
Chapter 211. Full power

Another week has passed since I first created the Energy Mace, and a few things have happened since then.

The potion took longer than expected since the ingredients were much more annoying to get than expected, and the process was not as simple as using a brewing stand.

It had to be boiled in a cauldron that would evaporate in time to the level of 3 potions.

That's why we needed multiple cauldrons for this final step.

While Solomon was working on that project, I was in my base with Alexa looking through its huge catalog of enchantments to see which would be best suited for the mace.

We knew that the material of the weapon should be more resistant than Netharite, but we still could roughly put only 10 high-level enchants for this.

This may sound like a lot, but Unbreaking, Mending, Fire Aspect, Density, and Breach are a priority for this weapon since they were the most compatible with the mace.

At least those were the easy choices to make.

Now I had to choose from a huge library of enchantments that varied between Thunder Strike and Slippery Foot.

The last one may sound useful, but it worked only on your boots, unless you had a way to make your enemy wear them.

I debated with Alexa whether we should make our enchantments and decided to wait until we sort out the list before we resort to that.

Coming up with the right formula for a simple enchantment is complicated in itself, and people from the past took years to achieve high-level enchantments.

Even with Alexa's help, it would take a few months to finish.

The reason I was in such a hurry to finish this weapon, is because the Wither hasn't attacked Alexa for 2 months.

We don't believe that it simply gave up, nor do we believe that he lost to the Brutes in the Nether war.

So we think that he is planning something big or even worse, he is teaming up with the Mad Prince.

If it was the latter, it would become the worst-case scenario, since he was guaranteed to take control over the Nether, it's only a matter of time.

Surprisingly, the System didn't attack Alexa either.

It just scanned the area that it has control over and left it like that, with no pushing or sending suspicious scouts.

That means the System is also planning something making me nervous.

But today was a good day, since Solomon managed to successfully make a full cauldron of his absorption potion.

He looked tired and annoyed, but behind all of that, I could see a glimpse of excitement from what was about to come.

Most of my friends knew about my new weapon and what it did.

Solomon happened to be in the same room and heard about it as well.

That's the reason he even accepted to make the potion for little to no pushback since this was a weapon that could potentially kill the System.

I didn't plan on doing that, or know how to, but he didn't need to know.

We were all gathered around the magical soup with high expectations.

I took a step closer and lifted the mace high in the air, before turning it upside-down and slowly letting it sink into the liquid.


It was like a hot metal came in contact with water, it made a sharp noise until bubbles remained.

The liquid was now boiling, but shrinking at visible speeds.

Everyone had their eyes glued to it and even took a step forward to see it better.

Once it was done, the only thing remaining in the cauldron was the mace, which didn't seem to have any visible difference.

Seeing that nothing else was going to happen, I grabbed it by the handle and tried to feel the different.

The energy was still the same, and I didn't feel any new options that I could use.

"Someone hit me with something heavy."

Like waiting for this order, the Mad Scientist took a pitch-black potion from his inventory and threw it at me.

I blocked the oncoming projectile with my mace and the potion bottle broke.

The black liquid that was supposed to hit me, was sucked toward my weapon like a vacuum, leaving nothing behind.

I haven't tried potions before, so I didn't expect this kind of result.

But suddenly the energy reserves were doubled, meaning 2 things.

"Hey Solomon, what kind of potion did you throw at me?"

"Ehh, nothing that should've killed you."

"He's lying."

My lying detector was quick to catch him in the act.

Everyone narrowed their eyes and looked at him.

"Solomon, what kind of potion was that?"

He turned his head and muffled something that I couldn't hear.

"Lauder so we can hear you!"

"It was just Instant Damage 5, nothing to worry about."

He threw what?!

That's supposed to kill me 2 times over!

I think with my new Magic Resistance enchantments I would've bearly survived, but the potion was still deadly.

How did he even make one like this without the help of the System or a Witch?

Looks like he didn't accept his fate yet.

It's such a shame that I lost my Monocle of Truth in that explosion, otherwise I would've seen this coming beforehand.

While Solomon got his beating from Undying and Blue. I studied the new energy I got.

It was the same type as the previous ones just a lot larger than expected, showcasing the danger of the potion.

But I couldn't tell if this was because of the new upgrades or just the potion itself.

So, in the end, I had to give Alexa my sword to test with something that I already knew the results of.

When the 2 weapons came into contact I could feel energy enter the storage, but it was miniscule in compression to before.

But I could only smile at the results.

<Seems that the results are better than expected Sir.>

"Indeed, looks like the magical bath upgraded it so it can absorb 100% of any attack."

This was 10 times better than before, truly a weapon that could kill gods.

"Now what's left, is to put the Enchantmets and we can go to get our revenge."

"So it's finally time?"

Undying and Blue came back, after teaching the Mad Scientist a lesson that he shouldn't forget any time soon.

I think his freedom would be more limited for a while because of this.

"Yes, I think it's time for me to get out there once again. I've been stuck in one place for too long, and my adventurous heart can't take it anymore."

Both of them chuckled.

"Well, we wish you a safe trip, and you're always welcome to come back. It's been a while since I've seen Blue have so much fun studying with someone else. Solomon is smart, maybe too smart to speak with him normally, and Alexa is even worse, you seem to be the most normal one out of this group. Though I know its the opposite."

Blue got blue all of a sudden, and I smiled and thanked them for their hospitality before going back to my underground base.

<Are you going to enchant it now sir?>

"Yes, it's now or never after all, plus I already prepared everything so there's no need to delay."

I walked towards a single chest that stood in the corner of the room.

Inside were 9 enchanted books.


-Unbreaking 4

-Breach 5

-Density 6

-Fire Aspect

-Wind Burst 4

-Lightning Aspect

-Air Jump


The last one was a little harder to make so I put it in my Ender Chest for safekeeping.

After I took everything from the chests, I placed them on an anvil and began to hammer everything into one.

I think I lost all the levels with this item, but I was never more proud of what I had in my hands.

"Let's go and test this baby out!"

<That item is not a baby sir.>

"That's good because I'm going to smash some skulls with it!"

Like a kid with a new toy, I ran towards the surface ignoring everyone on my way.

Only halfway to the red forest I realized that I could've used my horse to get there faster.

"Stupid me, now I would waste a Perl if I summon him, and I'm too far to get back."

I let out a big sigh and contine running.

Surprisingly Alexa could keep up with my full sprint which took me by surprise.

Was the Allay more machine than a living being if it had this much stamina?

In the end, we arrived at the Red Forest without any incident to my displeasure.

But that didn't last long as I saw a Hogling right at the edge of the forest, foraging for food.

"Alexa stay here so you won't catch his attention."

<Affirmative. >

Without a worry, I got closer to Hogling, and when I was 5 blocks away, I stopped and placed a few blocks on the ground.

The Hogling looked at the blocks with confusion.

Before he would switch his sight to somewhere else, I broke the blocks, making him able to see me.

His eyes were wide with surprise, before changing to ones of anger and began charging at me.

Usually, I would prefer to kill them while I was still in stealth mode since I would get most of the meat undamaged that way.

But today I wanted to test the weapon in combat, and for that, I needed to be attacked as well.

The animal almost reached me at full speed, but I raised my mace and blocked the attack.

A loud bang was heard through the forest as his tasks hit metal, but I didn't feel a thing.

"That attack didn't charge a lot. Looks like my sword is batter after all."

The Hogling was taking a few steps back preparing for another charge, but I didn't plan on letting him do that, as I jumped and hit him in the head.


The head split like it was watermelon, splashing blood everywhere in a 5-block radius.

"Ugh, I used too much energy with this attack. Let's not use this weapon for hunting, I can bearly get one pork chop from this one, I can't imagine what I'll get if I hit a chicken."

Probably a chicken plate.

"I think I should hunt monsters now. I'm starting to feel bad for the poor animals if it's going to continue like this."

The noise got the attention of the other Hoglings who quickly came to inspect what just happened.

But when they arrived I was long gone, looking for my next victim.

Little did I know, that from that point forward, no Hogling dared to set foot in that part of the forest.

My next victim was a skeleton.

It kept shooting arrows at me, and I blocked most of them, and the one who I missed were defended by my armor.

When I reached the poor skeleton, I used the force of 3 arrows to hit him, only to decapitate him in one swing.

"The results are better, but it's still too weak."

I set my next target to be the Nether Slime.

It was medium in size, so if I killed it once it should split into 4 smaller ones.

Once it's eyes were on me, it quickly jumped towards me.

But I raised my shield to block It's attack.

I learned 2 things in that moment.

The mace seemed to be able to block even a jumping attack, at last the moment of the attack.

And second, slimes are very heavy, and the mace doesn't help with that at all.

So I was squished underneath the slime.

It didn't hurt, I was mostly embarrassed, and when it tried to jump once again, I rolled out of the way.

"Now take this!"

I hit it with the energy of 5 swings of my sword.


Like a balloon, it popped into small pieces of slimy lava.

It was so bad that no more slimes appeared afterwords.

"I guess I could use this to intimate my enemies."

But I had 2 more abilities that I didn't get the chance to use.

So I began searching for the perfect mob to practice those 2, the Ghast.

Once I found one, I got as close as possible towards it and looked at the ground.

"10 blocks high should be enough."

I raised the mace high above my head, and hit the ground while activating Wind Burst.


A loud explosion caught the attention of the Ghast, who turned to see a crater in the Nether floor.

But I was 10 block in the air looking at my target who didn't see me yet.

Before I began to fall down, I swing my mace towards the flaoting monster that was 10 blocks away from me.

But instead of wasting the swing, I activated the Air Jump enchantment, which made a solid air block, and the mace hit.


Another explosion was heard, followed by the dying screems if the monster.

Once I landed on the ground, I looked with shock at the damage that I made.

"Looks like I'll have to control this better."

<That would be for the best Sir, otherwise you'll end up destroying Nether.>

Lava fell down from the newly formed hole in the ceiling.