
Mine: All I've got

Close your eyes." I heard a sturdy voice say. "Feel it within your breath. Find it with your heart. Listen to its rhythm and follow" the voice continued. I felt a strong hand move along my hands and up to my shoulders. "What can you see?" the voice asked clearly. "A man!" i said fearlessly. "How far away is he?" "A few meters away" "That's it!' the voice continued. "This is your calling" the voice began to echo and seemed to diminish. "Wake up! It's time to meet your father. Make sure to apply enough oil on your skin and do well to use the clothes on the table at the entrance" my grandmother said. "Ok, Nana" I sighed. I knew he was going to talk about marriage. Maybe another suitor had gone to him to seek for my hand in marriage. It was all a dream. Who was talking to me in my dream? The figure of the man I saw in my dream was blurred. I couldn't see his face. He looked upright from where he was. I liked his physique. But it was all a dream. Wait! Why is that my calling? I wish I could get back into my dream and ask. Why did grandma wake me up so early? Anyway, I have to prepare to meet my father. He sent his word to me the previous evening that he would want to meet me. After bathing, I applied enough oil on my skin and wrapped my breast and waist with the pieces of cloth. I set off to my father's house, which was a few meters away from where i lived. **** Romance may not be steamy. NB: All characters and storyline are fictions. NB: Novel Cover isn't mine. All credits related to the pic goes to it's owner.

RENA_DARKO · History
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: In the Palace

Mbaku sneaked back into the palace late at night. Jabari had been waiting for him and decided to go outside the palace to search for him. He was worried that something might have happened to Mbaku. Immediately, Jabari turned to leave the palace he saw Mbaku entering to his manor. Jabari walked to him and asked; "Your highness, where have you being?"

"The night mother cave"

"You were able to crack the poem. Your highness, you're smarter than I thought!" Jabari exclaimed.

"Why are you here?"

"A messenger rushed to the King's manor to inform him that Zui had escaped!"  

Mbaku's featured hardened all of a sudden and softened again.

  "When was the King informed?"

"A few minutes ago. The King has sent for Mbigu. He is likely to send him to Buka. What do we do now Your Highness?"

Mbaku looked at the sword in his hand. Jabari looked at the sword in Mbaku's hand reflexively. Jabari suddenly realized that two swords were in Mbaku's hand.  

"Your Highness, did you happen to meet Zui by any chance?" Jabari asked.

"I hope she's gotten in there by now" Mbaku remarked.

"You helped her to escape? Why?" Jabari asked looking confused.

"No, I made her return to Buka's hut"

"Aarh" Jabari sighed in relief.

"What do we do now?"

"Let's wait to see what will happen next. I am sure she has arrived by now."

"Your Highness, did you find anything?"

"I was distracted by Zui when she entered the cave." Mbaku smiled and continued "She even dared to fight me"

"Did you win?" "How can you ask such a question? How many men can beat me, let alone a woman?"

"Zui isn't a cheap meat, Your Highness" Mbaku glared at Jabari and asked; "Are you trying to tell me, I can't beat Zui?"

"No, Your Highness. That is not what I meant. She definitely can't beat you"

"Good! It looked like the meeting was not distracted. I am still wondering what the meeting was about."

"I can find out if you want me to."

"No. Go and find out if Zui is safe. Make sure to get there before Mbigu."

"Yes, Your Highness" Jabari replied, bowed to Mbaku, and left immediately.  The Queen left the King's harem and walked to the King's manor. She had heard the news too and was there to find out the King's next course of action. She heard the King ordering Mbigu to go to Buka to find out if the news was true. Mbigu bowed to the King and turned to leave. On his way out, he saw the Queen, bowed to her too, and left. The Queen walked straight to the King and said;   "Why do you want to marry that girl? You have all the military power on your side. What do you need her for?"

"It's been a long time since I heard the cry of a baby in my harem" the King replied.

"You're marrying her just because of that?" "Yes."

"Some of your wives are still young. They can conceive as well. Why her?"

"Are you very interested in my affairs or you are jealous"

"Jealous? I am the Queen! No woman is powerful than I am. Why should be jealous of a girl who was ushered into womanhood?"

"Is that so? Then, why are you here?" the King said with a sly smile on his face.

"It's late. I am going back to bed". The King turned to the guards and maids with the Queen and ordered; "see to it that the Queen gets to the harem without any scratch". With that being said, the King left them. The Queen was fuming in anger, but what could she do? Nothing! She left with the guards and maids to the harem. A few minutes after she arrived at the harem, one of her informants came to see her.  

"Leave us!" the Queen ordered the guards and maids who were with her. She waited for them to leave, turned to her informant and asked, "What news are you here with?"

"The King has ordered Mbaku to make preparations for the arrival of his bride." "Mbaku?" the Queen asked in dismay.

"Yes, Your Highness"

"Who is the bride?"


"Zui?" repeated the Queen.

"Yes, Your Highness."   The Queen felt dizzy and asked her informant to help her sit. She asked her informant to leave her alone. Her informant left her alone and she began to think. Why has the King been pretending he was going to marry Zui? If Mbaku marries Zui, he will be the in-law of the Mwaga family. Even though they do not meddle in the affairs of the throne, their power cannot be underestimated. This simply meant the King was giving Mbaku a powerful weapon to fight with. The Mwaga family was a family of warriors and they have been in charge of the army so long as she could remember. No family could stand up to them in terms of power and riches. The King was giving Mbaku an upper hand in the fight for the throne.

"No way! I can't let Mbaku win. The throne belongs to my descendants!" she said angrily. She had to do something to prevent this marriage from coming on.  

"Is anyone out there?" Queen Abiola shouted. "Yes, Your Highness" a maid answered.

"Rush to Diemo's manor and tell him I want to meet him now!"

"Yes, Your Highness" the maid replied and left.


Jabari saw Buka walking out of his hut as he approached. Buka saw him and stood his ground. Jabari greeted him and asked him if Zui had returned. Buka told him Zui had returned. Jabari asked Buka if he had analyzed the plan he brought him. Buka told him, he would like to meet Mbaku to explain it to him. Jabari bowed and left as soon as he could. When he got to Mbaku's manor, he saw someone sneak out of there. He chased the person, fought him, and arrested him. He took the person back to Mbaku's manor. He knocked on Mbaku's door. Mbaku came and as soon as he saw the person on the ground, he knew there had been an intruder.  

"Is she safe?" Mbaku asked.

"Yes, Your Highness"

"Who is he?" Mbaku asked looking fiercely at the man on the floor.

"I saw him sneaking out when I was returning" Jabari replied.   Mbaku walked to him, squatted in front of him and asked; "Who are you?"

"Please spare my life," the man said shivering. "Who sent you?" Mbaku asked, but the man refused to talk.

"Jabari, you know what to do!"

"Yes, Your Highness"

"Please spare my life, please spare my life" the man pleaded as Jabari dragged him away. Mbaku stood on his compound and waited for almost an hour for Jabari to return.

"What did he say?" Mbaku asked.

"He passed out. He's a coward!" Jabari replied.

"Don't scare him too much. We can't let our guards down again"

"Yes, Your Highness"

"Did you find out about the plan I asked you to send to Buka?"

"He said he would want to meet you in person to discuss it ."

"Did he tell you when?"

"A day after the marriage rites have been performed"

"Ok" Mbaku said.

"Tell all the guards in my manor to be vigilant. I think you've done a lot today, don't forget to rest"

"Ok, Your highness"