
Mine |cupid

[THANTOPHOBIA] - the fear of losing someone you love - ### Everybody called her Jasmine but her real name was Diane - who hid behind her loud, enthusiastic character while Jasmine embodied it. Her eyes grew tired every night but nothing stopped her because it was all for her future. Her grip weakened as she fell onto the ground with blood pouring at the back of her head. She was alone. Helpless & weak. Her vision blurred but what she never forgot was the sound of a blade grazing against metal and that was the first time she met him. In a dark alley. She inhaled his scent - golden amber & vanilla whiskey. She knew he was hers when she buried her face into his neck that was warm & welcoming. The complete opposite of him - Isaak Johnson-Rivera. She found comfort in his embrace But it was all short-lived until they met again. She was a retired nurse who was now a wedding planner. And he was set to be a Don. After all of these years he was still hers and she was still his. Even though they burnt each until they were numb, he was still able to sweep her off her feet and leave her guessing. It was both of them against her family - Yulia Golov. The woman Isaak was set to marry. Little did he know the wedding planner was Diane and when he saw her again her gaze was different. Her aura had changed. She was cold, different, altruistic. The opposite of the person he knew from before. The hatred was evident as it poured out her sky blue eyes and he hated himself for it. But their love could overcome everything. Right?

theAkuhle · Urban
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61 Chs

18| pretty hurts


I walked out of Isaak's room, shocked to see Yulia at the door.

She looked at me with a smirk, as if she knew exactly what had just happened.  "So, you finally realize that he is mine?"

"Enjoy your evening," I said, my voice as cold as hers. I walked past her, not wanting another argument.

As I walked down the hall, I could feel her eyes on me. I didn't turn around, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. I just kept walking, my head held high, trying to appear unbothered by her presence.

On my way out, I saw Claudia, heading in my direction. "Where were you?"

"Nowhere important, "

She looked at me with concern, her brow furrowed. "What's wrong,"

"Hey, remember that ball you told me about?" I asked, changing the subject. Il

Claudia's face lit up at the mention of the ball. "Are you coming?" I nodded and she beamed.

"It's going to be so much fun. Are you bringing a date?"

"No, I'll be going alone," I said, trying to sound casual. In truth, the thought of attending a ball alone made me feel a little nervous. "As long you're there!"

"Come on, let's look for your dress!"


The ball gown was made of the softest silk, with intricate embroidery in shades of pink and white. I could barely breathe in this corset but it was gorgeous. 

What can I say, pretty much hurts.

The bodice was fitted, with a sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves. The skirt was full and flowing, with layers of tulle and organza that gave it a dreamy, ethereal quality. The back of the dress was low, with delicate buttons running down the spine. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, and I couldn't believe I would get to wear it.

As I admired my reflection in the mirror, I thought about the ball. I wondered who else would be there,

My hair was styled in loose, beachy waves, and my bangs swept to the side, framing my face. My earrings were dainty and sparkly, catching the light as I turned my head. The necklace I wore was delicate, with a small diamond pendant that rested just below my collarbone. I felt beautiful, like a princess from a fairytale.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I was starting to feel more and more anxious about attending the ball alone. But I knew that I had to put on a brave face and enjoy myself for the sake of my friend

I rummaged through my makeup bag, looking for my liner and gloss.

I applied my lip liner, going for a neutral shade to complement my natural lip color. I topped it off with a clear gloss, giving my lips a subtle sheen. As I looked at my reflection, I felt like I was almost ready.

I quickly pulled on my gloves making sure they were snug and secure.

I hesitated, wondering if I should grab a coat or not. But I didn't want to cover up my outfit, and I knew I would only get too hot if I wore one. So I decided against it, instead draping a white fur scarf around my neck and shoulders. It was a luxurious accessory, adding a touch of glamour to my look. I grabbed my bag, and with a final glance in the mirror, I left the house.

As I made my way to my car, I felt a sense of excitement and trepidation. I was nervous about the ball, but I was also looking forward to

"Crap," I exclaimed, looking at the time on my phone. I was already late, and I had no time to spare. I quickly gathered my things, rushing out of the door. I didn't even have time to grab my coat, and I shivered as I ran down the stairs. I was in such a rush that I nearly tripped, but I managed to catch myself just in time.

As I rushed to my car, I berated myself for being so disorganized. But I knew I had to focus on getting to the ball and making sure I was on time.


I arrived at the venue, a historic mansion that looked like something out of a fairytale. The gardens were manicured to perfection, and the front steps were adorned with intricate designs. I felt a sense of awe and wonder as I walked up the steps, and entered the building. Inside, the walls were lined with gold leaf and marble, and the chandeliers sparkled with every step I took.

I glanced around, taking in the sights. I felt like I had been transported back in time, to an era of grand balls and regal events. I couldn't believe I was here, and I couldn't

The sound of classical music filled the room, played on a brown gramophone that sat on a pedestal. The couples danced in time to the music, swirling and twirling across the ballroom floor.

Everyone was dressed in their finest attire, and the room was abuzz with conversation and laughter. Champagne glasses clinked as people toasted to the night, and the whole scene felt like something out of a storybook. It was a magical and unforgettable evening.

I felt the weight of many eyes upon me as I walked through the ballroom, and I knew I was the subject of much scrutiny. But I held my head high and tried to keep my composure.

I knew that people would be gossiping and speculating, but I refused to let it get to me. I had come here to enjoy myself, and that's what I intended to do. I would not let the opinions of others dictate my experience.

I continued to scan the room, taking in the sights and sounds of the ball. It was an amazing spectacle, and I was grateful to be a part of it.

I made my way further into the room, beginning to question my decision to come. But something kept me there, something intangible yet powerful. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt a certain pull, a force that was drawing me in. And then I felt it - a pair of eyes upon me, watching me intently.

I turned, trying to pinpoint the source of the gaze. But the room was filled with people, all engaged in conversation. I couldn't tell where the eyes were coming from. But I knew they were there, watching me. It was unsettling, but also strangely intriguing.

A waiter carrying a tray of drinks passed me, and without thinking, I reached out and grabbed a glass of wine. I took a sip, the dry, tart taste flooding my mouth. The alcohol burned my throat, but I welcomed the sensation. It helped to numb the nerves that were still on edge.

As I drained the glass, I felt the tension begin to melt away. My thoughts began to clear, and I took a deep breath. I felt more in control, more like myself. The wine had worked its magic, and I was ready to face the night again.

My eyes locked onto a tall, dark figure across the room. His gaze was intense, his eyes glittering like emeralds. His skin was a deep, rich brown, and it seemed to glow under the soft light of the chandeliers above. I thought he would look away, but he held my gaze, his eyes boring into mine.

"Oh Luka, he can't get enough of you," My heart skipped a beat as I turned around, and I was faced with Claudia.

"Luka?" I asked, my voice faltering. I knew exactly who she was talking about. "What do you mean?"

She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eye. "He can't take his eyes off of you," she said, but I shook the image away.

"I don't know why I came to this party," I sighed, feeling completely bored. The conversations were stilted, the music was too loud, and the food was mediocre. I wanted something more, something that would make me feel alive. I craved chaos and excitement.

"Oh don't worry babe,  someone is about to make your night very interesting," Claudia said, swirling her wine glass as she took a sip.

Just then, a deep, velvety voice called out from the other room, "Ladies." I turned, my heart in my throat, and there he was. The man with the emerald eyes; they were intense almost hypnotic. 

He was tall and muscular, with a confident air about him.

"I think we need to liven things up in here," he said, his eyes fixed on me. He extended his hand, a challenge in his eyes. "Care to join me?" He was so close I could smell his cologne.

"Of course,"

He held out his hand, and I took it, allowing him to lead me into the other room.