"I don't give a damn about whether you want to see me or not."He said with a frightening grin, leaning ever closer. "Love me,love me not...You're still mine.And just so you understand,Princess,I don't share." Villain Chat AU Miraculous Ladybug
A/N: Chat Noir is a villain, Marinette is not yet Ladybug. They're 18.Adrien never went to school, he remained home-schooled. His father comes home once a week.Paris is now completely filled with villians , the worst being Chat who sometimes nearly kills male victims, just for fun. He rarely does more than just scratch females as he doesn't feel as gratified when he hurts women.The criminals rarely attack during the day as police forces have quadrupled, after 5 p.m. however they come out more confident in the dark.Since Adrien remained home-schooled he has only ever been in contact with Chloe.Everyone's lives continue as normal, but just become more cautious when evening rolls around.
Let's Begin!
He gazed down coldly at the streets of Paris, watching as some of the citizens clung to their lovers and hurriedly made their way into their homes.He snorted. Disgusting.He walked gracefully along the edge of a rooftop. Paris was not the 'happy' place that it had once been…and he loved every moment of its demise. The pain. The sadness on all their faces. Oh, and that delicious look of fear. It was utterly breath-taking.He smirked as the sky revealed that it was about to make the lives of the Parisians even more miserable. Black clouds rolled in, and a clap of thunder could be heard in the distance.A harsh gush of wind snapped his attention back down to the streets, where a red-headed girl was making her way towards what seemed to be a bakery. Almost as if she sensed him looking at her, she spun around, and momentarily they made eye contact.A look of utmost horror flashed across her slowly paling tanned skin. He grew annoyed as her gaze never averted.He snarled. He had always hated when people looked at him. Sure, he loved their fear, but something in their eyes always annoyed him to no ends.Baring his teeth he began to jump down towards her, finally, as if sense hit her like a brick, she screamed and began to run towards her destination. He smirked, it had been a while since he had last attacked anyone, and his claws were just paawsssitively itching to sink themselves into someone.Slowly, sickeningly, he began to smile evilly and once his boots hit the ground he hurtled off towards her, she was almost inside the bakery, but he was gaining on her, he could possibly just make it…But luck was never on his side. She slipped in and just as he was about to dart in after her, a pan came down, with a hard swing on his face, he could instantly tell his nose was broken.Growling as he clutched his nose and stumbled away from the entrance in pain, he looked up for a second to see a bluenette hastily locking a sturdy gate, before stepping back and locking the next one, and then the last. Three gates,, one in front of the other, just to keep criminals like him out. For a moment he was stunned at her beauty. Something about her…So damn alluring…He licked his bottom lip.She glanced up, he blue eyes meeting his green eyes. Her eyes held not an inkling of fear. He inhaled sharply as her brows creased when she looked at him, completely unfazed by his curled back lips, his stance, or his claws.She proceeded to hit the lockdown button, a necessity in Paris now. The barred gates came down quickly.He stared at her, cracking his nose back into place, she regarded him with a frown. He didn't like that look. That look that seemed to say, 'you don't scare me.'She picked up her pan from the floor and stepped back as yet another gate fell. The red head ran up to her from behind, and hugged her, finally making the bluenette look away from him. He backed up. Snarling. Conniving little princess…Thought she was being clever, hitting him with that damned pot, and worse too, on his face. Just how would he explain the bruise to his father? His father, who had no idea he was one of the villains responsible for the state Paris was currently in.Oh she would pay for this. He thought of all the ways he could destroy her for the little stint she just pulled. A grin began to inch onto his immaculate features, but it fell when he felt a twinge of curiosity.Who was this young lady? She couldn't be older than 18.He was 18 too.Leaping onto a rooftop, he nonchalantly removed any remaining traces of blood from his face. She had fought back without hesitation.How…Interesting.How…strange?Normally, anyone he attacked just begged for mercy. Though to be fair, he was attacking her friend and not her. That made her even more interesting…She had just hit Paris's greatest villain, fearlessly, without hesitation, to save her friend who was bringing the danger right towards her home. What's more, was that look…She was not afraid of him. She didn't cower. She stared back.He didn't know if that made her brave or just plain stupid. He smirked, oh this was going to be fun. He would be finding out every detail about the blue-eyed princess. He licked his lips again. A raindrop hit his shoulder. He broke into a run towards his mansion. Just how, and when, would he get to her?And how would he punish her when he got her? He had always considered himself a gentleman in most regards. He had never raped anyone, but he had scratched one or two who got on his nerves pretty badly. Like Chloe Bourgeois. That…thing had it coming. Always bossing his civilian self around.Always touching him.Always further shoving him into the cage that he already resided in. A friend? Ha, that's laughable. A friend does not use you for sexual gratification. A friend does not blackmail you. She, was filth.Yet she was the closest thing to a friend he had.And he hated that. He hated her. He hated being around her with her overly expensive smelling perfumes and her whining. If he could he would never ever go back to her penthouse.However, he had appearances to uphold. Purrfect prince. Always obedient. So sweet, so kind, so sickeningly noble. He slipped into his room through his window. His father was not home, nor did he expect him to be. Typical of him to not be there. He walked over to his bed, releasing his transformation. Plagg fell onto the bed. He stared at Adrien who averted his gaze and walked to the fridge, pulling out some camembert and placing it next to the kwami.Plagg looked at him."Kid." He started with a sigh.Adrien didn't respond, Plagg gave him the same talk, every day, every time he transformed."Have you changed your mind yet?" He asked as usual.Adrien shook his head. He never changed his mind, he liked causing pain. GOOD.They deserved it, they deserved the pain! They deserved bad luck! Why should he be stuck with it, why should they not feel awful?! He was not going to just become a good guy like Plagg wanted, he wasn't just going to make their lives easier. Savages. Humans were savages. They only cared about themselves, but they would call you up when they needed something. Sex, a photoshoot, a quote, but a night of just laughter and care and no ulterior motive?Did that even exist? He snarled. Of course it didn't.But somehow he found his mind reeling, pulling him back to the moment outside the bakery. That young lady. What was her motive for saving her friend?Did they have a mutualistic relationship?He frowned. That girl. There was just something about her. Something so enticing…He couldn't begin to describe it. What was it?Who was she…Oh he was going to find out. And when he did, she had better hope she still had that damned pan to protect herself.