it didn't end well."

Gabriel's smile faltered, but only for a moment. Petra's eyes narrowed.

Olivia looked around, before looking back at Axel with narrowed eyes, "Sooo, does this 'source' of yours make posters for a living?"

"Huh?" said Axel, confused, and the three friends came to a stop. The screen switched to show their backs, revealing the Endercon posters and signs about tickets being sold out.

Aiden snorted, but didn't say anything when the Order and Petra gave him looks.

"Yeah." admitted Axel sheepishly, "My source, uhhh, doesn't, uh, exist. You guys are my only friends."

"Guys," said Jesse, "Lets stay focused. We have a competition to win."

They began walking again, Olivia speaking up, "We never win. And this year we've got we've got Reuben with us."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Jesse.

The screen showed Reuben for a moment, walking behind them in his dragon costume, before switching back to Olivia. "We basically have no chance."

"We're going to win. Because-"

"What are you talking about?" Olivia cut him off. Jesse was quick to continue.

"Because up until now, we've hated losing. But today, today my friends, we're going to start learning how to love winning." Jesse faltered, "That didn't sound as good as it did in my head."

"No, no." Axel protested, "I'm with that."

"Thanks, past-Axel." said Jesse.

Axel smiled, "Anytime, Jess."

Onscreen, Jesse looked at Olivia expectantly, who sighed and gave a smile. "All right."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Jesse said abruptly, "We're thinking about this all wrong. The point of the building competition isn't just to build something. You have to do something to get noticed by the judges."

"And here comes the moment of inspiration!" said Axel.

"Okay, then. So how do we do this?" Olivia asked. They group came to a stop, standing in a small circle.

"We don't just build something functional." Jesse began, "We build something fun."

"Hm." hummed Soren, "Not a bad idea. Judges do usually go for the creative ones instead of just the functional ones."

"After we finish the fireworks machine like we planned, we build something cool on top of it." Jesse explained. The screen turned to show Olivia and Axel, who were both grinning at the idea.

"You might be on to something." said Olivia.

"If you want to get a reaction out of the judges," Axel stated, "You build something scary. So I say we build a creeper."

"Wouldn't an enderman be better?" said Olivia, "I'm more scared of enderman than creepers."

"They both have their moments." Axel said thoughtfully, "Both pretty scary."

"Go with the enderman!" exclaimed Soren. Magnus gave him a light shove.

"No, no, go with the creeper!"

"Then again," said Olivia, "You scared the crap out of us with that creeper today."

"Alright," Jesse spoke up, having come to a decision, "Let's build a creeper."

"YES!" Magnus shouted, fist pumping the air.

"You're going with Axel's idea?" questioned Olivia, frowning and putting her hands on her hips. This caused Axel to frown as well.

"What's wrong with my idea?"

"Nothing." Olivia admitted, "It could totally be cool."

"It is cool." said Axel.

"Yeah. I think this is the first time we've decided on something before getting to the competition." Olivia realized. "Think we've got everything we need?"

"It wouldn't hurt to grab a little more." said Jesse.

"Let's get to grabbin', then." Axel added.

"We're so prepared." Jesse grinned, stepping forward, "We can't lose. Cannot. Bring it in." He stuck his hand out, Axel placing his own hand on top of Jesse's, Olivia putting her's on top of Axel's and Reuben jumping up with an oink and placing his hoof on top of Olivia's hand.

"'Dare to Prepare' on three." said Jesse, "No, no, no. 'Preparing is daring.' Nope, that's the same thing. Forget it. 'Team' on three. One, two, three-"

Olivia and Jesse shouted "TEAM!" while Axel, seeming to have gotten confused, shouted "Prepare!" They put their hands up into the air, grinning at each other before spinning on their heels and running off in search of supplies, Reuben chasing after Jesse.

The screen showed Jesse punching at a tree, Reuben watching in the background. Then it switched to show Jesse doing push-ups, Reuben sitting on his back. Jesse looked up at the tree in front of him, which he'd pinned a Gabriel poster on to. Now it shows Jesse digging up sand by a body of water, the video speeding it up so it only lasts a few seconds. Then it switched to Jesse underwater, wrestling with a squid and Reuben swimming about behind him.

It switches once again to Jesse doing push-ups with Reuben on his back, this time with only on arm, switching each arm every time he goes up. Now Jesse's running through a bed of red flowers, cutting them up as he ran. It showed Jesse now doing sit-ups, Reuben holding down his feet. Then it showed Jesse in a cave entrance, mining stone with a wooden pickax. Now he's in the midst of a herd of sheep, using his shears to get their wool. Jesse's shown punching at a tree again, the block breaking as he gave it one final hit.

Jesse, Axel, Olivia and Reuben run up to each other, putting their hands on top of each other again, faces set in determination. Then they jump up into the air, the screen freezing in that formation before going black.

"So..." Lukas said slowly, after a moment of silence, "You decided to do push-ups while you were at it?"

"Yeah..." Jesse rubbed the back of his head, "They, uh, made it look a lot more... dramatic than it actually was."

"I liked the jump-into-the-air-and-freeze bit." said Ellegaard, "Very dramatic."

"I like how Axel shouted 'prepare!' instead of 'team.'" Petra said. Axel grinned at her sheepishly.

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The Synthesis Wizard

In a world where elements lay barren and powerful wizards had abandoned their homeland a millennium ago to explore the multiverse, Sunan found himself reincarnated as a noble scion stripped of his title. This world, once brimming with magic and wonder, had fallen into a desolate state, and wizards had become mere legends. Sunan was acutely aware that after a thousand years, the elements would awaken once more, heralding the return of the wizards and ushering in a new era of prosperity. He understood that his path was clear: he must train diligently to become a wizard himself and survive until this glorious age arrived. “Resources are scarce?” he mused, determination flickering in his eyes. “Then I’ll just have to synthesize them myself.” With that thought, he activated the Synthesis Cube, a device that granted him the ability to combine materials into something new. This Cube was not just a tool; it was a symbol of his potential in this world, reflecting his status as a player in a game he once played. As he set to work, the Cube glowed with possibilities, presenting him with a myriad of options. He had a few basic materials at his disposal, remnants of his previous life and the knowledge he had accumulated from his past experiences in the game. Sunan began experimenting, combining herbs and minerals he had gathered. Each successful synthesis filled him with a sense of accomplishment, inching him closer to his goal of becoming a wizard. Days turned into weeks, and Sunan’s skills improved rapidly. He crafted potions, improved his understanding of magical theories, and honed his mental abilities through intense meditation practices. The Star Ring Meditation, one of the first techniques he mastered, allowed him to tap into the latent mental energy within himself, enhancing his cognitive functions and magical sensitivity. As he progressed, whispers of his endeavors began to circulate among the remaining noble families and the common folk. Some viewed him with suspicion, while others saw potential in the young man who dared to challenge the status quo. Sunan knew he needed allies. He began seeking out individuals who shared his vision—a return to the age of wizards. He discreetly approached the remnants of the nobility, the few who still held some influence, and began to forge connections. His reputation grew cautiously, and with it, the opportunities to gather resources and knowledge. He learned of hidden libraries, ancient texts, and artifacts that could aid in his quest. One fateful day, while exploring a forgotten ruin, he uncovered an ancient tome detailing the rituals of the wizards who had once thrived on this land. The pages contained knowledge that could accelerate his growth, including spells long lost to time. “This is it,” Sunan thought as he carefully transcribed the contents into his own notes. “With this, I can not only learn the spells but also improve my synthesis techniques.” As he delved deeper into the arcane arts, he realized that the key to his ascension lay not just in personal power but in understanding the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined noble society. He had to navigate these treacherous waters carefully. In the back of his mind, Sunan always remembered the impending return of the wizards. The time was coming when he would have to reveal his true potential and lead the charge into the new era. With each passing day, he grew stronger, more confident, and increasingly aware of the responsibilities that awaited him. The world was changing, and Sunan was determined to be at the forefront of that change—a wizard in a world that had forgotten what it meant to wield true power.

LegendaryTL · Video Games
276 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1


  • Overall Rate
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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background
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