
Mine To Reach: A Story of Vengeance

"My dear child--" "Am I hearing things? Wait- where am I??" "Do not fret my dear, it is I, the person who has watched over you, the person who holds the Universe in my hands" "Why am I here- what does this have with you?!" "You were born with everything you could dream of, such innocence until greed of another has destroyed it. The person who you see as your mother of your own, your Aunt Childea, used you as a tool for her own self." "I KNOW!!! WHY?! WHAT DID I DO TO RECIEVE SUCH LIFE?!" "This is why I am here to talk with you, I shall give you 3 wishes that you can apply for your next life." POV " 3 wishes...I could never forgive what that woman did to me, I need to save my parents, at most, I need the strength to fight the future." ----END OF POV---- " I have made my decision, for my 1st wish, I would like to repeat this life again" "Understood, now the other 2" I inhaled and exhaled as I start to tell my last 2 wishes "I would like to hold the power of Teleportation and Telekinesis" " Wait- but I'm not sure such a fragile body of yours can hold such power" "It doesn't matter already, as long as I still have time to make up my past and change the future."

Jfelwie101 · Urban
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20 Chs


It has already been a week after that tea party, I am already getting anxious if the Duchess ever took my word seriously. It was already breakfast, as usual, father will always read the Emperial Newspaper. " Oh my, Baron Leanders have been arrested and 4 days after his imprisonment there was an attack on the Duchy," father said. " How are the Duke and Duchess Father?" I asked, " The Duke will receive a gift from the Emperor and will be compensated for the attack" he replied. I was relieved, but I still had to talk about something with them. " Mother and Father, can I visit Camille the daughter of the Marchioness?" I asked, " Sure, but I will not be able to accompany you, honey, I still have something to do with my paperwork," Father said. " And I still have to manage the finance in the mansion since its almost winter" Mother said.

In the end, I was escorted by a knight, we took off with the carriage to the Marquess's estate. The Marchioness welcomed me wholeheartedly, I could feel their hospitality. I saw Camille dashing out of her room to the guest room with me inside. For a shy girl like her, it would be great happiness for her if her friend visited. " Yerenica!" Camille called out for the first time, she hugged me tightly and the Marchioness gave a very proud smile. " Thank you for visiting dear, Camille will be very happy with your presence," the Marchioness said. Camille dragged me into her room, " Let's play!" Camille said, "Then what should we play? Ooh, hide-and-seek will be great! I would be IT" I said. I counted to 100, a grown-up adult like me playing these kinds of games are already in the upper hand.

I could clearly see where Camille was hiding, I just pretended to give it a blind eye. But if Camille was IT, it could give me some time to teleport to the Duchy. " Found you !" I said, " Okay it's your turn to count to 100" I continued. While Camille was counting, I went to a secluded place in the room and I would just teleport back here when I return. I arrived at the Duchy, but I knew they would think I was suspicious to enter this place without a carriage. I could see an open window with the Duchess who seemed like she was writing a letter to someone. I teleported there, but outside the door. I knocked on the room, the Duchess opened it and was shocked and also delighted to see me. " Yerenica why are you here? How did you get here?" she asked, she still had the letter in her hand that she was writing. " I came to see you," I said.

" I was writing a letter here intended for you, an invitation to the Duchy," she said. " Well, I am here" I replied. She took me to the guest room, "Do the Count and Countess know you're here?" the Duchess asked. " Um, to be honest. I told them I would visit the Marchioness's daughter." I replied. " Oh honey, they should know," she said, " Please, I beg you not to! I have something very important to talk with you " I said. The door opened, the Duke entered the room, I was supposed to tell the Duchess to keep what I said a secret and in hopes, she didn't tell the Duke where she got the information I gave her. " I heard that the daughter of the Count is here," the Duke said. " Greeting to the Duke," I said, " Drop the formalities, we can just talk casually," he said with a smile. I had no choice, I had to tell them both, the Duke sat beside the Duchess " So what brings you here?" the Duke asked. " Dear, this is the person who gave me information about the Baron, and the one who advised me to double the security after the Baron is imprisoned," she said. The Duke was confused, " What? How? Why do know this, you are supposed to not bother about things like these and live your life happily as a child." the Duke said. I looked at him with a serious face to show him I was not joking.

" If you truly are the one who gave the information about the Baron, how do you get to know about this," the Duke asked. " I'm afraid I could not answer your question that easily, but I had to tell you because" I paused, "Because," the Duchess asked. " Because it would be too late if I told you sooner, the Duke will injure his right arm and your daughter will be kidnapped by the Baron as his revenge," I said. The Duke and Duchess had a shocked expression, " I would have a daughter!" the duke happily said. " I just wanted to help but in return, please refrain from telling others about what I told you both," I said. " Of course, I would do anything for what great help you did to me and my wife," the Duke said, " At least let me do you something, I will be receiving the Emperor's gift by 3 days time. I would gladly give them to you, I would not take no for an answer just please accept it" the Duke continued.

I had no choice, " Very well" I replied. I left the guest room and went to the corner of the hall. I teleported back to the secluded area I hid in the Marquess's state. I don't want to spoil the game of hide-and-seek, "Here I am!" I shouted. " Oh, there you are! I looked everywhere for you, I'm not used to playing with people since I only have few friends." Camille said. The Marchioness arrived, " Did you girls have fun? Come with me let's eat some snacks shall we" the Marchioness said. " Yay! Snacks!" I and Camille blurted.