

Everything happened in a hurry. Soniya was made to wear a heavy dress and makeup which made her features look more beautiful. She was sad and nervous at the same time as she had never thought about Eezad in this way. This also didn't want to see her father sad. She was almost ready for this relationship but she was afraid what Eezad may think of her.

On the other hand Eezad's emotions were a turmoil. His just got the affection of his father while his father was hell bound to take responsibility of someone whom he hated with all his heart. Forgetting all the misery and confusion Eezad decided to go to the room and get it done once and for all.


As Eezad entered the room,he saw Soniya sitting on the bed looking enchanting in the red dress. For a moment Eezad forgot everyting. Not that he was a person interested in girls but Soniya's innocent beauty was attracting him.

He came forward and sat in front of Soniya. He looked at her longingly for some time. Soniya became conscious and looked up to Eezad. She thought that Eezad was going to pour all his anger on her but Eezad was quiet so she thought of initiating the conversation.

" I know that you didn't wanted to marry and same goes for me as well. I know you hate me from the core of your heart but I never wanted this to happen. This was only my father's decision and I bowed my head down to it."

Eezad on hearing the words got angry. This girl was rejecting him. Eezad who was never ever got rejected by anyone first got rejected by his father and then this girl. He was beyond forced. He clenched his jaw and pulled Soniya closer so that their breaths were mingling.

"You think you can reject me. First you stole my father. My grandparents adore you now. Now you are forcefully present in my life. Who do you think I am? Your puppet,huh? Well guess what I ain't a toy for you and I am going to show you what I am capable of."

Soniya's eyes welled with tears. She was afraid. Eezad pushed Soniya on the bed and hovered above her. He furiously captured her pink petals and kissed pouring out all the rejection and anger. Soniya started crying at the situation. Eezad didn't cared for the tears. Not that his grandparents hadn't told him about respect of women but it was all the anger accumulating inside him for years.

Eezad harshly kissed her. Then he moved to her neck and shoulders and left love bites there. Soniya moaned on the contact of his lips to her hot skin. He then undid the zip of the dress and removed her shirt. Soniya's mind wasn't comprehending what was happening but it was all there. Her destruction was right there in that night.

Soniya cried harder as she could not take all of this. She also could'nt say no to him as this was his sharayi haq. She mourned on her fate and fell asleep.

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They were both engrossed in their own dreams while the upcoming day was going to bring the real hurricane in their life.