
Episode 48: Tragedy (3)

******* Prince Raimer's POV ********

"I got to say. I didn't think you had it in you, Prince Raimer." said the general who I assigned to charge of my army.

It is still early in the morning and the sun is not even risen in the sky.

"I'm just doing what needed to be done." I just replied while staring at my army who is assembled outside the castle while I'm on top of a tower.

"You sure about that? This has nothing to do with your mother or your right eye?"

I didn't answer him back and just remain silent.

My father exiled my mother for crimes she didn't commit just to exercise his power over the kingdom while I just stood by and done nothing.

This time will be different.

I only have about five hundred soldiers to field into battle but I know more people will support my cause.

"Make sure everything is ready. I will be heading back to the keep." I said to my general while started walking.

"Yes, your highness."

All of the people here don't know what happened in the church when the Goddess granted me gifts. I didn't tell anyone about it even my family. This is a duty I have to carry on myself and I don't want anyone to do it for me.

As I walk inside the keep, I was greeted with my wife who is now wearing her most beautiful outfit and my ten-year-old son beside her.

"What are you doing standing and walking around. You are still sick." I quickly said to my wife who just smile from my words.

"I got tired of lying in bed and letting others take care of me and besides, I have a duty to send off my husband."

I smiled back at her as I walk towards her.

She suddenly hugs me tight and I just hug her back.

"I don't have a lot of time left in this world, Prince Raimer. I know it. I can feel it." She whispered to my ear to make sure that our son will not hear her.

"Don't say that, Princess Felicia. I know the Goddess will not forsake you. Just pray and believe." I whispered back in her ear.

She let go of me and took a step back. Then she started laughing.

"It is quite funny. What kind of man who didn't believe in the Goddess since birth turn into a believer overnight?" She said to me and everyone around us, the guards and hand-maidens quickly stared at me.

"The kind of which who witnessed a miracle," I said to her while turning my gaze to my son.

"So, my son. Would you mind taking care of things around here while I'm away?" I said to him.

"Of course, father. I won't let you down." He replied.

"I know you won't."

I kissed my wife and rubbed my son's head before riding my horse and leave the castle.

I can see my wolf who I tamed when I was younger waiting for me in the field. I decided to bring him with me into battle.

There is no turning back now once I march my army west.

I just hope my father will yield the throne so they will be fewer blood spills on the ground but I know it is just a foolish thought.

"Prince Raimer. We are waiting for your orders." said the general beside me.

"March," I said back to him and he quickly shouted to the entire army to start moving.

******* Carolus' POV ********

The sun is already up but this giant monster is still alive.

All of the regulars phantoms already left or probably dead. I can't see any dead bodies around since all the bodies were incinerated by the sun. Almost forgot that these creatures are undead.

It is just me, him and all of the soldiers around us.

I already run of explosive arrows to keep the giant phantom grounded so I'm just relying on whacking him to the ground with a giant hammer.


Level: 0 (58 down) 79%




He used up all of his levels and only has about three hearts left.

It is about time to end this.

The giant phantom shrieks so loud once again and started charging at me.

Sorry, buddy. All of your minions already fly off back to wherever they came from. You are all alone now.

I ready my sword and waited for an opening.

The giant phantom opened his giant mouth and tried to eat me.

I just leaped above to avoid him and rammed my sword into his head.

The giant phantom struggled for a moment but after a while, he falls down on the ground and stopped moving.

The giant phantom's status window that I kept open on my side of view suddenly disappeared.

I pulled my sword out his head and put it back in my inventory.

The giant phantom is finally dead.

I jumped off of the dead body and landed on the ground.

I started observing the surroundings and I was shocked to see the amount of destruction caused by the battle.

There are a lot of houses in pieces and a portion of the wall is destroyed by my "accidental" shooting of explosive arrow since I tripped while preparing to fire at that time. It was really hard to fire a bow while evading a giant enemy.

Luckily, no one got hurt by the explosion but there is now a huge opening on the wall that the enemies can use to get through.

I should help fix that wall quick but I'm really tired right now and I want to sleep.

I was about to start walking towards the castle when I noticed something came out of the water and is now flying towards me.

Is that a trident?

It coming towards me so fast and I quickly equipped my shield.

I managed to block the trident in time and it is now on the ground in front of me.

I picked it up and started observing it.

It is a normal size trident. It is also enchanted and really well-built.

Who threw this? Is there a drowned monster in the water?

The weapon suddenly glowed and I can feel that something is pulling it.

This trident probably has a Loyalty enchantment.

I equipped my sword in my right hand while holding tight on the trident with my left hand.

I bury the sword on the ground and started resisting whoever owns this trident.

'If he wants this back, he can rip it out of my hand.' I said to myself while staring at the water waiting for something to come out.

The tug of war lasted for a while.

The force suddenly disappeared and I can't still see anything on the water.

What just happened? Did he gave up and leave?

Ah! I no longer care. I just want to sleep.

I tried putting the trident in my inventory but failed. This is my first time failing to store an item in my inventory. What is happening here? Is there an enchantment or curse that is preventing me to store this?

I can't see the enchantments of the Trident if it is not in my inventory so I tried using an eye of ender to it.

Nothing happened. The eye of ender is still intact.

Damn. Well, I just have to break it to make sure the owner can no longer use it.

I hold the trident with both of my hands and use my leg to break it into two. It took quite a lot of strength but I managed to destroy it.

Now, nobody has a trident.

I threw the pieces of the trident beside the dead body of the giant phantom and started walking towards the castle.

A soldier walking while holding a rein of a horse suddenly approached me.

"Your horse, your majesty." said the soldier while bowing to me and handing the rein.

Okay. Thank you for that.

I didn't say anything back and just took the rein from his hand and mount my horse.

I am now galloping towards the castle.

******** Arthur's POV ********

I am now middle of this swamp staring at the burnt house in front of me.

After the battle with the exploding monster, I quickly turned my attention with the white-robed woman. I have no idea who is she and why she saved me but I'm pretty sure she is not a human.

The white-robed woman suddenly runs off without saying anything and I didn't chase her since I'm really tired.

I don't know what just happen then and I decided to run back with my guards that is now guarding the villagers in a temporary camp.

I quickly sort through the people here to see if all of the villagers are safe. Thankfully, none of the civilians got hurt with the invasion but there are still quite a lot of soldiers died in the battle.

After all of that, I decided to rest for the remaining night.

The next morning, I ordered my guards to help repair and guard the village and I decided to travel alone. They will only be a hindrance with my mission so it is better if I only do it myself.

Lots of soldiers died during that invasion but I can't really stay to mourn for them since I still have someone to save.

It didn't take long for me to reach this place since King Carolus gave me a map of the swamp. I don't really know who made this map but it is pretty useful to use to navigate this place and I managed to get to my destination.

I'm probably late though.

The house is burnt to the ground. There is nothing but charcoal and stone pillars here.

I dismounted on my horse and started walking towards the house.

I also started investigating the surroundings.

There was no battle happened here or anything. There were also no corpses.

There were tracks though indicating someone is traveling on foot towards the southeast.

The tracks are not fresh and already faded for a bit so it is probably about a few days or maybe more.

Sisilla should still be alive and I have to find her.

I don't know who Sisilla is and what her relationship with King Carolus but he wants her safe so that is what I'm about to do.

I quickly mounted my horse and started preparing to travel again.

I noticed another strange thing. No slimes approached this area which is weird. I decided to ignore it and kicked my horse to start traveling.

******* Sisilla's POV *******

Ah! The pain in my body is still throbbing but I sort of like it.

I still have four hearts left after the battle.

I didn't manage to win against the Skeleton King but I'm pretty sure I'm managed to half is health so it will take a while for him to heal.

I decided to fall back and start traveling south to find another target.

There are two options here. There are zombies and giant spiders in this forest. Which one I'm going to chose?

The white skeletons is still a problem since there are still thousands of them along with their leader but I'm pretty sure I did quite a lot of damage to them so Carolus can swiftly finish them off.

The rays of the sun that are touching my skin are wonderful and I'm having fun traveling.

I was quickly interrupted when I noticed something in the distance.

I halted my horse and began observing from afar.

A building made out of stones. A castle maybe? I'm not really sure but I do know that they are monsters manning the ramparts and towers.

I'm also pretty sure those are pigmen and wither skeletons.

What are they doing here in the overworld? Is there a portal here or something?

I smiled very wide and started building a temporary house to put the horse and cat in.

I can't really use health potion or potion of regeneration right now since I already used them with the battle with Skeleton King and the next set of potions will just turn into poison if I drink them. However, I can use battle potions so they will be very useful.

I also have a little bit of strength left in me so this will be a piece of cake.

After equipping my armor and making sure that I'm ready, I then started walking towards the castle.

'This will be another wonderful day." I said to myself while starting to pick up the pace.

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I hope you all enjoy this.

Nayamoraccreators' thoughts