

nyfrmdanorph · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Mindmentor (Pilot)

November 18th in Philadelphia, the story begins as footsteps are heard within a school building, everyday humans forget about 1-thousand things, but this story is something no one can just forget so easily…

Altair: (walking towards his first-period class, an English & Writing Period.)

Erica: (also walking towards her class, in the same direction as Altair, bound to cross paths, like destiny has tied them together.)

(The two end up bumping into each other, which forces Erica and Altair to lock eyes, both in a sudden burst of confusion.)

Erica: Watch where you're going, dirty peasant.

Altair: Excuse me? Run that by me again.

Erica: You heard me, peasant, now begone from me. I wish not to waste my time on a slave like you who doesn't know his manners.

(Erica's comment greatly shocks Altair, so he stands there, confused. But after a moment, he speaks up.)

Altair: Watch your mouth, I'm not going to tolerate you just calling me a slave, seems kinda racist, don't you think?

(Erica jumps back in confusion, a bit angry at Altair's comment, so she raises her fist, it glows a pink color, an illuminating aura surrounding her wrist and hand entirely.)

Erica: Racist?! Me?! Never! How dare you insult me like that, you dirty peasant?!

I'm going to whoop your ass for that!

(As she says this, she lunges forward to Altair, attempting to strike him in the chest, but to no avail, she throws a straight-forward punch at him and lands it, however, he doesn't even flinch, instead her hand begins to start hurting severely, as if she was hitting pure steel.)

Erica: Wh-what the hell?! How did…how are you unscathed?! You freak!

Altair: I'm the freak? You just tried to assault me over my reply to your insult, yet I'm the one in the wrong?

You prestigious people are really narcissistic.


(Erica then raises her hand in the air, it glows an even brighter pink than before, almost blinding, she goes to swipe at him, the force so intense, the impact is so great that it causes a windy torrent throughout the halls, making it similar to as if they were in a snowstorm.)

(Yet Altair stands there, just completely unfazed, as if nothing ever happened, he blinks once while looking at her deep in the eyes, his silver eyes locking with her pink pupils.)

Altair: Although you didn't particularly damage me, I'm not going to let you just hit on me as if it were a daily routine, I'll give you one more chance to stop what you're doing, you're making yourself look silly.

(These words from Altair shock Erica, leaving her appalled and discombobulated, she looks around for a moment, frantically looking at the other students observing the spectacle.)


Altair: It's pretty simple, you're weak.

Erica: DAMMIT, luckily I have an ace up my sleeve.

(As she says this, she then pulls her phone out, seemingly calling someone for backup.)

(A moment later, a tall, blonde, light-skinned figure arrives, and he approaches Altair, speaking face-to-face with him.)

Arnon: You the one who's been laying hands on my girlfriend?

Altair: So what? Tell her not to call someone a peasant next time.

Arnon: That doesn't save you from an ass-whooping buddy, prepare yourself.

(Suddenly, the air around Arnon begins to heat up and boil, flaring up violently like a kitchen stove, he puts his arm out, and fire erupts as if his arm were a lighter.)

(The fire crawls around his forearm, going to his fingertips, then engulfing his entire hand, giving him flaming claws.)

Altair: So that's your ability, heat boy huh?

Arnon: Not just fire, but the scorching sun, hotter than that, usually the sun is around 27,000,000°F

Arnon: However, in this case, you wanted to lay hands on my woman, so now you've got me mad.


(The flaming hot claws that Arnon has, erupt into a greater fire, the fire alarms go off in the school and people begin calling the cops, the firefighters, and many others, some even calling their families.)

(Arnon leaps forward toward Altair with his scorching 30,000,000°F claws, attempting to not only scratch him but burn him entirely.)

Altair: A bit too far, don't you think? But be my guest.

(Arnon claws at Altair, landing every hit, but as he stops, he feels a sharp pain in both of his hands, the flames go out and his hand is greatly bruised, his fingernails bent backward, the skin on his fingers mushed, his hand looks like mashed potatoes.

However, as Arnon looks at his hands, then at Altair, he realizes Altair is completely fine, even his clothes are perfectly fine, not a single scratch on him.)


Altair: You went too far with trying to attack me, it's futile my foe.


Altair: Well, call me whatever you want, I'm still human.

Altair: Anyways, I'm going to attack now since you just threatened my life and others as well.

(Altair walks towards Arnon at a slow pace, enough time for Arnon to think.)

Arnon (in his mind): How in the hell am I going to beat this kid?! Is he even human? He can't be, no one can survive the sun! What could his ability be? Is he just heat-resistant?

(Arnon then smirks, because he thinks Altair might just have a heat-resistant ability and nothing more, so he stands there, waiting for Altair to strike, like a deer in the road, waiting to get hit.)

Altair: I will go a bit easy on you, okay?

Arnon: You're just a tanky fuck with no abilities, go ahead, try your bes-

(Arnon gets his sentence cut off, he can't even finish his sentence due to Altair just barely missing an inch from his chest, it's as if Altair stopped the punch before hitting him, but the force of the punch alone is just so horrendously strong that it breaks through a large chunk in the school walls, destroying the roof completely, leaving it in ruins)

(Arnon just stands there as the force rips his skin and flesh off before he can even blink, he's now a skeleton, Arnon is dead.)

Altair: Oh well, he tried to kill me anyway, you reap what you sow.

(Erica who had been near a locker, observing the entire thing, begins to burst into tears, terrified and shocked at Altair's sheer power, even if he was holding back, it still scares the soul out of her body.)

(She begins to tremble as if traumatized by what she just witnessed, she then picks up her phone whilst shaking, nearly dropping it.)

(She calls up yet another person to arrive to maybe put a stop to Altair)

(Altair then looks over, as he notices Erica calling yet another person up to fight her battles.)

Altair: Who ya callin' now? The cops?

Erica: No… I'm calling the 'Top Student in this school'

Altair: Calling the big guns I see, alright then, I guess I'll be waiting.

(A few seconds later, a large purple rift opens, the shape of a complete and perfect circle, a male walks through, his sleek silver hair similar to Altair's, although his pupils are a light purple.)

Altair: And you are?

Ray: The name is Ray, seems you're the one who made this mess.

Altair: Well then, you gonna fight me and lose like the other one?

Ray: Not a chance.

(Ray walks towards Altair at a normal pace, not a single ounce of fear on his face, he seems a bit smaller than Arnon, but he's still pretty tall.)

[To be continued.]


[Chapter 2]

(Ray approaches Altair with an emotionless expression as if he was interrupted before being called here.)

Ray: Strange, how could you have survived Arnon's "heat claws" or whatever he calls those things?

Altair: Fuck around and find out, I don't wanna spoil it for you

Ray: I like your confidence, you sure seem to be a formidable opponent if you can stand here before me, perfectly fine after experiencing the surface of the sun, what's your name?

Altair: It's Altair, and I also noticed we both have silver hair, neat.

Ray: Yes, I possess an extremely powerful ability, but you'll figure that out soon.

(As Ray finishes his sentence, he snaps his fingers and stops time, going behind Altair and striking him in the liver, then going back to his original spot, face to face with Altair)

(He snaps his fingers and time resumes)

(Altair is unfazed, even as he was punched in the liver, in stopped time, he still was unfazed.

Instead, Ray's hand began to hurt severely, as he too was going through the same thing as Erica and Arnon, his hand feeling like he had just punched Steel head-on.)

Ray: Damn, my hand is hurting like a bitch, that must be your ability or something? You can reflect attacks?

Altair: Nah, that ain't it, not close at all.

Ray: Then… what the hell is your ability?!

Altair: None of your business, as for you, you attacked me without even moving, at least I didn't see it, which means your attacks are invisible, although you didn't damage me, try again.

Ray: Tch… I'll show you, how dare you try and embarrass me…

(Ray snaps his fingers, fuming with anger, he stops time and delivers a right hook to Altair's chin in stopped time, but as soon as he goes to land it, Altair glances his fist, moving his eyeballs in stopped time, this greatly shocks Ray)

Ray (in stopped time): How… how in the hell… did this boy see my fist?! How did he just move in stopped time?!

(Ray steps back, nearly stumbling back in fear)

(Time automatically resumes)

(Altair looks at Ray, who is more than 4 feet away, compared to earlier)

Altair: So that was your ability, you can stop time, that's why I didn't see at first, luckily I adapted, my adaptability is 200x greater than yours is, neat ability though.

Ray: Excuse me?! Your adaptability?! So… so that's your ability! I finally got it now! It's adaptability, that's the freaky ability that allowed you to survive the surface of the sun…

Altair: That's a sub-ability I had from birth, it's just in my blood, it ain't really my main ability though.

(Ray gulps and gasps in fear, and then remains in his posture in a random sudden burst of confidence, he rushes towards Altair and starts punching him rapidly, punches flying faster than bullets.)

(Altair decides to dodge everything this time instead of letting Ray attack him, avoiding every attack in fashion)

Ray(Thinking in his mind): This isn't fair, this kid can react and adapt to my every attack, what do I do…?

Altair: I'm going to attack now.

(Ray steps back, seemingly panicking, he tries to think of a solution and then he finally gets an idea, he's going to try and stop time as soon as Altair strikes so that he can be able to dodge his attack)

(Altair goes in for a punch, and as he does, Ray snaps his fingers and stops time, he goes around Altair to be in the opposite direction of the punch, and as he snaps his fingers again to resume time, Altair curves his punch, turning around and predicting Ray's moves entirely, he then uppercuts Ray, turning him into ash and destroying more than half of the school now, Ray is dead)

Altair: Well that's that.

Altair: To be honest he should've known better, his ability to stop time wasn't going to save him from an ass-whooping from me.

(As Altair looks around, he observes the now destroyed school, holes in the ceilings and walls, the lockers are even destroyed, and the place is completely deserted. He thinks to himself that this could've been avoided if someone hadn't bumped into him)

(Police sirens can be heard from outside the destroyed school, it would seem there are several police cars)

(Altair steps out of the school and walks towards the Police, his hand in his trenchcoat's pockets.)



Altair: Relax, don't tell me a man with a gun is afraid of a teen? Or is it because I'm a darker shade than you? My melanin intimidates you, is that it?



Altair: Oh, is that so?

(Altair seemingly smirks, his bloodlust flaring up mysteriously like a deranged animal)

Altair: Tell me then, Officers, what is the strongest organ/muscle in the human body?


Altair: Wrong answer, you have 5 chances to get the right answer or bodies will start flying.

Officer#2: He knows he's going to go to prison so he's become a mad-man, sure, we'll play your little game.

Officer#1: It's the tongue, that's the strongest muscle in the human body, simple and easy.

Altair: Wrong, 4 chances left.

Officer#3: IT'S THE LUNGS!

Altair: Nope, 3 left.

Officer#2: It's the legs?

Altair: Nope.

(Altair holds up two fingers, seemingly mocking them saying they only have two chances left.)

Officer#4: So then it's the eyes?

Altair: No, 1 chance left.


Altair: Wrong, all of you are wrong.

(Altair moves towards them at a normal pace and begins ripping their heads off and throwing them across the city, punching heads off and impaling more than several officers, killing presumably 10 officers before one of them speaks up with another answer)

Officer#7: The strongest muscle/organ in the human body is the brain.

(Altair stops ripping the Officer's to shreds and looks over at the one who spoke up)

Altair: You're the only one who got the answer correct, you are the only one worthy to arrest me.

(Altair puts his hands out, waiting for the Officer to handcuff him, as he does this, he glances at his badge, it says "Officer Ryan")

Altair: Officer Ryan, you seem to have been the only one who wasn't scared of the entire spectacle.

Officer Ryan: Well that's because I have a job to do, I signed up so I might as well be mentally prepared for anything.

Altair: I see, that makes sense, I don't really believe in fear either, it's a problematic concept that completely blocks the process of evolution

Officer Ryan: How old are you? You're speaking like a professor.

Altair: I'm only 15

Officer Ryan: You're only 15 and you caused this much destruction topping that with your flexible ass vocabulary?!

Altair: Yeah

(Officer Ryan slaps the handcuffs on Altair's wrist and takes him into the back of the police car, they drive off to "The Hold")

[End of Chapters 1-3]

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