
Mine: All I've got

Close your eyes." I heard a sturdy voice say. "Feel it within your breath. Find it with your heart. Listen to its rhythm and follow" the voice continued. I felt a strong hand move along my hands and up to my shoulders. "What can you see?" the voice asked clearly. "A man!" i said fearlessly. "How far away is he?" "A few meters away" "That's it!' the voice continued. "This is your calling" the voice began to echo and seemed to diminish. "Wake up! It's time to meet your father. Make sure to apply enough oil on your skin and do well to use the clothes on the table at the entrance" my grandmother said. "Ok, Nana" I sighed. I knew he was going to talk about marriage. Maybe another suitor had gone to him to seek for my hand in marriage. It was all a dream. Who was talking to me in my dream? The figure of the man I saw in my dream was blurred. I couldn't see his face. He looked upright from where he was. I liked his physique. But it was all a dream. Wait! Why is that my calling? I wish I could get back into my dream and ask. Why did grandma wake me up so early? Anyway, I have to prepare to meet my father. He sent his word to me the previous evening that he would want to meet me. After bathing, I applied enough oil on my skin and wrapped my breast and waist with the pieces of cloth. I set off to my father's house, which was a few meters away from where i lived. **** Romance may not be steamy. NB: All characters and storyline are fictions. NB: Novel Cover isn't mine. All credits related to the pic goes to it's owner.

RENA_DARKO · History
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29 Chs

Chapter 24 Tears

Eyeki went to the King the next morning to ask him to allow her to leave with her children. The King allowed her to leave with her children. Eyeki went to the King's manor to make the Queen aware of her decision. She saw Mora, second wife of Zima walking out the Queen's hut when she got there. Eyeki greeted Mora, but Mora looked at her like a stranger and walked away without responding. Eyeki realized almost all the maids and mistresses in the King's manor were looking in her direction and giggling. She felt ridiculed and gathered enough courage to walk to the Queen's hut.  

"Is that Eyeki?" the Queen asked as Eyeki approached her hut.

"Yes, Your Highness" Eyeki replied with a faint smile.

"Come inside" the Queen said as she entered her hut. Eyeki followed closely behind her. "Sit" the Queen said pointing to a stool. Eyeki sat on the stool and starred at the empty entrance as the Queen sighed heavily. The Queen drew a stool, sat close to Eyeki and asked;   "I heard you went to the King today?" "I did, Your Highness" Eyeki answered meekly. "I went to plead with him to allow my children, family and me to leave Wailand."

"Do you really want to leave Wailand?" the Queen probed.

"Will you be happy outside the palace? I watched you grow up in this palace. You grew like a princess and do not know much about the world outside the palace. Will you survive out there?"

"I have lived here for a majority of my life. This place holds a lot of memories for me. My love, friends, favourite places,  a whole lot of cherish-able memories as well as the demise of my husband. I will be too sad here. I want to leave the palace. To start a new life with my children and family."

"I understand how you feel. I saw what happened a few minutes ago. Living in the palace will  leave you ridiculed and sadder."  After a brief pause, the Queen continued; "Take a maid and a guard with you to ensure your safety and to help you as well."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your goodness. However, I can not accept this offer. I want to be alone with my family and children." Eyeki replied.

"I insist you take a maid and a palace guard with you. Life outside the palace is very tough. A single mother like you, is likely to be vulnerable. Do take them with you. Take it as an order."

"Thank you, Your Highness"

"When do you intend to leave?"

"I will set off tomorrow morning hopefully, Your Highness."

"So soon?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Eyeki, do you blame me for your husband's death?" the Queen managed to ask.

"No, Your Highness." Eyeki replied immediately with a sad look on her face.

"I lost my my husband, Your Highness lost her son. We are both grieving. We cannot hold grudges against each other. We both did our best, Your Highness."

"I wish you all the best in life." the Queen replied with tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Your Highness. I would like to leave now."   Eyeki stood up, bowed three times to the Queen and left her hut. She walked slowly out of the manor with her head bowed to prevent people around to notice her tears. She walked faster immediately she got out of the manor and headed towards Diemo's manor.  


At Mbaku's manor  

Jabari arrived almost 10 hours after he had left Mbaku's manor. It was late already. He knocked on Mbaku's hut and entered after Mbaku permitted him to enter.

  "Is he still alive?" Mbaku asked with his eyes fixed on the book he was reading.

"Yes, Your Highness" Jabari replied.

"Will he regain consciousness any soon?"

"I don't think so, Your Highness"

"What's wrong?" Mbaku asked as he lifted his head to look at Jabari.

"I think too much of the leaves were given to him. He would regain consciousness but not any moment soon."

"Jabari, you must be very tired. Go get some rest. You will take Eyeki to the place tomorrow"

"Ok, Your Highness" Jabari replied and walked out of the hut.  


 In Zui's hut  

"Yhuri, do you have a friend whom you are very close to?" I asked.

"I do, My lady " Yhuri replied with a smile. "Have you known that person from childhood?"

"Yes, My lady"

"Have you ever doubted that friend?"

"No, My lady. I have known her for as long as I can remember. I know her every move, understand her feelings and know who she is."


"Does My lady wish to know anything?"

"Huh? Not really. Yhuri, it's late you have to get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow hopefully."

"Ok, My lady. Have a good night"

"Tell Laya, I wish to have a word with her"

"Ok, My lady" Yhuri replied and walked out of my hut. I heard her tell Laya, I wanted to see her. I haven't had a piece of mind after Mbaku accused Feya of sending poisonous herbs to the palace. I felt like I had to do something to save my friend. I have known her for long and don't think she's capable of poisoning even a rat!  

"My lady, can I come in?" Laya asked.

"Yes, you can" I replied.

"My lady, here am I."   After a brief moment of silence, I asked Layla to have a seat.

"Laya, for once I want you to work for me. Not for my husband, Prince Mbaku." Laya looked surprised. She looked like she didn't believe what she heard.  

"Can you?" I asked softly.

"What is it that My lady wants done?"

"You didn't answer me, Layla. Can you work for me this once?"

"You mean Prince Mbaku shouldn't find out?" "Yes. I want it to be between you and I."

"My lady, I can. Be rest assured!" Laya replied with a smile.   That was the first time I had seen her smile. She looked more beautiful wearing a smile on her face.

"Laya, I want you to investigate Feya's past romantic relationships. I want to know if what I heard was true."

"Consider it done, My Lady"

"You may leave now, Laya. Don't forget it's between only you and me"

"I understand, My Lady"   Laya left instantly. Feya, I only hope you're innocent. There's nothing I can do if you're guilty. I thought and drifted off to sleep.