
Mine Yes! : Forced to be yours Mr.Devil

"Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" In the cutthroat world of business, Rudra Singhaniya, a powerful and enigmatic CEO, is known for his cold demeanor and ruthless decisions. But behind the successful facade lies a man burdened by past wounds and a life dictated by duty. Unbeknownst to the world, Rudra enters into a secret marriage with Anaya Malhotra, a young and innocent woman caught in the web of family expectations and societal pressure. Anaya, just twenty years old, finds herself thrust into a life she never imagined. Her marriage to Rudra is shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few, and kept hidden from the prying eyes of the public. While Rudra maintains a cold distance, Anaya struggles to navigate her new reality, torn between the fear of her husband’s icy exterior and the growing confusion of her feelings. As the media frenzy erupts over Rudra’s supposed single status and the shocking revelation of his broken engagement with Nisha Ahuja, the Singhaniya family must navigate the delicate balance of protecting their reputation while managing the fallout. The situation becomes even more complex as it is revealed that Nisha herself is secretly married to another man, Raj Chauhan, adding another layer of scandal to the already chaotic narrative. Within the walls of the Singhaniya estate, family dynamics shift as secrets are unearthed and alliances are tested. Komal Singhaniya, the matriarch, strives to maintain order, insisting that Anaya embrace her new role and move into Rudra’s room—a symbolic step towards accepting her marriage. However, not everyone is on board with this union. Aarav, Rudra’s younger brother, openly rejects the marriage, while Mr. Dev Singhaniya, the family patriarch, and Rudra’s grandmother stand firmly in support of the decision, believing in the strength of family unity. As the couple begins their life together, Anaya and Rudra are forced to confront the reality of their marriage. Sharing a room but not a bed, their interactions are marked by a tense coldness and unspoken emotions. Yet, beneath Rudra’s frosty exterior, there are glimpses of vulnerability and a hidden attraction towards Anaya that he refuses to acknowledge. Anaya, on the other hand, is confused and intimidated by Rudra’s aloofness, yet she finds herself drawn to him in ways she cannot explain. Amidst the turmoil, Anaya must find her footing in a world of power plays and hidden agendas. Will Rudra ever open up to her, or will his dark past keep him locked in a world of solitude? And can Anaya break through the barriers that surround her husband’s heart, or will their marriage remain a hollow contract bound by duty and secrecy? "Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" is a gripping tale of love, power, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against the backdrop of high society and corporate intrigue, it explores the journey of two souls bound by circumstances, yet yearning for something more—a love that can heal old wounds and bring light to even the darkest of hearts.

PenolaS · Teen
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46 Chs

"A Start of Something New"

Welcome back, dear readers! In this chapter, we witness a subtle yet significant shift between Rudra and Anaya. Their relationship has been distant and formal, but today's interaction hints at something deeper. Anaya's innocence shines through, while Rudra's cold demeanor starts to soften, though he's not quite sure how to handle it. We also get to see the warmth of family dynamics at the breakfast table, giving a contrast to the growing tension between the leads.

Chapter Uploading Chart

Monday: 1 chapter (1:30 PM)

Tuesday: 2 chapters (1:30 PM, 11:30 PM)

Wednesday: 2 chapters (1:30 PM, 11:30 PM)

Thursday: 2 chapters (1:30 PM, 11:30 PM)

Friday: 2 chapters (1:30 PM, 11:30 PM)

Saturday: Bonus chapter day

Sunday: Day off!

————AUTHOR'S POV :~~~~

Anaya woke up with a mixture of excitement and nerves bubbling in her stomach. Today was her first day as an intern at Singhaniya Corp, and she wanted to make a good impression. The house was still quiet, the morning sun just beginning to rise. She had given herself plenty of time to get ready, but the thought of facing Rudra after the silence that had been between them weighed heavy on her mind.

After getting out of bed, she walked towards the dressing room to pick out her clothes. But as she stepped into the room, her eyes landed on Rudra. It was the first time she had seen him there, getting ready, adjusting his shirt in front of the mirror. He looked sharp, powerful, and so very distant, yet there was something about this moment that made her pause.

Rudra, sensing her presence, glanced over his shoulder, his dark eyes locking onto hers. There was something unreadable in his gaze as he set his shirt in place. For a brief second, their eyes met, and Anaya's breath caught in her throat. Her innocent mind, overwhelmed by the unexpected closeness, struggled to process what was happening.

"Do you want?" Rudra's deep, husky voice broke the silence.

Anaya blinked, tilting her head slightly in confusion. "What?" she responded, her voice barely above a whisper, her innocent expression showing that she hadn't quite grasped his meaning.

Rudra cleared his throat, quickly changing the subject. "Morning," he said, his voice now calmer but still holding that same intensity. "Nothing much. It's 7 a.m., and you have to be at the company by 9:30. You should get ready... it's your first day."

Anaya stood there, still trying to understand the odd tension in his words. There had been something about the way he spoke to her, something she hadn't felt from him before. But she was too innocent to realize that Rudra had, for the first time, unknowingly flirted with her. Brushing off her confusion, she turned and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up.


After her shower, Anaya came out dressed in a crisp, professional shirt and a simple but elegant outfit fit for her first day at the office. She combed her hair in front of the mirror, carefully applying a touch of makeup. Her fingers moved to her jewelry box, and as she looked at the various pieces, her hand drifted to her neck, brushing against the mangalsutra (Auspicious thread) — the sacred necklace Rudra had placed around her neck during their wedding.

The thought of their marriage, the secret they shared from the world, weighed heavily on her. She adjusted her shirt's collar so that the mangalsutra (Auspicious thread) wouldn't be visible. As she lost herself in thought, her mind wandered to the many moments of silence between them, the distance that had grown even as they shared the same space.

From the corner of the room, Rudra watched her quietly, sipping his tea. He had been watching her for a while now, noting the way she focused on her reflection, the way her fingers lingered over the mangalsutra (Auspicious thread) . For a moment, a soft smile appeared on his face. Seeing her like this—putting on makeup, touching the symbol of their bond—stirred something unfamiliar inside him.

Without thinking, Rudra set his cup down and walked over to her. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, his touch warm and firm. "Hmm, looking good in your office outfit," he said, his voice lower than usual, almost teasing.

Anaya froze, her breath hitching in her throat as she felt the warmth of his hand on her shoulder. Her innocent mind struggled to process the sudden closeness, her cheeks flushing as she realized Rudra was complimenting her. It was the first time he had done something like this, and she wasn't sure how to react.

"Th-thanks," she stammered, her wide eyes meeting his in the mirror.

Before either of them could say more, there was a knock on the door. The sudden sound broke the moment, and Rudra's hand dropped from her shoulder as he called out, "Come in."

A staff member entered, bowing slightly. "Sir, breakfast is ready."

Rudra nodded, a faint look of irritation crossing his face at the interruption. "Thank you," he said, dismissing the staff.

As the door closed, Anaya felt the awkwardness return. She cleared her throat, unsure of what to say. "Um, should we go down for breakfast then?"

Rudra glanced at her, then shook his head. "I've already eaten."

Her shoulders sagged slightly in disappointment, though she tried to hide it. "Oh, okay," she mumbled, casting her eyes downward. "I'll head down then."

As Anaya turned to leave, Rudra noticed the subtle sadness in her expression, the way her shoulders drooped just a little. For a moment, he wanted to say something, to bridge the gap between them. But the words wouldn't come. Instead, he remained silent, watching as she left the room.


At the dining table, the atmosphere was warm and familiar, despite Misha being out of town for a family wedding. Aarav and Ria were chatting animatedly, while Dev sat with his newspaper, sipping his tea. Rakhi, ever the matriarch, was already seated, waiting for Anaya.

As Anaya approached, Ria's eyes lit up. "Ohh, new style, hmm?" she teased, noticing Anaya's professional outfit.

Anaya blushed lightly, smiling at her sister-in-law. "It's for the internship," she said shyly, sliding into her seat.

"Well, you look great," Ria said, her teasing replaced with genuine affection. "First day as an intern, huh? You're going to rock it."

"Thank you," Anaya replied, her voice soft but grateful. She greeted Dev and Rakhi with respect, her demeanor showing the deference she held for them as the elders of the family.

"Good luck today, Anaya," Dev said with a small smile, setting aside his newspaper. "It's a big step, but I'm sure you'll do well."

Rakhi smiled approvingly at her daughter-in-law, though her eyes briefly flicked to Rudra's empty seat with a hint of curiosity. "Eat well before you go, Anaya," she said gently. "You'll need the energy for your first day."

Anaya nodded, though her mind was still partially back in the room with Rudra, thinking about the strange, almost flirtatious way he had spoken to her. Even now, she wasn't entirely sure if she had imagined it.

But as she sat down for breakfast, surrounded by her new family, she couldn't shake the feeling that something between her and Rudra had shifted, even if only slightly.


Anaya felt her heart race as she stepped into the dining room, her thoughts still tangled from the strange encounter with Rudra earlier. She couldn't get his words out of her mind—the husky tone when he spoke to her for the first time that morning, asking her, "Do you want…?"

She had been too innocent, too naïve to process what he had meant, but it had left her confused, her mind clouded. And when he had shifted the conversation back to something simple, telling her she needed to get ready for her first day, it didn't quite erase the brief moment that lingered between them.

Now, sitting at the table with the rest of the family, Anaya was struggling to focus. Rakhi sat at the head of the table, glancing occasionally at her daughter-in-law, while Dev sipped his tea, half-hidden behind the morning newspaper. Aarav and Ria were engaged in their usual banter, and the table was filled with the sounds of light chatter and clinking cutlery. But Anaya felt distant, distracted by thoughts of Rudra.

She had just seen him in a more casual moment—a glimpse into his private self as he stood in the dressing area, buttoning his shirt. He had seemed different somehow, not the aloof businessman she had come to expect, but still... something she couldn't place. It was the first time he had spoken to her so casually, and the fact that she hadn't known how to respond only made it more confusing.

"Anaya, you okay?" Ria's voice cut through her thoughts, and Anaya blinked, looking up to see Ria smiling at her from across the table.

"Oh, uh... yes," Anaya managed, shaking her head slightly as if to clear it. "Just a bit nervous, I guess."

"Nervous? You?" Ria teased with a grin. "You're going to do great today. Everyone's going to love you at the office."

Anaya smiled weakly in response, appreciating Ria's encouragement, though her nerves still buzzed under the surface. She glanced at Rakhi, who was watching her with kind eyes.

"First days can be overwhelming," Rakhi said softly, her voice warm and reassuring. "But you'll be fine, Anaya. Just be yourself."

Anaya nodded, her smile softening as she murmured, "Thank you."

Ria leaned in a little closer, eyes sparkling with mischief. "And I love the look today. Professional yet chic. You're really stepping up your game, huh?"

Anaya flushed slightly at the compliment, her hand instinctively going to the collar of her shirt. She had deliberately chosen the outfit to hide the mangalsutra—she wasn't ready to explain that particular piece of jewelry to the people at the office. Not yet.

"I thought it would be... appropriate," Anaya said quietly, still feeling a bit self-conscious.

"It's perfect," Ria said, beaming at her. "You'll impress them all, I'm sure."

Just then, Aarav chimed in with a grin, "Don't let Rudra boss you around too much. He can be pretty intense in work mode."

Anaya tried to laugh, but the mention of Rudra only reminded her of their earlier interaction. "I'll... try not to," she said, her voice trailing off.

Rakhi, sensing Anaya's unease, gave her a reassuring nod. "Remember, we're all here for you, Anaya."

The table fell into a comfortable silence for a moment, with Dev continuing to read his paper and Aarav making light conversation with Ria. Anaya took a deep breath, reminding herself that this was just the beginning. The day ahead would be a test, but she knew she had to face it with strength.

After finishing her breakfast, Anaya quietly excused herself. She needed to gather her things and mentally prepare for the day. As she walked away from the table, she couldn't help but wonder if Rudra would acknowledge her at the office. Would it be different than at home? Would he continue to keep his distance, or would something change between them after this morning's strange yet significant moment?

She shook her head, clearing away the thoughts once more. It was too early to tell, and she had to focus. Today wasn't about Rudra—it was about her internship. Whatever was happening between them could wait. For now, she had a job to do.


Upstairs, Rudra stood by the window in his room, watching the family below as they sat together for breakfast. He hadn't joined them, choosing instead to observe from a distance. His thoughts, however, weren't on his family—they were on Anaya.

He still couldn't make sense of the brief interaction they'd had earlier that morning. It was so unlike him to speak to her first, let alone flirt, however subtly. He hadn't intended to, yet the words had slipped out without him realizing it. And the way she had looked at him—confused, innocent, vulnerable—it had stirred something inside him that he didn't quite understand.

As he sipped his tea, Rudra's eyes followed Anaya's movements as she left the dining room. Her disappointment had been subtle, but he had noticed it when he refused her breakfast invitation. It was such a small thing, yet it tugged at him, making him wonder why he cared at all.

She was his wife, but they were still strangers in so many ways. Their marriage was an arrangement, a necessity for reasons he wasn't ready to confront. But moments like these, where she looked so lost and vulnerable, made him question the walls he had built around himself.

Rudra set down his cup, his gaze lingering on the empty space where Anaya had just been. He wasn't sure what was happening between them, but for the first time, he felt a shift—a subtle change in the dynamic he had worked so hard to control. And it left him unsettled.

With a sigh, he straightened his jacket and made his way toward the office. Today would be her first day, and as much as he tried to maintain his distance, he knew he'd be watching her, just as he had been watching her that morning.

~~~~~~First Day at the Office

Anaya felt a rush of nervous excitement as she prepared for her first day as an intern at Singhaniya Corp. Despite her recent marriage to Rudra, she decided to stick to her usual routine and take the same bus she had always used before their relationship. It gave her a sense of normalcy and privacy, something she valued in the whirlwind of changes she was experiencing.

Dressed in a professional yet simple outfit, Anaya walked out of the house, not looking back to see if Rudra had left already. She wasn't used to sharing her space with him, even though they were technically married. As she boarded the bus, her mind drifted between thoughts of the office, her colleagues, and the challenges she might face. The familiar sound of the bus doors closing behind her calmed her nerves a bit.

Meanwhile, Rudra was also on his way to the office, but in the back seat of his luxury car. Ravi, his trusted driver, was behind the wheel, navigating through the city traffic while Rudra reviewed his meeting schedule on his tablet. He was every bit the perfect CEO—calm, composed, and powerful. Singhaniya Corp was the leading name in both wealth and technology, and Rudra ensured it stayed that way through meticulous planning and execution.

As they approached a traffic signal, Ravi slowed the car, and it came to a stop next to a bus. Coincidentally, it was the same bus Anaya had taken. Rudra's eyes wandered from his tablet and rested on the familiar figure sitting by the window. It was Anaya, deep in thought, her head resting lightly against the window, oblivious to the fact that Rudra was watching her.

Rudra found his gaze lingering on her. There was something different about seeing her like this, outside the confines of their secret, structured life. She seemed more free, more herself. Ravi noticed the way his boss's attention had shifted.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking…" Ravi hesitated, glancing back in the rearview mirror. Rudra's attention was still glued to Anaya, so he nodded slightly, giving Ravi permission to speak.

"Why is Miss Anaya taking the bus when you both could use the same car?"

Rudra's expression didn't change, but his voice carried its usual calm authority as he replied, "It's to avoid unnecessary attention. We can't let the office or the media catch wind of our… situation. It's better this way."

Ravi nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help but feel that there was more to the story than Rudra let on. However, knowing his boss, he kept his thoughts to himself and continued driving once the traffic started moving again.

Anaya, still unaware of Rudra's gaze, looked out the window at the bustling streets of the city, completely focused on the day ahead. Her thoughts swirled with excitement and anxiety, wondering how her first day at the office would go. She didn't know that the man she had married just a month ago had watched her in silence, still grappling with the nature of their hidden relationship.

As Rudra's car sped ahead, leaving the bus behind, he leaned back into his seat, his mind returning to the tasks ahead at work. But a small part of him couldn't shake the image of Anaya, looking out the bus window, as if she were a world away from him.


Anaya stepped off the bus, her nerves on edge as she approached the towering Singhaniya Corp building. It was her first day as an intern, and although her marriage to Rudra meant she was technically part of the family, no one at the office knew about it. To everyone, she was just another intern, starting fresh, just like any other newcomer.

The lobby buzzed with activity as people moved in and out, and Anaya felt her heartbeat quicken. She adjusted her professional outfit—a simple shirt tucked into a pair of trousers. Her mangalsutra, a symbol of her secret marriage to Rudra, was tucked under her shirt collar, hidden from view. She brushed her hair back and took a deep breath before stepping through the revolving doors.

Inside the building, she was directed to the internship department, where a woman named Meera greeted her warmly. Meera, the internship coordinator, was kind and efficient and quickly showed Anaya to her desk. "You'll be working closely with the marketing team," Meera explained, "and you'll be reporting to Mr. Ravi. He's in charge of this floor."

Anaya nodded, trying to calm her nerves. She was introduced to her colleagues, who all seemed friendly enough, though she felt an underlying pressure knowing she had to keep her relationship with Rudra hidden. Despite that, the professional environment helped her focus, and soon she was immersed in the tasks assigned to her.


Meanwhile, Rudra arrived at the office through a separate entrance, his demeanor cool and professional as always. He went straight to his executive office, greeted by his secretary, who handed him a summary of his meetings for the day. Rudra glanced through the schedule before settling down behind his desk.

It was only when he sipped his coffee, staring out of his window, that his thoughts briefly wandered to Anaya. He knew she had probably arrived at the office by now, blending into the crowd of interns. He didn't expect to see her throughout the day, but something about her presence in the same building gnawed at him.

He brushed the thought away, focusing back on the countless emails and documents that required his attention. His position demanded perfection, and there was no room for personal distractions—especially when they involved a secret marriage.


As the day progressed, Anaya found herself adjusting to the rhythm of office life. The tasks were manageable, though occasionally overwhelming for someone as new as her. The marketing team welcomed her input, and though she was shy, she slowly gained the confidence to contribute to discussions.

Lunchtime arrived, and Anaya hesitated. She didn't know anyone well enough to join them for lunch, so she decided to head to the cafeteria alone. Carrying her lunch tray, she spotted an empty table in the corner and sat down. She was about to start eating when a familiar voice startled her.

"Mind if I join?"

She looked up to see Pranali, a colleague who had been with the company for a year, standing with her own tray. Anaya blinked in surprise but quickly smiled. "Of course, please."

Pranali grinned and sat down. "So, how's the first day going?"

"It's... good," Anaya replied, though her tone betrayed her nervousness. "A bit overwhelming, but I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Pranali chuckled. "Don't worry, everyone feels that way on the first day. Just wait until you get caught in the whirlwind of projects and deadlines. That's when things really get interesting."

Anaya nodded, though her mind was still processing how strange it felt to sit with Rudra's colleague, acting as though nothing was different. But Pranali, being friendly and easygoing, easily steered the conversation away from work, asking Anaya about her interests, her studies, and how she was adjusting to city life.


Across the building, Rudra's day was going as smoothly as usual. Meetings came and went, decisions were made, and contracts were signed. As he left the conference room after a particularly intense discussion about a new partnership, Ravi approached him with an update.

"Sir, the new intern batch seems to be settling in well," Ravi said, flipping through a file. "I thought you'd like to know that Miss Anaya is doing fine on her first day."

Rudra didn't look up from his tablet. "Good. Keep me updated if there's anything I need to be aware of."

Ravi nodded and stepped back, though he couldn't help but notice the way Rudra's expression had briefly shifted—just for a moment, a flicker of something that wasn't the usual hard exterior of the CEO. But like always, Rudra quickly returned to his controlled, composed self.

##To be continue...**

Thank you all for reading this chapter! I’ve really enjoyed exploring the subtle emotions between Rudra and Anaya, as well as how they navigate this unique relationship. Rudra is such a complex character, and it’s fascinating to see his walls slowly crack. Anaya’s innocence keeps the tension alive, while the family adds warmth to balance out the intensity.

What do you think about Rudra’s change? And how did you feel about Anaya’s reaction to his sudden closeness? Let me know your thoughts! The story is just starting to heat up, and I can’t wait to share what’s next. Stay tuned!

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