
Mine Yes! : Forced to be yours Mr.Devil

"Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" In the cutthroat world of business, Rudra Singhaniya, a powerful and enigmatic CEO, is known for his cold demeanor and ruthless decisions. But behind the successful facade lies a man burdened by past wounds and a life dictated by duty. Unbeknownst to the world, Rudra enters into a secret marriage with Anaya Malhotra, a young and innocent woman caught in the web of family expectations and societal pressure. Anaya, just twenty years old, finds herself thrust into a life she never imagined. Her marriage to Rudra is shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few, and kept hidden from the prying eyes of the public. While Rudra maintains a cold distance, Anaya struggles to navigate her new reality, torn between the fear of her husband’s icy exterior and the growing confusion of her feelings. As the media frenzy erupts over Rudra’s supposed single status and the shocking revelation of his broken engagement with Nisha Ahuja, the Singhaniya family must navigate the delicate balance of protecting their reputation while managing the fallout. The situation becomes even more complex as it is revealed that Nisha herself is secretly married to another man, Raj Chauhan, adding another layer of scandal to the already chaotic narrative. Within the walls of the Singhaniya estate, family dynamics shift as secrets are unearthed and alliances are tested. Komal Singhaniya, the matriarch, strives to maintain order, insisting that Anaya embrace her new role and move into Rudra’s room—a symbolic step towards accepting her marriage. However, not everyone is on board with this union. Aarav, Rudra’s younger brother, openly rejects the marriage, while Mr. Dev Singhaniya, the family patriarch, and Rudra’s grandmother stand firmly in support of the decision, believing in the strength of family unity. As the couple begins their life together, Anaya and Rudra are forced to confront the reality of their marriage. Sharing a room but not a bed, their interactions are marked by a tense coldness and unspoken emotions. Yet, beneath Rudra’s frosty exterior, there are glimpses of vulnerability and a hidden attraction towards Anaya that he refuses to acknowledge. Anaya, on the other hand, is confused and intimidated by Rudra’s aloofness, yet she finds herself drawn to him in ways she cannot explain. Amidst the turmoil, Anaya must find her footing in a world of power plays and hidden agendas. Will Rudra ever open up to her, or will his dark past keep him locked in a world of solitude? And can Anaya break through the barriers that surround her husband’s heart, or will their marriage remain a hollow contract bound by duty and secrecy? "Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" is a gripping tale of love, power, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against the backdrop of high society and corporate intrigue, it explores the journey of two souls bound by circumstances, yet yearning for something more—a love that can heal old wounds and bring light to even the darkest of hearts.

PenolaS · Teen
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46 Chs

"The Secrets We Keep"

Hey, lovely readers! 💖

Thank you for picking up another chapter of Mine Yes! Forced to be Yours, Mr. Devil. This one has a lot of tension, emotions, and moments that might just make you question what's really going on between Anaya and Rudra. Their relationship is complex, and I'm so excited to share these layers of their journey with you.

Make sure you're ready for a whirlwind of feelings—this chapter is a mix of flashbacks, revelations, and those unexpected heart-fluttering moments that we've all been waiting for! Stay tuned for more, and as always, let me know your thoughts in the comments or on my socials. 😊

With love,


——————AUTHOR'S POV :~~

Anaya slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by an unfamiliar sight—Rudra, sleeping beside her on the other side of the bed. His face was turned toward her, his black night suit a sharp contrast to the soft white sheets. He looked peaceful, his features relaxed, nothing like the cold and intimidating man she knew during the day.

For a moment, she was mesmerized. She didn't love him, she didn't hate him, but for the first time, she was unsure of what she felt for him. The fear that always lingered in her heart was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a strange urge to reach out, to touch him.

Her fingers, almost on their own, reached out and lightly brushed his face. She felt a spark, something unexplainable, as her fingertips made contact with his skin. "You don't seem cold when you sleep," she murmured softly. "Not like the stone-hearted man everyone says you are."

Her touch lingered, and as she looked at him, she got lost in the events of the previous night.


Flashback: The Night Before

Rudra silently took Anaya's hand, his movements deliberate but gentle. Without saying a word, he slid a bracelet onto her wrist—a delicate band adorned with a small diamond heart. As soon as the clasp clicked into place, something unexpected happened.

Anaya's bracelet began to glow, the diamond heart emitting a soft white light. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. At the same moment, Rudra's own bracelet, identical to hers except for the dark stone at its center, lit up with a deep red glow. The two bracelets pulsed together, their lights intertwined in a strange, mesmerizing rhythm.

Anaya stared down at their wrists, bewildered. "What… what is this?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Rudra didn't answer immediately, his gaze fixed on their connected bracelets. His expression was unreadable, but there was a certain intensity in his eyes, as if this moment held more significance than he was willing to share. After a long pause, he finally looked up, his dark eyes locking with hers.

"I married you because I wanted you," he said, his voice steady but carrying a weight she hadn't heard before. "This bracelet… it's a bond, a promise that I made to myself, and now to you."

Anaya's heart raced as she tried to comprehend his words. "But why now?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Why did you marry me so suddenly?"

Rudra's jaw clenched slightly, his eyes flickering with something she couldn't quite place—was it guilt? Fear? "Because I couldn't let you slip away," he said, his voice low. "When you were attacked, I realized how much I needed you safe. You matter to me, Anaya. More than you know."

Her mind swirled with emotions—confusion, disbelief, and a strange pull she couldn't explain. "But I don't understand," she pressed. "Why me? Why marry me of all people?"

Rudra's grip on her wrist tightened slightly, the glowing bracelets still pulsing in sync. "Because," he said slowly, "I've been watching over you for longer than you think. I've known you since you first came here. And now... I want you by my side."

His confession hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. Anaya was left speechless, her gaze shifting between his face and the glowing bracelets on their wrists. The red and white lights pulsed together, as if symbolizing a connection that had been forged without her fully understanding why.

Rudra's voice softened as he added, "I need you to trust me. This isn't just about protection anymore."

Anaya's breath caught as the meaning of Rudra's words sank in. She stared at the glowing bracelets, trying to make sense of what he had just revealed. Her heart was in turmoil. The soft white glow from her bracelet seemed to mock the clarity she so desperately needed, while the deep red of Rudra's bracelet felt like a warning—a reminder of how dangerous and complicated this man was.

But instead of answering him, she bit her lip, gathering the courage to voice the question that had been gnawing at her since the night they married.

"Why now? Why marry me in such a short time?" she asked quietly, her fingers trembling slightly as she absentmindedly touched the diamond heart on the bracelet.

Rudra's expression darkened, his eyes shifting as if debating whether to reveal more. He didn't answer immediately, and for a moment, she thought he wouldn't. But then, with a heavy sigh, he spoke.

"You're searching for your brother, aren't you?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Anaya froze, her eyes widening in shock. The breath left her lungs as if someone had just punched her. "How… how do you know about that?"

Rudra met her gaze, his face softening ever so slightly. "I've known for a long time, Anaya. I've been keeping tabs on you, not just because of who you are to me, but because of what you're going through."

Her mind raced. The memory of her older brother, the one who had disappeared after that horrible accident, flashed before her eyes. The search for him had consumed her life, and she had been willing to do anything to find him—even marry Rudra, if it meant gaining the power and resources she needed.

"You agreed to marry me because I promised to help you to find him," Rudra continued, his voice low. "And I will. I've already started looking. But this marriage… it's more than just a deal."

Anaya felt her pulse quicken as the truth of the situation settled in. She had agreed to marry him, desperate and out of options, clinging to the one man who had the influence to help her find her brother and the answers about that fateful night. But now she realized there was much more at stake—this wasn't just a transactional marriage.

"I married you because I want to protect you, Anaya. You're not alone in this ," Rudra said, his voice firm, but there was a softness in his tone that she hadn't heard before. He reached out, his fingers brushing against hers, their bracelets still glowing in sync. "I know I don't say it well, but… I care about you."

Anaya's breath hitched. She had never expected to hear those words from him. But before she could process what he had just said, he continued.

"And I married you because I can't let anything happen to you. Not again. Not like that night."

The mention of that night sent chills down Anaya's spine. She had been attacked—someone had come after her, targeting her because of Rudra, because of the powerful world he lived in. She hadn't known then, but the attack had shaken him deeply, and now, it made sense why he had pushed so hard for the marriage. He wanted to keep her safe, to control the danger that surrounded him.

Anaya swallowed hard, her throat tight. The weight of the bracelet on her wrist suddenly felt heavy, as if it symbolized all the complexity of her relationship with Rudra. She hadn't signed up for this—not for a man who would control her life, nor for a husband who was both her protector and her greatest mystery.

"You… you don't understand," she whispered, her voice shaky. "I'm not someone you can just keep in a box and protect, Rudra. I need answers. I need to find my brother."

Rudra's gaze softened. "I know, Anaya. And I'll help you find him. But you have to trust me."Rudra's voice softened as he added, "I need you to trust me. This isn't just about protection anymore."

Anaya wanted to say something, to push back against his overprotective demeanor, but as she looked into his eyes, she saw the sincerity in them. For the first time, Rudra wasn't just the cold, powerful man she had married out of necessity—he was someone who cared, someone who had been affected by their circumstances just as deeply as she had.

Her heart was still conflicted, torn between the deal she had made and the feelings that were beginning to surface. Could she trust him? Could she let herself feel anything for him?

Before she could respond, Rudra stood up, moving toward the door. "I'll give you some time to think," he said softly, as though sensing her inner turmoil. "But remember, Anaya—no matter what, you're not alone in this."

As he walked away, Anaya stared down at the glowing bracelet on her wrist, the soft white light still flickering against her skin. For the first time in a long while, she felt uncertain—not just about her search for her brother, but about what her marriage to Rudra truly meant. Was it just a means to an end? Or was it becoming

As he walked away, Anaya stared down at the glowing bracelet on her wrist, the soft white light still flickering against her skin. For the first time in a long while, she felt uncertain—not just about her search for her brother, but about what her marriage to Rudra truly meant. Was it just a means to an end? Or was it becoming something much more?

The question hung in her mind as she lay back on the bed, lost in thought, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the glowing heart on the bracelet.

End of Flashback~~


Anaya lay back against the pillows, the events of the previous night replaying in her mind. The soft glow of the bracelets seemed to pulse with her racing thoughts. Suddenly, she felt a surge of panic mixed with confusion, and she started murmuring to herself, her voice barely a whisper.

"Wait. Wait, wait. You and me in this bed, this single bed together. We slept last night—together." The realization hit her like a cold wave, sending shivers down her spine. "How could you sleep with him, Anaya? Even if you are married, it doesn't make sense… oh, it makes sense, but you can't sleep with him. You can't trust him!"

As she continued to berate herself, lost in her swirling thoughts, she didn't realize her fingers were still lightly resting against Rudra's face.

Rudra's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her murmurs. He found Anaya lost in a world of her own, her expression a mix of confusion and distress. A soft smile played on his lips as he shifted slightly, resting his face against her palm and beginning to caress her wrist. The gentle touch jolted Anaya back to reality, her eyes widening as they met his dark gaze.

They both froze for a moment, captivated by each other, the atmosphere thick with unspoken emotions. "Good morning, Anaya," Rudra said, his voice laced with warmth and affection.

The way he said her name sent a flutter through her heart, but embarrassment washed over her, and she instinctively broke eye contact. "I—uh..." she stammered, flustered, trying to get up from the bed.

In her haste, she lost her balance and tumbled sideways, but Rudra was quick to react. He caught her in his arms, their bodies colliding in an intimate embrace. Anaya found herself on top of him, her hands pressing against his chest for support, while Rudra's arms encircled her tiny waist, holding her securely.

The moment hung between them, charged with tension. Anaya's braid fell loosely, tiny bangs framing her face and softening her features, adding to her beauty. She felt a rush of heat spread across her cheeks as she registered the closeness, the weight of the moment settling heavily around them.

"Uh…sorry!" Anaya squeaked, trying to regain her composure, her heart racing as she attempted to shift off him.

Rudra chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "No need to apologize. It seems like you have a knack for landing right where you shouldn't be," he teased, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

Anaya's heart raced, caught between mortification and an undeniable thrill at being so close to him. "I—uh… I was just trying to—" she fumbled, words escaping her as she became increasingly aware of how close they were.

Rudra's grip tightened slightly, and he tilted his head, looking into her eyes with an intensity that made her pulse quicken. "You don't need to explain, Anaya. Just breathe."

In that moment, everything else faded away. The confusion, the doubts, the fear—all of it dissolved as she felt the warmth of his body against hers. She realized how desperately she craved this connection, even if she fought against it.

"Just breathe," he repeated, his voice softer now, and something within her began to settle.

Anaya took a deep breath, her heart still fluttering. "Okay," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper, feeling both vulnerable and alive.

They stayed there for a moment longer, caught in a fragile equilibrium of newfound intimacy, the weight of their past and future hanging silently in the air around them.

Finally, Rudra broke the silence, his tone turning serious. "Anaya, I need you to know something. What happened last night… it's just the beginning of us. I want to take this step together."

Anaya searched his gaze, feeling the sincerity behind his words. But as quickly as it ignited, doubt crept in again. She wanted to trust him, but the fear of being hurt lingered at the back of her mind.

"Rudra, I…" she started, but the words caught in her throat, unsure how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions she felt.

His thumb brushed gently against her cheek, a soothing gesture that sent a rush of warmth through her. "We can figure this out together, one step at a time. Just trust me, okay?"

As she looked into his eyes, she realized that beneath the layers of complexity and his enigmatic persona, there was something genuine, something real. But could she let her heart open to that possibility?

For now, all she could do was nod, still processing everything that lay ahead.

"Okay," she whispered, feeling the tension between them shift to a new understanding, a fragile promise of what could be.

Rudra's grip tightened around Anaya's waist, steadying her as she tried to regain her balance. The warmth of his body enveloped her, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. Their eyes locked once again, and Anaya felt her heart race, caught in the intensity of the moment.

"Are you okay?" Rudra asked softly, his voice laced with concern. The playful smile from earlier faded slightly, replaced by a seriousness that sent shivers down her spine.

Anaya nodded, but the embarrassment of the fall, combined with the intimacy of their position, made her cheeks flush. She tried to shift away, but Rudra held her firmly, his expression softening as he took in the sight of her. The strands of hair that had fallen into her face accentuated her features, making her look both vulnerable and strikingly beautiful.

"Let me help you up," he said, his tone gentle. With that, he lifted her slightly, maneuvering them both until Anaya was seated beside him on the bed. The sudden absence of his warmth left her feeling oddly cold.

"Sorry about that," she muttered, avoiding his gaze. "I—uh, I wasn't thinking."

"Neither was I," Rudra replied, a hint of teasing in his voice. "It seems we both have a tendency to lose our balance." He chuckled softly, but the sound was warm and inviting, diffusing some of the tension in the room.

Anaya shot him a glance, her heart fluttering at the sound of his laughter. "I shouldn't have been in such a hurry to get up."

"Maybe you shouldn't," he said, leaning back on the bed with an amused smile. "But it's not every day I wake up to find my wife next to me."

The weight of his words hung in the air. "Wife." It was still a strange reality for Anaya, one that filled her with confusion and a flurry of emotions.

"I should go get breakfast," she said quickly, trying to change the subject and ignore the way her stomach fluttered at the thought of being his wife.

Rudra propped himself up on one elbow, his dark eyes gleaming with mischief. "What if I want breakfast in bed?"

Anaya felt her heart skip a beat. "Um, I don't think I'm good at that," she stammered, caught off guard by his playful tone.

Rudra's expression softened as he sat up fully, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. "You'd be surprised, Anaya. I think you'd make a great breakfast companion."

"Companion?" she echoed, her heart racing again. It felt too intimate, too personal. "What do you mean?"

Rudra's gaze didn't waver as he replied, "I mean that I want to share moments with you, even the simple ones. This marriage is not just a formality for me. I want to know you—every part of you."

Anaya's breath hitched. She had entered this marriage with one goal in mind—finding her brother—but now she found herself caught in the web of feelings and complexities she hadn't anticipated.

Just then, the sound of her phone vibrating on the bedside table interrupted the moment. Anaya quickly glanced at the screen, her heart sinking as she recognized the name flashing across it—her friend Pranali.

"I should answer this," she said, her voice a bit shaky as she reached for the phone.

Rudra's expression shifted, a flicker of something darker crossing his features. "Pranali?"

"Yeah, she's probably just checking in on me," Anaya replied, forcing a smile as she swiped to answer.

"Hey, Pranali!" she said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Anaya! Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" Pranali exclaimed through the phone, her voice filled with concern. "You disappeared after that incident. Is everything okay?"

Anaya exchanged a glance with Rudra, who was now watching her intently, his expression unreadable.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just… taking some time to sort things out," she said, her voice steady despite the truth lingering beneath.

"Sort things out? With who?" Katha pressed. "Is it about Rudra? Are you safe?"

Anaya bit her lip, hesitant to disclose too much. "I'm safe, I promise. Rudra is just helping me."

"Helping you how?" Katha sounded skeptical. "You know you can't trust him, right? You married him on a whim!"

"I know, but…" Anaya started, her thoughts racing. She glanced at Rudra, whose brow was furrowed in concern, clearly hearing Katha's voice on the other end.

"You need to be careful, Anaya. He's not who you think he is!" Katha warned.

"I can handle it, Katha," Anaya replied, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "I can take care of myself. I need to figure this out on my own."

"Fine, but I want to see you soon. Promise me you'll call me if anything happens!" Katha insisted.

"Of course, I will. I promise," Anaya said, her voice softening.

After they hung up, Anaya turned back to Rudra, who was now looking at her with a mixture of concern and understanding.

"They're worried about you," he said quietly.

"I know," Anaya sighed, running a hand through her hair. "But I need to focus on finding my brother. This whole marriage thing... it complicates everything."

Rudra's gaze turned serious. "I can help you, Anaya. You don't have to face this alone. If you let me, I can be more than just a husband on paper."

Anaya's heart raced as she considered his words. Could she really trust him?

"Okay," she said finally, surprising herself with her own answer. "Let's work together. But it's going to take time for me to trust you completely."

Rudra nodded, a small smile breaking across his face. "I'll wait. Just remember, I'm here for you."

As they sat together in silence, Anaya felt the tension begin to ease. Perhaps, just maybe, this unexpected partnership could lead them to answers—if she could let herself open up and trust him.

With that thought, she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the challenges ahead. This marriage might just become something she never expected—a bond forged in uncertainty but strengthened by shared goals.

As soon as Anaya saw the name "Pranali" flashing on her phone, she hurriedly answered the call, hoping to cut the conversation short.

"Anaya! Where are you? You need to come to the office early today!" Pranali's voice was urgent, clearly stressed. "It's a big event, and we have tons to prepare!"

Anaya's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about the event. Working at Tech-High, especially under Rudra, was demanding enough, but big events meant even more pressure.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll be there as soon as I can!" Anaya replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the flurry of emotions she was feeling.

"Hurry up, okay? The boss is expecting us all to be on top of things today," Pranali reminded her.

Anaya glanced at Rudra, who was still sitting on the bed, watching her closely. She felt her stomach twist in knots.

"I'm on my way!" she assured Pranali before quickly ending the call.

She took a deep breath and turned towards Rudra, but before he could ask her any more questions, she stood up hastily. "I… I need to go get ready. There's an event at the office today," she explained quickly, avoiding eye contact as she rushed towards the bathroom.

Rudra, his expression hard to read, stood up as well, taking a step toward her. "Anaya, we need to talk about—"

But Anaya was already halfway to the bathroom, her heart racing as she desperately tried to put some distance between them. She couldn't deal with the intensity of the situation right now. "We'll talk later, Rudra. I really need to get ready."

Without waiting for a response, she slipped inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and leaning against it with a deep exhale. Her mind was spinning with everything that had just happened—Pranali's call, the awkwardness with Rudra, and her growing feelings that she wasn't ready to confront.

Anaya splashed some cold water on her face, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She needed to stay focused. Today was a big day at work, and she couldn't afford to let her personal life interfere with her professional responsibilities—especially with Rudra being both her boss and… husband.

Taking another deep breath, she tried to push her complicated feelings aside and focused on getting ready for the event. She had a job to do, and that was all that mattered for now.


It was Anaya's sixth day as an intern at Tech-High. She dressed in her usual office attire, opting for a sleek, professional look. Today, she wore a fitted black blazer over a crisp white shirt, paired with tailored black trousers. Her hair was neatly tied back into a low ponytail, and she kept her makeup minimal, only accentuating her eyes with a soft liner. She finished the look with small stud earrings and a silver wristwatch, embodying the poised, capable intern she was trying to be.

As she got ready, she felt Rudra's eyes on her. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, observing her every move. He hadn't said anything yet, but the tension between them was undeniable. She could feel it in the air, and she didn't want to address it—not now, not today. Not when she had an important event at work.

Rudra finally spoke, his deep voice breaking the silence. "Anaya, we need to talk—about us."

Anaya, pretending to be busy adjusting her blazer in the mirror, avoided his gaze. "Not now, Rudra. I'm already late. We'll talk later." Her voice was rushed as she slipped on her low-heeled black pumps, trying to focus on anything but him.

Rudra sighed but didn't push any further, watching as she grabbed her work bag and headed for the door.

Without looking back, Anaya hurriedly left the room, her heart racing. She needed space. She walked quickly down the staircase to the ground floor, trying to collect her thoughts. As she entered the living room, she saw her father-in-law, Dev Singhaniya, sitting with the morning newspaper in hand. His face softened when he saw her.

"Good morning, Anaya," he greeted warmly.

"Good morning, Dad," Anaya replied with a polite smile, bowing her head slightly in respect. She had grown fond of Dev; he had always been kind to her, treating her with care and warmth, unlike the distance she often felt from Rudra.

Rakhi, her mother-in-law, was bustling around the living room with a cheerful energy, her presence hard to miss. "Anaya, you're leaving without breakfast again?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "I've already packed something for you, dear. Come, take it with you."

Anaya smiled but shook her head. "I'm running late, Mom. I'll grab something at the office."

Just as she turned towards the main door, Rakhi called after her again. "At least take the breakfast I packed for you!" she insisted, but Anaya was already too flustered and focused on rushing out the door.

Rudra, who had followed her downstairs, walked up to his mother. "You're in a hurry too, Rudra?" Rakhi asked with a knowing smile, noticing the quiet dynamic between her son and daughter-in-law.

Rudra kept his response simple. "Give it to me, Mom. I'll make sure she gets it." His tone was steady, but there was something in his eyes that Rakhi didn't miss—concern, perhaps even frustration.

Rakhi handed him the packed breakfast, her gaze softening as she watched him leave in pursuit of Anaya. "Take care, Rudra," she called out, but he was already headed towards the main door.

At the bus stop, Anaya stood with her bag over her shoulder, anxiously checking her watch. She was late, and the bus hadn't arrived yet. The morning rush hour was unforgiving.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar sound of a car engine approaching. She looked up and saw Rudra's black luxury car pulling up in front of her. The window rolled down, revealing Rudra sitting behind the wheel, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with her.

"Get in the car, Anaya," his voice commanded, leaving no room for argument.

Anaya hesitated, glancing back towards the empty street where the bus should have been. She didn't want to be in close quarters with Rudra right now—not after everything. But she was already late, and there was no sign of the bus.

Seeing her hesitation, Rudra's tone hardened. "Anaya, I said, get in the car. You're already late."

She swallowed her reluctance, knowing she didn't have much choice. With a small sigh, she opened the passenger door and slipped into the seat next to him.

Without another word, Rudra handed her the breakfast his mother had packed. Anaya accepted it quietly, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. His jaw was tense, his focus sharp as he drove, but there was an undeniable weight between them.

The silence in the car was heavy, filled with all the unspoken words and unresolved feelings that had been building up between them. As Rudra sped towards Tech-High, Anaya wondered how long they could keep avoiding what was clearly simmering beneath the surface.

They both arrived at Tech-High, the towering glass building reflecting the morning sun. As Rudra pulled into his reserved parking spot, Anaya quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and reached for the door handle. She had been quiet the entire drive, staring out of the window, her mind racing with thoughts of the day ahead and the tension between them.

Just as she stepped out of the car, Rudra's voice stopped her. "Anaya."

She paused but didn't turn to face him.

"You can avoid me all you want," he said, his tone calm yet firm. "But at least eat your breakfast."

She felt a pang of guilt at his words. Anaya clutched the packed breakfast tighter, still facing away from him. She could feel his eyes on her, but she refused to meet them. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to him, but every time they did, the conversation felt heavy, complicated.

"I will," she murmured, her voice barely audible. Without waiting for a response, she hurried towards the office entrance.

Inside, the hustle and bustle of Tech-High's morning routine enveloped her. The grand lobby was filled with employees greeting each other, laptops in hand, and the constant hum of conversations about meetings, deadlines, and the big event today. Anaya tried to blend into the crowd, hoping the familiar chaos would distract her from the weight sitting on her chest.

Rudra, on the other hand, lingered behind for a moment, watching her as she disappeared into the building. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before following her inside. There was a palpable distance between them, but Rudra knew it wasn't just physical. Something had shifted, and as much as Anaya tried to push him away, he wasn't going to let things stay this way.

The day had barely started, and yet, it already felt exhausting.

##To be continue...**

Phew! What an intense chapter, right? ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ Anaya and Rudra's connection is slowly deepening, but their relationship is still filled with mystery and untold emotions. The bracelet scene is so symbolic of their bond—something powerful yet complicated.

What do you think will happen next? Will Anaya finally let down her guard and trust Rudra? Or will the search for her brother lead them down a darker path? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Until the next chapter, keep those hearts ready for more drama, romance, and surprises. Don’t forget to share your feedback!

Thank you for reading,


PenolaScreators' thoughts