
Mine - Her Hazel Eyes Under My Possession

I hate keeping her underground in the cell. I love her so much. I gave her everything. HOW DARE SHE LEAVE ME? she is my wife. My other half. I know she is afraid but i love killing. I love the sight when my enemy's body drain out of blood. and did everything to keep all this away from her, hidden. she is too kind to understand this. Yet, she saw me killing my own "so called brother". she didn't even gave me a chance to explain myself. She is still unconscious. I found her and brought her here. GOD, I missed her, i missed her soft skin, her hazel eyes, her long brown hairs, her smile. But she left me. "wake up." i shouted pouring water on her. she opened her eyes. she is observing where she is. Cell is dark and damp, she can't see me. "I missed you, My love." I stepped towards her. Her eyes widened in shock. She can't move. her hands are tied above her head and legs secured in chains. I pulled her cheeks and made my way down. she still don't know that she is naked. I noticed my marks are gone. I marked her everyday leaving red marks on her skin. But now, she doesn't have one. This makes me angry. she frowned. "what shall I do with you?" I said picking up the whip from the ground. Tears roll down her eyes after looking at the glass pieces on the end of whip. it is meant to cut the skin. "P-p-please" she said shivering. "Don't worry, I will go gentle on you." i said pinching her nipple. "afterall, I still have to mark you." i completed. "No" she whispered. horrors visible in her eyes. "Don't do this please, I will tell you everything. Give me a chance. please " she said struggling hard to break free. I smiled. "You need to learn my love. For your own good. Just few days, let me purify you, let me mark you." I said chuckling. I hate to see her this horrified. I need to teach her. "MINE"

Breezy_Boo_ · Urban
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50 Chs

Clearing the mess

Zoe’s POV..

After jack left last night, I laid on my bed thinking about him. The way he touched me, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

The way he pulled me, the way he kissed, the way he touched me it all made me feel new. I want more. I want him to touch me. I blushed and dossed off.

The next morning I got dressed and hid the bit marks with makeup. I headed downstairs. Aarav was sleeping on the couch. I walked towards him.

He was still in his yesterday’s clothes, hairs ruffled and a plaster on his hand. What happened? I touched his forehead, he was burning.

I ran in the kitchen and grabbed some ice water and cloth strips. As I was entering the living room I saw mumma caressing him. He looks so tired.

We placed some wet strips on his forehead and he woke up.

“What is this?” He growled.

“Good morning to you too.” I replied. He looked at me wide-eyed, pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly.

“I am so sorry.” He whispered.

“Why?” I asked in confusion.

“I forced you to do things.” He replied hugging me tightly. Now I was suffocating.

“No aarav. Don’t be sorry, and if you are talking about jack. Then let me assure you. He is a good man. I like him. Thank you for making me meet him.” I replied with a smile.

Aarav’s POV…

I will not be able to forgive myself. I made my sister meet a demon. He is pure evil. I know what he is capable of. He has fallen for her. I saw him smiling, I never saw him smiling in past 5 years.

Yes I am working for him. I worked as a manager in one of his hotels, he paid way too much.

I was happy but one day I saw what I was not supposed to see.

The hotel had whole different underground world. The basement of the hotel was connected to an underground hall. I entered the hall one day and saw girls being sold. Each girl was young and innocent.

They caught me and made me sign a contract, forcefully. Since then I work for them.

Today morning I saw zoe and immediately hugged her. I don’t want my sister anywhere near him.

I, after so much efforts, was able to free some girls from the auction and paid the consequences. He gave me deadline till midnight to find the girls otherwise my whole family will be killed. And now he has laid his eyes on sister.

“I like him brother.” Said zoe and I lost my temper.

“What?” I shout and she jumped off me in fear.

“Lets get you some rest my baby.” Said mumma and I headed in my room and laid on my bed. Too many thoughts running in my mind. I need to find a way to escape this.

“Brother.” A small voice entered my ears, I opened my eyes and saw zoe standing on the door with markers in her hands.

I motioned her to enter. She came and slowly sat beside me.

“Can I?” She said opening the markers looking at my plastered hand. The same hand that boss broke the other night.

“Sure.” I laughed. She is so innocent. I know what he do with the girls. One night he enters the room with a girl and next day we have to remove the body. Body of girl bathed in blood. With wounds all over their bodies.

Zoe wrote Love you and started drawing designs around it. I looked at her closely. I saw some faded marks covered with powder on her neck. I sighed. Boss was with her last night.

She still don’t know who the man is, he told me to keep my mouth shut. He loves my sister and he doesn’t want his identity to reveal. He is different man for zoe. He will marry her.

Jack’s pov…

I have major 7 working centres all over the world.

One in each continent. I own many seven and five starts casinos and hotels all over the world.

These casinos easily turn my black money into white. These businesses are for the world to see.

Inside I run my own world. I supply submissive to the richest people.

Everyone have there kinks and most of them loves to Fuck and kill. Woman are best for such business. It’s very easy to break them, my work is to break the woman emotionally and sell her on high rates.

All we have to do is lock them up in a underground cell and make them feel alone for a week. Then we make them live their phobias which is pretty easy, claustrophobia is most girls weakness other wise we just have to add some animals in the cell like cockroaches and rats. The girl surrenders willingly in just few hours.

Most of such girls are abandoned, kidnapped from shelters and orphanage. I give them best life, they just have to surrender their body for few hours, then they can have whatever they want. Rich people take good care of them, and I make sure they live there best life before dying.

I have my own personal collection too. The girls who doesn’t break easily are my favourite to play with. I break them myself until I see horrors in their eyes. That calms my dark side.

But the day I laid my eyes on my love, my dark side started to fade away.

And the day I marked her, my urge to hurt girls vanished.

Sam’s father, Richard was my right hand. He was the only one who linked these centres with each other. I kept each centre isolated so if by chance one is exposed then remaining 6 will still be working. But he betrayed me. Richard killed himself immediately when I sensed his plans.

Sam is locked in my personal underground cell, starving. I will break him first then torture him.

Right now I am in auction, man here pays highest bids. After Richard I am handling such important auctions. I desperately Need a right hand right now.

Elijah was the second in command after richard. I am planning to make him my right hand. I owe him his life. He is my loyal.

After travelling for 15 days continuously I have cleared the mess. Every centre is safe. I have attended most lavish auctions and the mess is clear. Now I can go back to my love, and marry her.

But I have heard she has been naughty last couple of days. I will see for myself.

I have decided to tell her that I own few hotels in country, hotels that are not involved in my work, that’s all. Not about my kingdom, not about my deeds. Nothing.

Zoe’s Pov…

Its been almost 2 weeks, and no one locked me up in my room. Aarav’s hand broke because his girlfriend, Ash, jumped on him. Ash is a plum girl and yes can break bones. Lol.

I wondered what happened to jack, he suddenly disappeared. I think he is not interested anymore. I don’t know if I should feel sad or happy.

Aarav took me shopping and watched movies with me. We also sleep together, just like we used to sleep in single room in our childhood. It is like we are back in our childhood.

Mumma and papa looked tense most of the time, aarav told me that papa had business problems.

I, few times visited amy, sam’s sister. She is nothing like before. First her dad disappeared then her brother. Sam and I were pretty close during college. And Richard uncle few times took us on vacation too. Amy doesn’t smile anymore. I remember she was the most jolly person ever.

“KING got angry. He thinks my dad betrayed him. But my dad sacrificed his life for him.” This is the only line she spoke. I missed sam too.

“Lets go to the beach where uncle and sam used to take us.” I said. Her face lit up but suddenly dropped.

“No” she replied.

“Please, please, please, for me.” I plead. I want to make her smile.

“Okay”she replied.I hugged her.

“But I am practically grounded aarav never leaves me alone.” I said.

“No problem, take this phone, we will sneak out at night. I will pick you up. And also I will call Ron and alisha.” She said clapping her hands.

We used to sneak out every month during college. Me, sam, amy, ron and alisha. Ron and alisha were love birds.

My bed room was on the first floor. It was easy to climb down the balcony for me. I was a cheer leader and I still go to gym regularly.

I left Amy’s place and waited for her call at night.

Aarav gave me back my phone but I knew he checked my activity regularly and also my location. So I couldn’t take mine.

I asked aarav to sleep in his own room because I need space, he frowned and left.

I wrote a note “I am with Amy, don’t worry. I will be back Tomorrow.” And stick it on bed post. Just in case they broke the door.

I locked the door from inside and attached a radio with my sound recorded in it.” I am sleeping” and “I need my space, leave me alone.” And “I am not hungry” and many more.

Sam gave it to me. Every time anyone tries to open the door. A single line was played. And different lines every time they try to open it.

My phone buzzed. I threw bedsheet down the balcony, its one end was attached to pillar and climbed down. I smiled and sat in the car. Ron and alisha were making out in back seat.

“Get a room.” I shouted and they hugged me. Amy was driving. I took the passenger seat. It was like we were back to college. We sang our lungs out. Ron was best rapper, and alisha was worse singer.

“I brought you some drinks, girls.” Said ron singing loudly.

“Woaw.” I turned back.

“Vodka shotsssssss.” He screamed.

“One shot in, and zoe down.” Said amy and I frowned.

“Remember when sam had to pick her up everytim-“ said alisha but ron pinched her and she shut up.

Amy’s face dropped. “Shotsssssss” she said after a while. We reached the beach and parked the car nearby.

“Lets go ladies, show me some skin.” Shout ron earning a slap from alisha. We laughed.

We sat on the beach gulping in the shots. I had 2 and followed by beer. I was officially drunk.

“Lets swim” I shouted.

Jack’s Pov…

I have my eyes and ears everywhere. I was about to board a flight when my phone ran.

“Boss, miss climbed down her balcony an hour ago and drove off with 2 girls and a boy.” Said my man.

“She did what?” I asked in shock. A small fragile girl climbed down a balcony in the middle of the night and ran away.?

“Yes sir, now she is on richard’s beach with Richard’s daughter.” He informed me.

Crystal told me that zoe and amy were really close friends. That was the only reason I spared amy. Amy indeed was beautiful and would have sold with highest bid. Anything for my love.

The flight was 18 hours long then I will visit my naughty love.

“Dismiss, go to the safe house.” I ordered.

“But sir, miss?” Man nervously asked.

“She is safe.” I replied. I called Crystal and told her to go and check on my love.

I received pictures of her via email. Pictures of her in Bra and shorts swimming in the ocean. It made me smile and angry at the same time. Angry because I want her.

“I am coming my love.” I smiled