
Mine (Bakugo x Reader)

Burn me twice. Sequel to Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader).

SMVI · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Chapter Thirty

The rhythmic clicking echoed against the marble floor as you crossed the hallway, eyes scanning over every door as Hawks, Mina, Jiro and Mineta flanked you.

"Where are we going!?" Jiro breathily questioned as you held the staircase door open for them to pass through.

"Five-?" Hawks voice turned your head, foot pressed firmly on the first step headed up to the next floor as you gripped the handrail trying to steady yourself. You saw he was already on his way down. "-what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" You countered, both staring at one another confusedly.

"Your grounded-" Hawks stepped onto the landing.

"When has that ever stopped either of us?" You rolled your eyes.

"But now you have them-" Hawks nodded over to the three U.A. heroes huddled together in the corner not sure where to go from here. "-do you really think in your state you can defend yourself and them?" You scanned over to the three students who were looking at you quizzically as your heart stirred. You licked your lips but froze hearing:

"I could have sworn I heard something?" A plaintive voice called from flights above.

"Your being paranoid." Someone waved off.

"I am not-!"

"Fine-!" The partner sighed, "-let's go check it out or you're going to belly ache about it."

"We need to move." You snapped your head forward, moving past him and began descending the staircase.

"What's the plan?" Hawks mouthed.

"We are going to find the hero assigned below me." You replied glancing upward trying to spot the villains, but failed only hearing their lazed footsteps bouncing off the walls.

"Which is...?"


"Who?" Mina blinked, not recognizing the name.

"Lady Nagant."

"She's hot!" Mineta ran faster, trying to catch up with you. "We are going to see her!?"

"I'm not above using you as live bait." You narrowed your eyes onto him, causing him to shrink back behind Jiro.

"She's just joking-!" Hawks reinsured. "-I think..." He muttered under his breath.

"Hey-" You turned to Hawks after scouting two empty floors and now made your way onto the third. "-if something goes sideways-" You glanced over your shoulder. "-grab them and run."


"Feathers-" You interrupted with a stern expression. "-take the kids and dip." With a steel nod of his head, Hawks turned forward with a churning in his stomach.

You did not stand beside him as a young adult yourself, nor could you be acknowledged as being the same age as the three behind you. In this moment, you were a pro-hero, and your main duty was to protect those U.A. students, even if it meant costing you your life.

"There-!" Hawks excitedly pointed out a cracked door near the end of the hallway.

The group ran into the open room, and to their luck they found Kaina who held a baffled face seeing the heroes. Mineta and Jiro leaned against the wall panting while Mina found herself gravitating towards you.

"What the-?" Kaina went to question.

"Why the hell are you in a random room-!?" You barked stepping more into the room, eyes scanning over the line of men against the wall. "-and not patrolling?"

"I was-" Kaina scoffed, defending herself. "-when I found these slackers-!" She pointed out the eight neatly dressed men. "-sneaking off from the party to smoke."

"We have bigger problems-" Hawks walked to your side. "-the hotel is infested with villains."

"What?" Kaina blinked, staring from Hawks then to you before breaking out into a laugh. "You-You got me!" She belted so hard she bent forward. "For a moment you almost had me going!"

"We aren't joking." Hawks scowled, "Where is your walkie-talkie?" He asked, "Are we far enough from the villains to get a signal?"

"What are you going on about?" Kaina placed a hand on her hip.

"The hotel is being overrun as we speak, and we need to contact Endeavor now!" Hawks ordered her to hand over her walkie, hoping hers was working.

"Hey-" Jiro looked around the room. "-where are our classmates?"

"Huh?" Mina peeked from over your shoulder as Kaina tossed you, her set.

"I don't have any-" Kaina waved off, "-I wasn't assigned students."

"No-" Mina stepped around you as you fiddled with the radio, "-you did get a few of us."

"Your mistaken-"

"No-!" Mina assertively stomped her foot. "I know you were! You were given Toru, Koda and Aoyama, now where are they!?"

"Calm down-" Hawks motioned at Mina moving to Jiro and Mineta to calm them from joining in on Mina's tantrum. "-we will get to the bottom of this. I am sure they are just out patrolling the halls-"

Your eyes glanced over by instinct to always be taking in your surroundings, partially not listening to the conversation. Your brain almost didn't catch Kaina extending the rifle from her right elbow. The crack of the shot rang throughout the room, deafening the bystanders. Mina's eyes were wide watching the pro-hero point her weapon towards her chest.

Her body went completely numb as her ears filled with a high pitch scream. Her brain flatlined as she helplessly watched Kaina, who expressed annoyance, fire her readymade bullet.

Mina didn't feel your hands on her forearms, she didn't feel her feet collapsing from under her. All her eyes could do was capture was you stepping in front of her, and you being thrown back from the force of the gunshot.

Mina went down with you.

Her eyes instantly watered, darting over as Hawks grabbed Jiro and a frantic Mineta.

You coughed gasping in a deep breath as you rolled onto your side. You glare upwards as Kaina marched her ways towards you reloading her quirk as she ordered the villains posing as staff members to grab Hawks and the others. You didn't question the betrayal, your eyes brushed over the small box resting against her belt.

Your hands flew out, grabbing Mina pulling her into you as your hand roughly clamped down onto her mouth. You glanced over one last time as Kaina began to sprint spotting your glowing yellow rimmed eyes. In a short breath you and Mina began to fall through the cool shadow.

"Find her-!" Was the last thing either of you heard as Mina opened her eyes, her heart dropped into her stomach seeing nothing but utter darkness.